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Malawi Style Cob Curing.


Some excellent varieties cobbed there my friend. Bangi Haze should be a very interesting cob when you harvest it.
I'm sure all the sativa leaning plants will shine for you.
Panama is mind blowing cobbed one of my all time favorites.

The altered aromas bode well for a nice cure, once aged they will take on a life of their own ha ha.
I need a rest from my favorite South American cobs. I'm starting to loose my grip on reality ha ha But I love it so much its very hard to change to another variety ha ha.
Thank you brothers! @Tangwena @Baba Karuna Your posts were the inspiration for trying this. I chose to grow Panama from reading your reports Tang! I feel like a kid re-discovering my favorite plant again with this cure. I can already tell this will be my preferred method of curing going forward. Very excited to try chewing when they're ready!


Well-known member
All this talk of Panama. I thought I would share this picture of my Swabi-Dragon Panama cross under the Aurora Borealis at 42.2N. 😍
It will be my longest flowering plant this season since I lost my Super Panama Haze to wilt as a seedling


Well-known member
Thank you brothers! @Tangwena @Baba Karuna Your posts were the inspiration for trying this. I chose to grow Panama from reading your reports Tang! I feel like a kid re-discovering my favorite plant again with this cure. I can already tell this will be my preferred method of curing going forward. Very excited to try chewing when they're ready!
I'm in the same boat as you. Found the thread in November last season just a little too late to try it.
But we're all in this season. 😉

Baba Karuna

Well-known member
All this talk of Panama. I thought I would share this picture of my Swabi-Dragon Panama cross under the Aurora Borealis at 42.2N. 😍
View attachment 19082647 It will be my longest flowering plant this season since I lost my Super Panama Haze to wilt as a seedling
This photo is so beautiful 😍 words cannot do it justice. I can only imagine how glorious it must be in person 🙌🏼 Thank you for sharing 🙏🏼

🪷Om Anantāya Namah🪷


Well-known member
Here's my second cob. Hanging 2.5 days
Purple Satellite. I'm trimming right from the line.
I trimmed off more this time. Make a bit larger cob. Everyone is always looking for something to do with trim. But fire in - fire out.
I also trimmed it up a bit and removed the bigger sticks.
Looked like this when I was done. Rolled it in a cornhusk this time

Quite a bit more moisture on this one.
Will have to see if it's too much. Either way it will help give me a benchmark.

Vacuum bag sealed and in the Instant pot for 24hrs.
As always go ahead and let me know what you think.


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Well-known member
Looking like a real cob and thats a fine sativa for cobbing should make a super euphoric dreamy high.
I just love the central and south American sativas or at least the ones I have tried.

As its a bit more moist I would check its progress every 6 hours in the heater as you dont want to over cook it.
As soon as you see both moisture and color change whip it out and dry it as is, until the corn husk is dry then reseal it for a week before drying again and resealing ect.
It will be changing quite fast by then so weekly inspecting and drying for the first month.
Your on a winner with that one.

Baba Karuna

Well-known member
Here's my second cob. Hanging 2.5 days
Purple Satellite. I'm trimming right from the line.
View attachment 19082758 View attachment 19082759 I trimmed off more this time. Make a bit larger cob. Everyone is always looking for something to do with trim. But fire in - fire out. View attachment 19082761 I also trimmed it up a bit and removed the bigger sticks. View attachment 19082762 Looked like this when I was done. Rolled it in a cornhusk this time View attachment 19082767
Quite a bit more moisture on this one.
Will have to see if it's too much. Either way it will help give me a benchmark.

Vacuum bag sealed and in the Instant pot for 24hrs.
As always go ahead and let me know what you think.
Looking good brother 🙌🏼 looking like proper cobs 🤩 you will enjoy the corn husk, it adds a nice flavor and experience.

I am harvesting so much lately that I have to make cobs every day. I have given up on trimming anything except fan leaves and leaves without trichomes. Otherwise I feel I’d never finish 😂

Love seeing your progress and enthusiasm 🙌🏼

🪷Boom Shankar Bolenath Mahadeva🪷


Well-known member
I have 5 more cobs in my sweatbox now. I have added some brown sugar to a couple and also have put some honey in a couple. The cobs are about 15 g and are at 13% moisture (if I can trust this moisture meter). I'm hoping that I can do a bit more comparisons this time - sugar, honey, plain, etc. - the tough part will be waiting the 6 months or so!!!! :whee: :groupwave:


Well-known member
I have 5 more cobs in my sweatbox now. I have added some brown sugar to a couple and also have put some honey in a couple. The cobs are about 15 g and are at 13% moisture (if I can trust this moisture meter). I'm hoping that I can do a bit more comparisons this time - sugar, honey, plain, etc. - the tough part will be waiting the 6 months or so!!!! :whee: :groupwave:
Yeah I hear you man I opened some Mulanje x Colombian Gold/DL today made in August its a bit early to test them but I did HaHa.
They are drying in a paper bag in the shade at the moment.
The smell was an intense sweet menthol and pine mind blowing ganja aroma.

I chewed a nice piece about 15 mins ago and already my face is numb and I cant stop smiling ha ha.
I didn't have my phone so I used my Go Pro it doesn't focus this close but you can see the colors.
I just love the white/ creamy sugary color the buds have turned quite peppery taste typical African ganja.



Well-known member
Gorgeous pictures 🤩 well done 👏🏼

Excited for all
The results of your harvest to come to fruition 😎 No doubt that Panama and Bangi are going to be quite special. I grew Panama years ago and it was an amazing plant 🙏🏼

🪷Boom Shiva🪷
first frost have yet to arrive yet looks like the frost is about three weeks or so away all outie should be ready to chop by then ,hopeing for a good outdoor harvest this year to make up for bad weather the past two years!


Well-known member
Here's my second cob. Hanging 2.5 days
Purple Satellite. I'm trimming right from the line.
View attachment 19082758 View attachment 19082759 I trimmed off more this time. Make a bit larger cob. Everyone is always looking for something to do with trim. But fire in - fire out. View attachment 19082761 I also trimmed it up a bit and removed the bigger sticks. View attachment 19082762 Looked like this when I was done. Rolled it in a cornhusk this time View attachment 19082767
Quite a bit more moisture on this one.
Will have to see if it's too much. Either way it will help give me a benchmark.

Vacuum bag sealed and in the Instant pot for 24hrs.
As always go ahead and let me know what you think.
this strain is somthing i need in my cooler to try in the near future,sativa strains i do'nt have so it's back to the seed catalog for these strains 3
Opened up this cheese auto from seedsman yesterday. A very nice chew with deeply relaxing effects, centered and calm. Slightly fruity and hashy taste. 😋

🪷Om Mani Padm

Thank you so much my friend. I feel very blessed to have access to a community like this where the value of fermented herb is truly understood and valued. Many thanks and praises to all of the contributors and many blessings to @Tangwena for starting this thread and educating us all 🙏🏼

🪷Om Punyāham Om Punyāham Om Punyāham🪷



Well-known member
I have used both and prefer them to be dry like when used for tamales 🫔

When I used fresh ones, some of the cobs smelled more earthy and less like the herbs terpenes. It only happened with a small number of cobs so it could have just been my situation. 🙏🏼

🪷Om Śivamastu🪷
I nee to know the language to translate the things you people say at the end of a sentance ,i only speak english and have never been out of the country the meaning of ,Om 'Sivamastu? sitll stumps me!


Well-known member
Here's my second cob. Hanging 2.5 days
Purple Satellite. I'm trimming right from the line.
View attachment 19082758 View attachment 19082759 I trimmed off more this time. Make a bit larger cob. Everyone is always looking for something to do with trim. But fire in - fire out. View attachment 19082761 I also trimmed it up a bit and removed the bigger sticks. View attachment 19082762 Looked like this when I was done. Rolled it in a cornhusk this time View attachment 19082767
Quite a bit more moisture on this one.
Will have to see if it's too much. Either way it will help give me a benchmark.

Vacuum bag sealed and in the Instant pot for 24hrs.
As always go ahead and let me know what you think.
this strain is somthing i need in my cooler to try in the near future,sativa strains i do'nt have so it's back to the seed catalog for these strains 3
Opened up this cheese auto from seedsman yesterday. A very nice chew with deeply relaxing effects, centered and calm. Slightly fruity and hashy taste. 😋

🪷Om Mani Padm
Hi my friend
It sounds like you can spare a few ounces of each from your hash stash.
At least an ounce as it helps the process if the cobs have a bit of meat to them.

I have cobs from 6 years back that still work fine. The oldest is 2017 ha ha.
Once the cure is to your taste dry and reseal them to age, they last a LONG time but like anything each has its primo age 2 to 3 years is my preferred age.

Post pics as you go and we can guide you. But I dont think you will need much guidance as your experience with both flower and hash will steer you on the right path I'm sure.
there are a few of us who never had the extra stash to try hash or cobs ,i have been growing ever since i got out of high school never had the grows like i have in the past 5/6 years, i dumped all the old growme's of the past when i got to paying attension to the plants and all the nubs where buds were cut from the plants!some people get greedy when it comes to smoke, even when they have grown with the same person for 15 years or so they can try to grow their owne from now on!really hurts when you thought you have friends then relize how bad things are with two face people.


Well-known member
Thanks for your reply, that's interesting about the crystal formation.
If you have never caught a large fish, you don't have much understanding just how physical it gets landing them.
Hope you got some fish for the freezer every thing i have caught has been fresh water my biggest is a 82 lb. blue cat this year so far has been a 74 lb flathead cat have been useing home made bait for a few years now chesse ,cattail to thicken things up a bit strawberry coolaid for tasteworks real well!


Well-known member
No dont cook it any more it looks great to me just vacuum seal it and keep it in a warm place 30c or thereabouts its obviously a little too dry to sweat a lot.
30C° - 86°F is gonna be a little hard to find around here. 😉
We're wood burners and the girlfriend isn't firing up the furnace anytime soon or the fireplace. 😉 Whole house is about 66°. She's Dutch and likes to make a money saving game of how long she waits.

A trick I've used in the past to grow my sponge at a controlled rate (for flavor) when making sourdough bread.
Is to boil a mug of water in the microwave and then put the yeast in the better climate. Has to be maintained but it works. Will stay for hours if you don't open the door.

So this is my way until the weather gets a bit colder out and we start heating the house.
What cha think? 🤔


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Well-known member
30C° - 86°F is gonna be a little hard to find around here. 😉 View attachment 19083119 We're wood burners and the girlfriend isn't firing up the furnace anytime soon or the fireplace. 😉 Whole house is about 66°. She's Dutch and likes to make a money saving game of how long she waits.

A trick I've used in the past to grow my sponge at a controlled rate (for flavor) when making sourdough bread.
Is to boil a mug of water in the microwave and then put the yeast in the better climate. Has to be maintained but it works. Will stay for hours if you don't open the door.

So this is my way until the weather gets a bit colder out and we start heating the house.
What cha think? 🤔
I cut most of my firewood aswell:) we have a saying here that woodwork heats three times, when you saw it, when you split it and when you burn it:) Good exerzize aswell! As a matter if fact i have a treelift and a winch in my house to the forest
olmost like this🤣
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