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Malawi Style Cob Curing.


Altruistic Hazeist
That proofs that cobbing achieves better "digestion" which leads to a more efficiently cured, AND concentrated product.


Knight of the BlackSvn
This was posted in my grow thread by v1ru5 I hope he doesn't mind me copying it here.
First flower result then cob result of tested bud.

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I posted those results in this thread when I first got them. I posted them again when SkunkmanSam was commenting about no lab tests. They do show an increase in all cannabinoids. What the didn't show, to my surprise, was much decarboxylation. I wish they would have had microbial and terpene results, that would be interesting...


Well-known member
I posted those results in this thread when I first got them. I posted them again when SkunkmanSam was commenting about no lab tests. They do show an increase in all cannabinoids. What the didn't show, to my surprise, was much decarboxylation. I wish they would have had microbial and terpene results, that would be interesting...
Thanks for clearing that up my friend I remember that post now
Yes there could even be changes that are not tested for in these tests as well as the things you mentioned.
But at least it shows that there are some changes happening during the cure.
You can feel the difference in the high if the cure is successful.

As just about every cure is different its really hard to pin it down without knowing what you are looking for.
I am just happy I can make it happen more often than not.
Still a lot of experimentation to do.

Old Toker

Well-known member
I am a cool person who likes to lab test cobs for mold and other biological problems. So far, so good.
Really....no mold? That's good. How many have you tested?
I have five cobs curing (7 months) and I've wondered whether there could be mold using the cobbing method. If there is any mold....it certainly doesn't seem to have caused Tangwena any problems. :tiphat:


Well-known member
Really....no mold? That's good. How many have you tested?
I have five cobs curing (7 months) and I've wondered whether there could be mold using the cobbing method. If there is any mold....it certainly doesn't seem to have caused Tangwena any problems. :tiphat:
You wouldn't say that if you met me ha ha.
No mold my friend ever unless you leave it wet and warm. Theres only one thing I like wet and warm.


Does the cobbing process somehow "trap" and retain more of the terpenes and THC that escapes or changes during air drying then bottle curing? Maybe it's a case of less loss and also the changes that place during cobbing that makes the high from cobbed buds the one I prefer.

I wouldn't be surprised if Co2 combined with something else that happens during the cobbing process is where the positive changes happen.

or did I just write the same thoughts 11 pages back? lol....cobbed again! I wouldn't say the high from cob is headier than bud, but it's definitely trippier and deeper while being less frantic. I never get manically uppity on cobs, but sometimes the same plant's buds make my blood sugar drop and that doesn't happen on cobs. It's just a slight difference but certainly noticeable.

Happy Cobbing!
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Boreal Curing
I've been thinking about cobbing quite a bit lately.

I know for a fact that when I make sourdough bread, the process of fermentation alters the structure of the carbohydrates significantly and to the point that the glycemic index is lowered substantially. So much so that it barely affects your blood sugar. The same it true for other fermented breads (pumpernickel etc) and other products that are fermented (sauerkraut to mention one of hundreds) also have significant benefits. Everything changes in fermentation.

I wouldn't be surprised in the least to find the molecular structures of all canabinoids changed. It seems the previously posted tests concur. I wonder what other modifications happen in the process.
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