The strongest Malawi and its sativa hybrids to me sound like a dmt high from ayahuasca exept for the puking your guts out part before tripping on the huasca
Hello again,
What exactly is loose cob? Where is the difference compared to what I have done?
I did not vacuum seal with the first sweat. 30 hours at 40C (100F). I loosely tied grocery bags around the cobs.
The bag should be sealed not loosely tied.
For the initial sweat, it's important to seal the cob(s) in a plastic bag or the cobs could dry out if high temps are used or the end result of the cure won't be as good as it could of been. It doesn't need to be vac sealed, just sealed and air/water proof and in a temp range of 40 ~ 50 C for 12~24 hours. If the inside of the bag doesn't have visible moisture or droplets of water after 12 or so hours then the temps were too low, the bud was too dry to cob or the bag was not sealed and the condensation is escaping.....fix that or the cobs may not ferment properly or taste as good.
The more I cob, the wetter the bud is at the beginning. .
Hashi is right the moister the better I have used plants that have been hung for only 24hrs and everything was cool.Do you mean that you prefer wetter, undried buds to go into the cob at the beginning?
Thanks for your advice and input. I am not expecting too much from these cobs. I am very excited to try it for real and I wont have fresh buds for months to cob with. So I cobbed some dry buds I had laying around just to quench my excitement.
Maybe I won't cob more this weekend if you think it is not that great in the end.