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Malawi Style Cob Curing.


Well-known member
The strongest Malawi and its sativa hybrids to me sound like a dmt high from ayahuasca exept for the puking your guts out part before tripping on the huasca


I had no luck finding the yogurt maker, went to london drugs, canadian tire and costco. I did buy a vacuum sealer. I guess I am going to use my heated mat (for seedling) Its about 16'' x 24'' , I ll be able to wrap quite a few.

The plant is going to be about a 6-8 ounces and I might try to ferment it all, or maybe I should wait until I have practiced a few times haha. I ll just wrap 4 - 6 vacuum sealed bag and set it on 40 Celcius and drop it in a big rubber-made tote, sounds like a plan?

Dr. Grinspoon

New member
Hello Everyone!

Good day from Oregon, USA!

Hey Santa that's exactly what I did today. Heat mat and towels and a tub. I just put enough towels between until I hit just the right heat. It was easier than I thought. Too hot = more towels under the cobs on the pad.

So I sweated 4 cobs that were tied up and put in loose plastic bags loosely shut. Sweat at ~40 C for about 30 hours. I took them out and they were definitely wet. I opened 2 of them and the buds were darker and the smell definitely changed. Sweet smell like corn and just nice. I dried them for 2 hours until the outside husk was dry.

I have vacuum sealed and they will live on some lights ~21 C for a while. Is that not hot enough?? I think I can let them sit for 2 months.... maybe :)

The Dr Grinspoon with a cured bud for comparison:

It was the fattest cob because it is most dense.

Unknown sativa that I grew last summer.

Small cobs. The third one I did I used 1.5 ounce instead of just 1 ounce. This one is ounce. Cured bud for comparison. More color change than the DrG.


Loose bud, or "canary bud". That is bud not rolled or pressed during sweat. It changes color same as your cob. When you see the desired color your cob is done. Then the cure.


Altruistic Hazeist
Hello again,

What exactly is loose cob? Where is the difference compared to what I have done?

Maybe you refer to jar sweating? Same procedure, but instead of rolling the buds into a cob, they're loosely put inside a mason jar.

Prop something so that buds don't touch the jar bottom, which will be collecting the sweat. Vacuum the jar, then sweat it, dismiss the sweat, re-vacuum, cure.

Goal I think is preserving bud appeal... but risk of getting mold increases I think... nevertheless is the kind of high and preservation what counts for me (and most I believe) more than bud appeal, hence tight-cobbing looks like a sure-fire method vs loose cobbing.


Well-known member
Resin up close

Resin up close

The difference a different cure has on the resin and the effects of said resin is beyond me ha ha. At the moment everything is getting beyond me I just tried some of the Malawi x Ethiopian and its glorious I am going up like a rocket.

First up Panama x Honduras speedy/trippy cured

Second Panama deep energetic and trippy perfect combo

Third Malawi x Ethiopian fast strong trippy real loosing it gear unique.



I did not vacuum seal with the first sweat. 30 hours at 40C (100F). I loosely tied grocery bags around the cobs.

The bag should be sealed not loosely tied.
For the initial sweat, it's important to seal the cob(s) in a plastic bag or the cobs could dry out if high temps are used or the end result of the cure won't be as good as it could of been. It doesn't need to be vac sealed, just sealed and air/water proof and in a temp range of 40 ~ 50 C for 12~24 hours. If the inside of the bag doesn't have visible moisture or droplets of water after 12 or so hours then the temps were too low, the bud was too dry to cob or the bag was not sealed and the condensation is escaping.....fix that or the cobs may not ferment properly or taste as good.


I chopped a couple buds from my spacegrin yesterday morning a couple of days before I harvest the room, so I can practice on a small amount first.

If I can make time tonight, the spindly flowers will go in a vacuum seal bag for 20 hours at roughly 40 C. I am excited for this. I must admit Tangwena, when I first discovered this thread, I thought, what a joke, how to turn great buds into brickweed. haha. Now that I have faith, I must master it.

Dr. Grinspoon

New member
The bag should be sealed not loosely tied.
For the initial sweat, it's important to seal the cob(s) in a plastic bag or the cobs could dry out if high temps are used or the end result of the cure won't be as good as it could of been. It doesn't need to be vac sealed, just sealed and air/water proof and in a temp range of 40 ~ 50 C for 12~24 hours. If the inside of the bag doesn't have visible moisture or droplets of water after 12 or so hours then the temps were too low, the bud was too dry to cob or the bag was not sealed and the condensation is escaping.....fix that or the cobs may not ferment properly or taste as good.

Thank you, I will do this next time. I am going to do another couple cobs this weekend. There was moisture in the bags after I opened them So I hope it worked. Ill open them in a couple weeks and will definitely post pics. I am using already dried and cured buds and re wetting them before cobbing. I hope it works. I wont harvest a decent sativa for ~100 days....


I am using already dried and cured buds and re wetting them before cobbing. I hope it works.

I'm sure Tangwena will chime in here with his wisdom and experience, but I don't think that will work. I've tried curing in a glass jar with over-dried bud that was re-wet and it did not "cure" at all. Once it's dry, no cure or positive changes can take place. I've also tried wetting bud that was too dry for cobbing and it didn't "work" either. The more I cob, the wetter the bud is at the beginning. I find airy bud needs to only dry for 3 days, denser bud for 5 days to be at the right moisture level before sealing and heat for 24 hours, then I unwrap it and air dry it for 4 ~ 8 hours (until the wet sponge-ness goes away), then re-seal for curing.


I chopped a couple buds from my spacegrin yesterday morning a couple of days before I harvest the room, so I can practice on a small amount first.

One of the first cobs I made was with leaves only......and it actually smoked smooth .
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Dr. Grinspoon

New member
The more I cob, the wetter the bud is at the beginning. .

Do you mean that you prefer wetter, undried buds to go into the cob at the beginning?

Thanks for your advice and input. I am not expecting too much from these cobs. I am very excited to try it for real and I wont have fresh buds for months to cob with. So I cobbed some dry buds I had laying around just to quench my excitement.

Maybe I won't cob more this weekend if you think it is not that great in the end.



Well-known member
Do you mean that you prefer wetter, undried buds to go into the cob at the beginning?

Thanks for your advice and input. I am not expecting too much from these cobs. I am very excited to try it for real and I wont have fresh buds for months to cob with. So I cobbed some dry buds I had laying around just to quench my excitement.

Maybe I won't cob more this weekend if you think it is not that great in the end.

Hashi is right the moister the better I have used plants that have been hung for only 24hrs and everything was cool.
Remember they sweat the moisture out while they are being heated in the bag. The only reason I do 3 or 4 day dries is for the differing results.
The wetter the buds usually results in darker more hash looking cobs.
The drier the buds going into the sweat the less they change.
This can be good if you are after buds that smell and look more like aged jar cured buds.
But if you want the most radical changes use moister buds in the sweat.
The mistake most people make the first time is using buds that are to dry. It will not harm them at all but the changes are not as pronounced.
Its one of those things where experience is your best friend. Learning what the sweet fermented smells mean as far as when to stop the sweat is something that will make you a good curer very quickly with this method.
Most of us can only learn by practice as there are no courses in this being run currently. Its something I would like to run if it was possible and legal.
Apart from growing cobbing is the next best feeling, after the grow is over I love the smells and textures of the cobs as they cure.


I compressed the flowers in cob like shape, vacuum sealed, it will be heated for over 20 hours only because I will be sleeping at the 20 hour mark haha.

If this works, I plan to start cobbing all the popcorn buds on all my plants, also I can not wait to press cob to rosin and compare! I am sure someone will beat me to it!

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