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Malawi Style Cob Curing.

First, a big thanks to Tangwena and others who contributed to this GREAT thread!

Ok, so regarding indicas I have read in this thread that a few have tried cobbing them. But I haven't read any reports on the result.

It would be great to hear from someone who actually tried cobing indicas, how was it?

I am growing 3 strains from ACE right now, a Panama x Malawi, a Haze x Kali China and an Early Bubba Hash.

The 2 former plants are sativas, and I have no doubt that they will be great once they are cobbed.

The latter is a 100 % indica, and also a high CBD variety. Does anyone have any experience or thoughts on what I might expect from cobbing this one?

Thanks in advance to all you guys!


Well-known member
First, a big thanks to Tangwena and others who contributed to this GREAT thread!

Ok, so regarding indicas I have read in this thread that a few have tried cobbing them. But I haven't read any reports on the result.

It would be great to hear from someone who actually tried cobing indicas, how was it?

I am growing 3 strains from ACE right now, a Panama x Malawi, a Haze x Kali China and an Early Bubba Hash.

The 2 former plants are sativas, and I have no doubt that they will be great once they are cobbed.

The latter is a 100 % indica, and also a high CBD variety. Does anyone have any experience or thoughts on what I might expect from cobbing this one?

Thanks in advance to all you guys!
If I may answer this a guy I know online and who cures wonderful bricks of everything.
Started out doing Indicas and Hybrids said of the Gorilla Glue cobs he made that smoking the buds jar cured made him enjoy listening
to music.
But that the cobbed and aged buds made him become the music as if it was alive inside him and he was part of the music.
He got lost moving and feeling the music. As he said he does not dance but the cobbed GG made him dance and get lost in the meaning of the song.
Most people report a favorable difference if they successfully achieve a good fermentation.
Thanks Tangwena!

That sounds like the experience I had the first time I tried some hash some 20 years ago. Sounds great!

Will report back on my my findings later on. I expect harvest in 2 months time, and then some proper fermentation.... So I will know in 3 months at the earliest.



Boreal Curing
I don't think adding dry sift when making a cob will make any difference to the high compared to adding the same dry sift to aged cob just before smoking it as it's dry and probably won't be affected by the fermentation process...but like Tang said, there's only one way to find out. I'd like to see dry ice sifting done on bud that was air dried for just 3 days then combined with 3 day dried bud in a cob, I think this could possibly make a positive difference to the high of that cob as the resin is not desiccated.

How was cobbing invented? Most likely some branches of half dried bud was wrapped in leaves, stashed and forgotten about for several months then discovered and voila! This is probably how all fermentation techniques were invented, by accident, observation, a keen mind and that wonder filled light bulb moment then experimentation.

Have there been any archaeological digs that discovered ancient cobs? Without proof there's just guessing on when cobs were first made. Was it first made in the Congo or Malawi or elsewhere in Africa?

Are cobs used in cooking in Africa or do they sometimes use just dried bud in stews and soups for medicinal (and recreational) reasons like northern Thais sometimes do? If Africans only smoke cobs then it's highly likely that cobs were developed after tobacco was introduced. And as cobbing is a form to preservation and packaging, it was probably developed as a way of getting bud to market without deteriorating in a standard type of packaging for distribution and sale, so it's my guesstimate that cobbing was developed 200 ~ 100 years ago. have there been any written reports from travelers about cobs that are over 40 or 50 years old? This fermentation method has only been seen in parts of Malawi (and the Congo region) as far as I know, so I wonder why India and other tropical and sub-tropical countries with humid climate that traded with Africa before whites settled there didn't borrow this technique? Perhaps because cobbing was isolated to one small isolated region in Malawi where it was invented until wholesale trade of cannabis out of the region happened (which was probably when cities developed on the coast??)

But it's all guesswork until hard evidence is discovered in the form of scientific digs and analyzed.

Hum.... how did they discover wrapping cheese in wax kept it from going bad? Hunger in the off season will make you try all sorts of crazy shit to make sure you don't go hungry again. Saving that awesome juice you got, turned to wine.

Smoking fresh dried flower was probably the original way to use it. Someone used a handful of dried flower to start a fire and got a good buzz from the smoke of the still moist centre of the flower. Wrapping the flower in cobs was probably simply invented for trade. Just put it in a cloth bag and it turns to dust. So wrap it airtight in corn husks. Some left over cobs were probably discovered between harvest "hey, I found a couple cobs we didn't give to the caravan. We can get stoned!" and they got high as fuck instead. After that, cobbing was probably used going forward because you'll have some weed off season.

Like Tangwena said he uses it, CHEWED was probably used on the hunt. Like dried or meat jerky. Stopping to light up a pipe was probably out of the question on the hunt.

But I'm just guessing here.


Active member
i like old school weed. why everything got to look great.
a true smoke that is the bomb, thats serious gear,
that make you think wow.

we judge by the book cover. and waste are time.

long live this thread



Boreal Curing
This is a bit off-topic, but worth a read nonetheless.

Cannabis and Tobacco in Precolonial and Colonial Africa..

It's an interesting read that disputes that the central Americans were the first to smoke out of pipes as mentioned in Wikipedia's History of tobacco


good read.

For those who want to read the articles, you have to remove the S from https://africanh...

It's a forum thing that won't link to non secure sites.


I tried removing the s and got "page not found", so I copied "Cannabis and Tobacco in Precolonial and Colonial Africa" and pasted it and found the paper again...this time I will read it, as I only gave it a quick scan last time.

by the way, there was no mention of cobs or anything relating to it in the above paper but there's some good photos of guys hitting their pipes

Figure 2: Smokers in the Maghreb..check out his stash tin on his lap, full of buds! and the look on his face seems to say "This is good shit, now hurry up and make your machine do it's thing so I can sit here in peace and enjoy the buzz"

Figure 6: Porters in western Central Africa ..these guys looked baked.
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Tangwena!!!! :tiphat:

Wow! You aren't going to believe this! I completely FORGOT about that cob I made back in, what, October?

My husband had a real bad fall at the end of October and broke the femur in the leg he had just had hip surgery done on a few months earlier. It has been a LONG, hard recovery, and since we are here on our own on the farm, pretty much everything fell on me to get through putting the farm 'to bed' for the winter, and getting the freezer filled during deer season. And I did it too - got a real nice 8 point buck and a huge doe. :)

But, in the midst of all the chaos that the last few months has been, I completely forgot about the cob I'd put to rest in the overflow stash box in the back of the closet. I actually forgot all about cobbing at all, and this thread! Got the box out last night to replenish my hitter box, and low and behold, tucked in the back, there it was. :D

Well, long story short...the cob turned out perfect in every way, save one. The potency is simply not there - seriously, I imagine some run-of-the-mill ditch weed would give you more of a high than this stuff. hrmph....BUT I KNEW that was a possibility. After all, the plant was from accidental seed from an accidental pollination of some unknown hybrid plants grown from bag seed. For all I know, it is just plain hemp - Ruderalis - that was crossed with something to make an autoflowering plant at some point. :D

BUT, the important thing is, the cob turned out just beautiful, so essentially my mission was accomplished - make a good cob. Now, when I have some GOOD stuff to make one in a couple of months, I will have the confidence that it will be done well. Even though there is no high to be had, I DID notice that the smoke was incredibly smooth, and boy did this burn clean.

I'll put pics of it up next.

Again, thanks again, Tangwena! I can't wait to try again! :dance013:



Well-known member
My first cob attempt....

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Hi Mary looks good from here. Nice colors means the fermentation was good.
The smooth smoke is what you are after, the potency will depend on what you put in. I only use kick ass strains, if what you used was not strong it will not become strong by curing it this way.
The good thing is it turned out perfectly. Now try it again with something with a bit of power and you will see the difference.
Hats off to you, you got a nice result onwards and up wards from here.


MM.....I haven't read many of your posts....BUT....anyone who has an "overflow stash box" is good with me. :tiphat:
Hope your husband recovers soon.


Thank you for the kind wishes. He's doing pretty well. I call him Festus now and then because he tends to get that gimping along hitch going when he gets tired/lazy still, but other than that, he's healing up quite well.

Tangwena, I doubt I'll waste anymore time/trouble on this particular cob, as I said, it isn't fit to smoke for the high - there just isn't any there. It'd be like smoking a funky cigarette at best. heh. It's pretty as hell, just worthless.

My (Ace) Panama Goddess x New Malawi Killer plant is 3 weeks into flower now, so she will be the next cob I attempt. :) I am really looking forward to that.



Tangwena!!!! :tiphat:

Well, long story short...the cob turned out perfect in every way, save one. The potency is simply not there - seriously, I imagine some run-of-the-mill ditch weed would give you more of a high than this stuff. hrmph....BUT I KNEW that was a possibility. After all, the plant was from accidental seed from an accidental pollination of some unknown hybrid plants grown from bag seed. For all I know, it is just plain hemp - Ruderalis - that was crossed with something to make an autoflowering plant at some point. :D

BUT, the important thing is, the cob turned out just beautiful, so essentially my mission was accomplished - make a good cob. Now, when I have some GOOD stuff to make one in a couple of months, I will have the confidence that it will be done well. Even though there is no high to be had, I DID notice that the smoke was incredibly smooth, and boy did this burn clean.


Maybe it didn't get you high because it was a high cbd strain. Could be very medicinal.


Altruistic Hazeist
Keeping up with the farm, hunting, taking care of him, growing and... even making beautiful cobs at first try?!?

Your husband is a lucky one! wish him to recover quickly :biggrin:
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Dropped Cat

Six Gummi Bears and Some Scotch
Found a small stash of the Zamaldelica cob I did a couple years ago.




Thunk cobs curing in jars as we speak, a couple more weeks and will report.




Well-known member
Found a small stash of the Zamaldelica cob I did a couple years ago.




Thunk cobs curing in jars as we speak, a couple more weeks and will report.


Gotta love that feeling good on you.
I had some Zam yesterday, or was it the day before. I have forgotten what happened after I said WOW! ha ha. Ride that pony my friend.