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Malawi Style Cob Curing.


Well-known member
Here are some before and after pics of some Mulanje x Malawi/Ethiopia.
3 to 4 weeks since picking and curing.
Now dried ready for sealing up to age has a nice pliable consistency like rubber or leather.
With a piney herbal aroma.

img_3531 - copy-web.jpg
img_3531b - copy-web.jpg

This stuff once aged for 9 months has a speedy euphoric manic driven high that last for a good 8 hrs chewed.
I feel like superman and its hard to not laugh at anything at all great for a party or day on the boat fishing boundless energy and positivity bordering on obsession with enjoying life to the max in any way you fancy.


Well-known member
@Hombre del mont Just a quick shot of a wad of Zenith. I just chewed about 0.1g and boy has it lifted me off ha ha.
Its got a floral metalic aroma I have not come across before and a medicinal taste fantastic.
Lucky I pollinated it with my Mulanje so its going to get even more euphoric next generation ha ha.
Just about to go wading in shallow crystal clear water fishing whiting and I'm pumped ha ha.

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Just over 6 weeks curing it will be super cryptonite once aged phew.
Big thanks to you and our benefactor @dubi. I cant count how many times I give thanks to you brother.
have a good one fishing!


Well-known member
@Tangwena , Oh my, nice evolution of the goodness there!! I love how the colors evolve and I can only imagine how the aromas and texture changes too! (No wonder you love fishing so much brother!) Cheers!

"Piney herbal" works for me!!

OH ya, any "pics or it didn't happen" of your latest fishing adventures?? Enquiring minds would love to know? :)
I'm currently fishing in Shark Bay Western Australia.
We fish a lot from a resort called Monkey Mia, it is shark central as big Sharks come here in our summer to give birth in the warm shallow water.
We are always amazed when we return from fishing to see tourists on paddle boards, inflatable craft of all types and just plain swimming in the shallow water adjacent to a deep channel frequented by dozens of very large sharks.
Somehow I think that may change as today this was posted online. No surprise to me but I'm sure it was to a lot of swimmers ha ha.

tiger shark.jpg

The Tiger shark was chasing a turtle which headed to the beach to escape and ended up beaching itself before making it back into the water.
We have had 2 weeks of insane wind which is due to break tomorrow!
Then we have 4 or 5 days of fishable winds cant wait. But being the full moon there will be predators everywhere.
Sharks, Mackerel, tuna, infact everything will be eating everything smaller than itself.
I'm ready haha!



Well-known member
Hola all you cob artists!

Quick question: approximately what is the density, volume / weight, of cob herb?

Like, how big does a 1 oz cob come out? Or 1/2, or 1/4, or whatever size you people shape them into?

I need to get some long term storage ready, and will pack my harvest fairly tight.
Trying to figure out the size of my storage containers for a couple of oz (at a guess, still weeks from harvest).
Won't be a proper cob cure, but I figure cob density will be pretty similar to how I'm going to pack.
I used to store my herb in a similar way a long time ago, 1/4 oz pellets wrapped tight.
They were prob about 12 cm long by 2.5 to 3 cm thick, about 60-80 ml in volume.
That's from memory, early '90s, haha, so could be totally inaccurate.

I use a vac machine and put about 5 oz in the bag, then just vac as tight as possible, I also don't roll it or anything. It goes into my dehydrator then for 9-12 hrs at 40C. The size ends up at about 3" x 6" and 1" thick and seems to meld into an almost homogenous lump. You could store many of these in a not so large container!
You pretty much need to use a big knife to chop off a chunk at a time when you need some more supply!

Maria Sanchez

Well-known member
I use a vac machine and put about 5 oz in the bag, then just vac as tight as possible, I also don't roll it or anything. It goes into my dehydrator then for 9-12 hrs at 40C. The size ends up at about 3" x 6" and 1" thick and seems to meld into an almost homogenous lump. You could store many of these in a not so large container!
You pretty much need to use a big knife to chop off a chunk at a time when you need some more supply!
Cool info, thnx.
About 280 ml vol for 140 g = 0.5 g/ml.


Stray Cat
I've always heard about these different recipes to give cannabis a better flavor. I heard this when I smoked as a teenager in the 90s. The one I remember was said as if it were a recipe from the people of the forests, mixing cannabis with honey and a little cachaça, a sugarcane distillate typical of the region, placing it on a bamboo stick and burying it somewhere with plenty of sun for up to 3 months.

Reading this thread, I discover this is also an African recipe. Very interesting. It can be as confusing as the place of origin of the cannabis plant and even the place of origin of Homo sapiens. In the end, Africa is our Madre Tierra.

I still read the entire thread to extract some recipes, and try this one I remember from childhood.


Well-known member
I've always heard about these different recipes to give cannabis a better flavor. I heard this when I smoked as a teenager in the 90s. The one I remember was said as if it were a recipe from the people of the forests, mixing cannabis with honey and a little cachaça, a sugarcane distillate typical of the region, placing it on a bamboo stick and burying it somewhere with plenty of sun for up to 3 months.

Reading this thread, I discover this is also an African recipe. Very interesting. It can be as confusing as the place of origin of the cannabis plant and even the place of origin of Homo sapiens. In the end, Africa is our Madre Tierra.

I still read the entire thread to extract some recipes, and try this one I remember from childhood.
Yes I heard of it, almost identical mixing a little of lifes special treats never goes wrong hey?


Well-known member
If a single large cola yields an ounce after fully drying and curing, how much would that same cola yield using the cob method?

(I know colas don't usually yield that much, but this is just to make the math easier)
Hi @Ravel , it should yield the same, or darned close to it.
When cobbing, you don't lose any weight per se but the volume of space the cob takes up for the same weight is much smaller due to compression of the weed during the cobbing process. Hope that helps!