I used to love the stringy texture in cobs like that when I still smoked.One of my Peruvian Heirlooms from last yearThis one smelled like sweet, tropical fruit, black pepper, plastic, and reminded me of an artificial tropical candy because of the plastic type aroma. Very astringent. The effects are incredly strong. Soaring, cerebral, clear headed, enhanced colors/vision, racing heart, energetic, psychedelic, and meditative. The cobbing brings more mellowness and a feeling of being centered in the body, smoking a pinner joint made me feel like I had ingested a small amount of DMT. Smooth smoke that expands greatly in the lungs. A truly standout "Sativa", one of the best I have encountered.
Bom Bom Bolenath Mahadeva!
I scored some sticky pine disinfectant smelling cobs once from Tete on the Zambezi river in Mozambique, tripped us all out real manic high loved it.