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Malawi Style Cob Curing.


Active member
This is the bitches 15th week... it was a malawi female from ace seeds and an ssh from Mr nice or it. Old of been the peach hashplant from bodhi...regardless, looks like a foxtailing ssh flower form mixed with those malawi flower diamond packed realtively well and with malawi leaf structure and plant form/vigor....smells like candied something....excited to proper Cobb this


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Well-known member
And to answer your question, it was still nice wierd roasted half vaped tasting herb but nowhere what it would have been. while i think yours is fine. Luckily i am past that now and onto bigger and better losses. Hahaha dog died. Not making a thread or anything but she was my best friend for sure and i feel naked walking without her anywhere in nature.. say hi to your dogs for me. :):)


Active member
And to answer your question, it was still nice wierd roasted half vaped tasting herb but nowhere what it would have been. while i think yours is fine. Luckily i am past that now and onto bigger and better losses. Hahaha dog died. Not making a thread or anything but she was my best friend for sure and i feel naked walking without her anywhere in nature.. say hi to your dogs for me. :):)
Man sneezy, I'm sorry brother for the loss ... on both accounts :/ my dad died of covid and grandma of leukemia last year... so I'm on that loss train with you atm... feels like everything's not right sometimes and time slipping fast...

Are you going too get a new friend this year?

We all die.... and fuck our weed up from time to time .../big hug bud


Well-known member
^^^^^ sorry to hear of your loss man. I can only imagine losing a human family member. Thank you for the kind words. Yes probably going to get another dog in my life and the we all die part is what makes it hurt less. Ill go where she went someday. "Definitely not right and slipping fast.".. good t shirt.
Chewing some aged cob does something, though, so at least we have knowledge and ability to share. Thanks for making it to this thread and to Tang and the Gang. Malawi cross will be amazing cobbed is my prediction.


Active member
Going for a 3 day dry....it's a small 2 gal two stalk gal, so I'll keep an eye...the other one I had dried in 7 days and it crisped completely in cure...didnt cure really...and it's a bit harsh...but its still good stuff...I'll be proper cobbing this one...my God the terps on it are dank candy...can't say what kind but it's delicious ...will report back

Also, revaced the chocolope hybrid and took some loose chunks that have been in the vac for 5 days now at 84f, the high is very nice and warm, and lasts, smell is danky and fermented slightly.. it'll cure beautifully I bet, planning on taking the vac pac entirely out Wednesday which will be 7 days in there, and then dry a little then vac it up for the long haul in the grow room where it's warmer than the place


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Well-known member
Super stoked with this Santa Marta Gold x Demon Latcher cob.
I have been curing this for a month no sweating using dryer buds to start.
Chewed some about 15 mins ago and things are getting pleasantly warm already ha ha.
I wanted to get a golden cob and this is well on the way.

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@Tangwena, that looks amazing! I've heard so many good things about the Santa Marta Gold, very cool!! I hope that the "warmth" is enjoyable, and I suspect it will be, cheers!! "

Tomorrow, I open up the cobs that I have going for a breather... may post some pics :)


Well-known member
@Tangwena, that looks amazing! I've heard so many good things about the Santa Marta Gold, very cool!! I hope that the "warmth" is enjoyable, and I suspect it will be, cheers!! "

Tomorrow, I open up the cobs that I have going for a breather... may post some pics :)
Thanks brother the drier golden cobs only come into their own from 6 months aging.
I was just interested in a taste and it didn't disappoint its still way young but has so much promise.

I have another 3 cobs from the same plant all slightly different moisture content so varying depths of color.
It will be interesting to compare the highs from golden, brown, red and dark brown cures.
Just got to wait another 5 months aging ha ha.
But I will endevor to test them monthly to see how the high evolves along with the aroma of course.


Well-known member
Wow never heard of this method before. Takes a lot of courage to risk a harvest like that I guess... Something you can't do really if you're expected to perform like I am.
In what way are you expected to perform?
Does experimentation not have a place in your life?

You are missing something amazing by not opening your mind brother, there is another world you can inhabit and its waaay better than this one.

Hombre del mont

Dr of Stupidity
Wow never heard of this method before. Takes a lot of courage to risk a harvest like that I guess... Something you can't do really if you're expected to perform like I am.
You'll be surprised to find that most cobs in the correct amount are in fact performance enhances!

The effect of eating a well aged Sativa cob is very different from any other form of getting high that I've personally tried in the best part of 50 yrs.

As regards risks, there aren't any really! Even done poorly with good weed (and there's the nub), it'll still "bend you silly".

Sadly a lot of people do a little cob or two with the lesser buds.
"Oh ye of little faith"

Hombre del mont

Dr of Stupidity
Super stoked with this Santa Marta Gold x Demon Latcher cob.
I have been curing this for a month no sweating using dryer buds to start.
Chewed some about 15 mins ago and things are getting pleasantly warm already ha ha.
I wanted to get a golden cob and this is well on the way.

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Oh my god!

That's more than well on the way! That's got to be the most orange cob I've ever seen!

You truly are a master brother!


Well-known member
Here is the indoor grown C5Haze x KC wrapped up a few months back. Went in quite dry and without smell. Smell is no different but the high is beginning to mellow. Not so heavy between the eyes and more active. Back in the vac for another couple months. Anything to report on your outdoor grown plant. We harvested about the same time.
2nd picture of an overly wet Panama. Still oozing moisture, but amazingly to me is how the smell has improved. Wouldn't think something this wet in a no air environment could get better. Broke off a bit and will chew later, still very early. Will dry this for a few hrs. and then vac. again
This process has so many advantages; space saver, smell enhanced when done properly, cured to a chewable, etc.
Thanks all, for posting and helping.



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Hombre del mont

Dr of Stupidity
@Lotto , Looking excellent. I'm loving the deep red that's coming on that Panama; Panama cobbed has to be one of my favourites. In fact Mrs DM and myself had some 16mth old Panama yesterday or the day before.

I'm not sure which of my plants you mean? I had 5 different Sativas and all top drawer genetics.

They all have produced wonderful cobs that are improving weekly. They are all very different in effect.

Mrs DM and myself are bent silly every day.
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Well-known member
That's more than well on the way! That's got to be the most orange cob I've ever seen!
I am trying to get the Colombian to its most golden cure.
I'm trying to get golden resin in the center like I used to score as a kid ha ha.
I have 3 others from the same plant all curing differently to test the effects and flavor.

You'll be surprised to find that most cobs in the correct amount are in fact performance enhances!

The effect of eating a well aged Sativa cob is very different from any other form of getting high that I've personally tried in the best part of 50 yrs.
Thats it in a nutshell brother I cant face doing anything without getting in the mood with a chew of my favorite cob.
Reminds me of my gardener/dealer I had in Malawi he couldn't work unless he had a smoke.
He also couldn't be found after he had a smoke ha ha.
We had a shit garden but very good cobs anytime we wanted.
We would send him out to score and he would return several days later off his face with the best cobs every time haha.

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