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Welcome to a new branch of this "hobby"!! I'm sort of new to this myself and really enjoy the entire experience! Cheers!hey the fucking info/content, my god, this is the secret I've been seeking...I have a guy that always has incredible bud..I feel like he does a similar dry/cure...but I think his people spray hash oil on the buds before always has a danky hashy musk to his product..
but I digress..I'm gonna bypass a glass Jar because of my belief that they are effected to severely by room temps. I'm gonna order
I guess you could always use a salad spinner insert too for the volume!
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some cheese containers and vac pack when done with initial sweat/5-7 day warm cure...I hope my sous vide device can handle 5-7 days 84 Degrees...sorry guys..I don't humor Celsiusjk..but I'm stoked...Reading this info made me reminisce on some of my best dry/cures..I always found my April harvests were best, because of the warm weather in SouthWest where I am probably helped with a ferment that I always was afraid of, since most of the material I read was always to gear towards a 14 day full plant hang w/leaves and to a bagging/jarring with periodic sweats and was always instructed to leave in a "Cool/Dark" I feel like a little warmth to the buds are actually necessary for all these extra compounds/bacterias to marry...I'm gonna vac pack trimmed bud from a chocolope I have hanging right now (9th day of hanging a reasonably large plant, it's just about right for crispy outside/soft center/reasonable bent crackle but not snap on the branches), and use that cheese press container, and then I'll be harvesting/drying a small 3 gall that realistically has 2 gal's in it's Malawi/SSH (or Peach Hashplant? I had two males that run hit the Malawi...don't know what seeds got what pollen..exciting), it smells like Candy and spice in flower, and foxtail profile..i'll try to take some pics...but it's got two but fucking stocks and beautiful buds on it...really wanted to cure the buds since they looks so incredible..but it's fucking Malawi, and it's mother didn't get cobbed and dried so fast..that bud ended up being meh, but the child has some potential and will be getting cobbed like a son of a bitch
Thanks again all