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Los Angeles ordering hundreds of dispensaries to close


Active member
Whats next? I have already seen many new collectives popping up outside of los angeles.
Not surprised at all.

You know that the CITY of Las Vegas has been kicking itself for YEARS over not taking up the option of adding the strip to the city. For those of you that don't know it... the strip.... where most of the gambling in S. Nevada takes place... is outside the city limits of Las Vegas. They lose a LOT of benefits.

LA is going to lose a LOT of benefits by strangling their cannabis patients.

Have fun watching your population drop, LA. Good luck with businesses passing you by because of your F'd up politics.

Stay Safe! :tree:

p.s. Just put BlueDot on your ignore list. They truly don't get it when it comes to cannabis and laws. So smart about so many things... yet so friggin lost on the really important concepts.


There is nothing in prop 215 that says it must operate under "the free market".

The "free market" hasn't worked for health care in America so why would MMJ be any different?

Time to think outside the box of America's failed paradigm.

Health care is leagues more complex an issue than selling some flowers. In a free market, production and availability goes up, costs go down. In a gov't controlled market, you have favoritism and elitism. Take oil. Production doesn't change in the summer, but for some reason prices double. Because you have few providing it, they can dictate the price. And you have gov't subsidies which artificially keep the price low thus holding back innovation in alternative fuels ie if oil were to be unsubsidized and allowed to reach its true market price, it'd be so expensive society would have no choice but to switch over to the more eco-friendly viable option of alternative fuels whether it be hydrogen, electric, bio-fuel etc. Same with cannabis industry. If the gov't gets involved in the supply line, we will see prices go up as demand goes up (the complete opposite of what happens in a free market), there will be an artificially low supply, and it will be chaos for the consumers. The government has no more a right to set prices under 215 than the D owners have to operate under 215. But currently, we have Dispensaries. As long as theyre meeting health and sanitation codes and fire codes etc I don't see why they can't continue to exist and produce tax revenue for those who seek to eliminate them. It completely goes against what any politician stands for: the loot!

Just put BlueDot on your ignore list.
I don't mind having a healthy debate. I've seen BD explain his/her position before and I can understand from their stand point why people taking advantage of the law could be detrimental. But, that is where I differ. As I see MMJ laws as what they were really intended to be: stepping stones to legalization. The more people get turned onto this "legal" cannabis the more will begin to rethink why it is illegal in the first place. So while I may disagree with BD fundamentally we both share a love for cannabis (I think.. lol) so I can only hope that one day I can change BD's mind and he/she will see the light :joint:

EDIT: ok I see you edited your post up there
not if city hall regulates the price likes was mandated in prop 215. Prop 215 "encourages" MMJ to be "affordable".

by allowing dispensaries to proliferate they would be encouraging MMJ to be affordable as explained in the above simplification of free market economics. check mate. again man I'm not saying let them run wild. if they meet certain health and sanitation and safety requirements that's really all we should come to expect from a health related establishment. I personally think harborside is the model by which all dispensaries should operate, I love that they show the cannabinoid percentages and check for mold and all that. And that they put excess profits back into their community. That I'm okay with, and more Ds should strive to be like them. But these arbitrary limits are not regulation, and hurt literally all involved.
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Well-known member
I hope a bunch of people leave L.A. don't let the door hit you in the ass on the way out. I'm sick of the traffic and overcrowded neighborhoods. to be honest I'm getting a little sick of seeing a green cross on every other building too...

Blue Dot

The government has no more a right to set prices under 215 than the D owners have to operate under 215. .

That's incorrect. Every other industry is an industry NOT founded bt iniative or law. MMJ is an industry that is only legal because of an iniative (law) and that law says that it encourages MMJ to be "affordable".

I know that the word "encourages" does not mean mandate but since it is included in the law for MMJ and not any other industry then it speaks to the true intent of the law and since the D's are not affordable it means to me they are not following the true intent of the law and thus should not be allowed to operate under said law.


Active member
I know that the word "encourages" does not mean mandate but since it is included in the law for MMJ and not any other industry then it speaks to the true intent of the law and since the D's are not affordable it means to me they are not following the true intent of the law and thus should not be allowed to operate under said law.

Yeah we have all seen this play out before in LA....If they sell below street prices then they get raided. reasoning: you see more patients selling their meds on the side. If government would just allow more access...the fair market would bring the price down. But I know that's just silly:tiphat:


Freedom Fighter
Yeah we have all seen this play out before in LA....If they sell below street prices then they get raided. reasoning: you see more patients selling their meds on the side. If government would just allow more access...the fair market would bring the price down. But I know that's just silly:tiphat:

Absolutely correct!! This is where BD and I differ mostly...he thinks "Affordable" is a number....
I think that the fact that there were 1000 dispensaries in LA...all making enough $$ to keep in business...that is enough evidence that it is "Affordable"-- If not, most of them would have went under by now--
Street prices are the same as always...ppl like the comfort and security of buying from a Dispensary--


My notions of "affordability" went out the freakin' window when I moved here bout 6 years ago...
"What! 800k for a starter home?" It's all relative.

This story has been sharing the headlines with that terrible missing girl story down South here all day:


I knew there was a reason why I loved Cali-- despite the chill rep, we don't take it sittin down!

WE are the Music Makers and WE are the Dreamers of Dreams


^^Smoked many bones with Dion at KM lol


Freedom Fighter
My notions of "affordability" went out the freakin' window when I moved here bout 6 years ago...
"What! 800k for a starter home?" It's all relative.

This story has been sharing the headlines with that terrible missing girl story down South here all day:


I knew there was a reason why I loved Cali-- despite the chill rep, we don't take it sittin down!

WE are the Music Makers and WE are the Dreamers of Dreams


^^Smoked many bones with Dion at KM lol


Blue Dot

My notions of "affordability" went out the freakin' window when I moved here bout 6 years ago...
"What! 800k for a starter home?" It's all relative.

lol, I know people that live in 20 million dollar homes here in cali.

Does that mean the D's should charge them $1000/ oz because it's affordable to them?

The "it's all relative" part you're missing is the part where the law says it must be afforadable to ALL californians.


BD: Are you suggesting that the "cost of doing business" here is the same as anywhere else?

Affordability to all Californians is not possible.

I hear ya though...Excessive profits are a mockery of what we're trying to do here-- yer preachin to the choir...
Good there closing them down.......im amzed they wernt burned down~ now poeple will have to go back to buying weed from friends and family like there supposed to~ Dispensaries abominations against nature:)


Freedom Fighter
lol, I know people that live in 20 million dollar homes here in cali.

Does that mean the D's should charge them $1000/ oz because it's affordable to them?

The "it's all relative" part you're missing is the part where the law says it must be afforadable to ALL californians.

Bullshit-- That is stupid, and you know it--

Blue Dot

I hear ya though...Excessive profits are a mockery of what we're trying to do here-- yer preachin to the quire...

lol, I should post all my neg rep for the past week. You wouldn't think I was preaching to the choir then.


The "ALL Californians" clause is a red herring, my man. If the price was 20 cent, it'd be toooo much for sum :)

Blue Dot

No...you show me the part where they define, "Seriously Ill"...or the part where they define "Affordable"--

I already defined affordable to you in another thread.

In every field of economics they would define afforadable as the "median" income of the population being able to "bear the cost" without any negative ramifications.

That's just a simple economic term that would be applied by any judge if the case ever did arise.

The state of CA doesn't have to define every single word it uses in it laws.

It assumes people can just use the dictionary to figure it out.

You sound like Bill Clinton saying "define the meaning of the word "is" ." lol


"In every field of economics they would define afforadable as the "median" income of the population being able to "bear the cost" with any negative ramifications."

I wish they would apply this standard to pharmas, don't you?

Blue Dot


Do insurance companies apply the same test of affordability to Aids or Cancer drugs or any drugs for that matter?

Insurance companies operate under the law of capitalism (lucky them).

Unfortunately the MMJ industry operates under an initative (law) that says MMJ must be affordable and "not for profit"

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