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Los Angeles ordering hundreds of dispensaries to close


Active member
i legitly DONT need marijuana for any medical condition. i lied and said i needed a card for migraines which was total horseshit. my roomate and friends did the same shit, none of us are cancer patients or have glaucoma.


untill then, i dont care if they close the clubs. yea it would be terrible to see them not selling their 65 an 8th bullshit. sorry for all the legit patients out there, but closing the clubs just means more money in the pocket from the kids with club cards haha....

the government is so stupid it amazes me sometimes. by closing clubs they are just garunteeing themselves lost revenue haha. all for some social stigma, social acceptance about weed. its fucking hillarious that they dont want FREE MONEY from just alllowing clubs to operate and pay taxes! All they are doing is letting people from the hoods of echo park to the rich parts of beverly hills make money selling weed on the black market!!!



Active member
bergerbuddy, I'm not arguing anything. I see things happen right in front of me and you get mad at me for mentioning them?

Look man, you don't have to take offense, it's just my point of view. You don't need to be condescending to me because you misunderstood what I was saying.

vta - I used to agree with your argument but I've seen people I used to consider friends make up some medical condition that gets them a prescription, then find a grower, get however much free from the grower each month, then turn around and sell it at the same time they're leeching off of roommates, friends, family or whoever it may be. They use the money from their "medical marijuana" to pay for other drug habits, and continue to let their roommates/friends/family pay their way instead of being responsible. On top of that, when they do sell their "medicine" they're the kind of weed dealer nobody should ever have to deal with - the shady types who overcharge for and/or underweigh their bags. Those kind of weed dealers are the reason I started growing in the first place, and I'm sure it's the same for lots of people here...

I agree, we do need fewer laws. Legalize it completely and end this nonsense where it's only legal for certain people in certain states. On top of the many benefits that would have, it would also stop those types of people from taking advantage of people who often have a legitimate medical need for it.

So, that's why I care 'what the fuck someone else is doing'...

Good post but we need to talk in general terms. Whoever you knew that got free bud and resold it to support another drug habit is just a loser. {people have been doing this with prescription meds since they started prescribing them...its not just a pot issue...} I know about 10 people that have a mmj script and lied to get it. Not one of them resells. So who are they hurting? Nobody. I smoke for medical reasons and for recreation reasons. If they found a cure tomorrow and fixed me...I will still smoke...why? cause I am a stoner just like everyone else on this site....and none of us should go to jail for pot.

So yeah...people should mind their own business and just worry about themselves. Unless they are screwing someone else...like your buddy...then take em down.


New member
Hmm I got my liscense for a bulging disc in my lower back.

Yeah it hurts and sometimes Itake asprin to relieve the pain. So do i derserve to use medical marijuana?

I know I derserve the right to not be arrested.

Blue Dot

Hmm I got my liscense for a bulging disc in my lower back.

Yeah it hurts and sometimes Itake asprin to relieve the pain. So do i derserve to use medical marijuana?

Of course. A bulging disc is a medical condition that can be proven by MRI so why wouldn't you deserve MMJ?


So yeah...people should mind their own business and just worry about themselves. Unless they are screwing someone else...like your buddy...then take em down.

I agree with you there man.. I'd still rather see people smoke illegally and be responsible instead of lying about it, but to each their own, right?

btw, those guys aren't my buddy..just some guys I used to know. :joint:


Well-known member
The more med patients we have, the bigger army we have to combat against those who try to hold us down. I don't care if you get a Dr's rec for a hangnail. just go get one and join the pro pot army! I'm sorry if you have a terminal disease, or a severe mental disorder, but at the end of the day, I don't give 2 shits. the more med patients we have, the more rights we will gain. it's pretty simple actually.


How many?

How many?

What is the total amount of collectives that are affected?

Seems like almost all?

est,935? collectives?

I see more an more craigslist collectives.

Heard the laguna woods council banned collective growing on the senior citizen Garden.

Heard the U.S goverment has a patent on cannabis for neuropathy?

here U.S. Patent 6630507 - Cannabinoids as antioxidants and neuroprotectants.

I saw this patent was granted in 2003.

I thought there was no medical usefullness for cannabis.

All this because a plant might hurt certain industries from the 30's?

L.A. cant afford law suits.

The state cant afford the prison system either.:clock watch:


Active member
L.A. Tries To Rein in Wild Market for Marijuana

medical Los Angeles, CA -- The medicinal marijuana flow is coming to an end in the palm-shaded "vapor room" of the Pure Life Alternative Wellness Center. Los Angeles' restrictive new ordinance to stem the spread of medical marijuana dispensaries in the city will ban on-site pot consumption. It may force the closure of as many as 800 outlets.

Over the past three years, this sprawling metropolis has fostered the wildest of markets for legal sales of marijuana for medical use. City leaders are trying now to rein it in.

Last month, the City Council passed an ordinance that caps the number of marijuana dispensaries at 70 while exempting another 100 pot clubs that were in business as of 2007. Dispensary owners have responded with threats of lawsuits and a possible November ballot fight to overturn the rules.

Los Angeles' battle to govern its medical marijuana industry offers cautionary lessons for other California cities grappling, in widely conflicting ways, with burgeoning pot sales and piqued legal arguments over the hazy rules of the trade.

Even some medical marijuana advocates say Los Angeles lost control of its neighborhoods when dispensaries started flowering in the city in 2006. A feeble moratorium, passed in 2007 to stop new pot clubs from coming in, failed to slow the spread.

The moratorium eventually was thrown out in court, and the estimated number of dispensaries reached 1,000.

"This was the biggest city in the world" to allow dispensaries "and the path of least resistance," said Don Duncan, state director of Americans for Safe Access, a group that promotes medical pot use. "It was the easiest place to come to do this."

Under the city ordinance, hundreds of dispensaries that opened after 2007 are due to be closed by April when the law takes full effect. Scores more will have to move away from schools, neighborhoods and alleys.

The city also is making a determined stand to interpret vague state laws that allow medical pot to be distributed through patient collectives that are supposed to operate as nonprofits.

Los Angeles police will audit dispensaries under the ordinance to ensure that "contributions" or "reimbursements" pot clubs get from users don't constitute profit-seeking sales.

"If they're engaging in sales of marijuana, what they're doing is illegal," said Assistant City Attorney Asha Greenberg.

"The pendulum," said Duncan, "is now swinging toward restriction."

At the Pure Life Center in West Los Angeles, amid comfy settees and candles adorned with pot leaves, Yamileth Bolanos operated her "Volcano Vaporizer" for one of the last times. It blew a hot gust through a strainer of marijuana, filling a plastic bag with vapor.

She administered the drug to Carlos Kruschewsky, 46, so the quadriplegic could inhale and ease shoulder spasms without lighting up.

"It's life-changing," Kruschewsky said in a soft voice as Bolanos gave him water to soothe his vocal cords. "Just now my muscles feel better."

Bolanos, a cancer and liver transplant survivor, opened the dispensary on bustling La Cienega Boulevard in 2007. Under the new law, she'll need to move because it sits within 1,000 feet of a school.

The law also bans people from ingesting medical pot at any dispensary.

"This room is not a party room," Bolanos said. "This is for patients who need to medicate. This is a place for safe use. And it is going to end."

Los Angeles City Council member Dennis Zine is unhappy for a different reason.

The ex-cop and former vice president of the Los Angeles Police Protective League said he wanted to "do something appropriate" and "compassionate" to accommodate emerging dispensaries.

But he said Los Angeles became overwhelmed with pot clubs, aided by cut-rate doctors offering medical cannabis recommendations for as low as $35. He is angry over the many dispensaries he says cater to recreational use by "people just looking to get high" rather than the medical needs of AIDS and cancer patients.

"There's a tremendous amount of abuse," Zine said. "We're not going to legalize marijuana under the guise of medical marijuana."

Source: Naples Daily News (FL)
Author: Peter Hecht

Blue Dot

I'm sorry if you have a terminal disease, or a severe mental disorder, but at the end of the day, I don't give 2 shits.

How very compassionate.

BTW, I don't give 2 shits about you or that type of attitude. It's what's wrong with America and Americans in general.


Well-known member
How very compassionate.

BTW, I don't give 2 shits about you or that type of attitude. It's what's wrong with America and Americans in general.

Thanks for the neg rep jaggoff! I don't give 2 shits about you. period. nor do many others because your a dick with an attitude problem. I said I was sorry if you have medical conditions. However I don't give 2 shits who about who gets Dr. recs. the more the merrier. why is this a bad thing? For the record, I am a legitimate med user, but if I wasn't I would still get a dr's rec. you wouldn't? Yeah.... exactly now STFU :booked:


Active member
i legitly DONT need marijuana for any medical condition. i lied and said i needed a card for migraines which was total horseshit. my roomate and friends did the same shit, none of us are cancer patients or have glaucoma.


I'm sorry you have to lie about it. You truly shouldn't have to.

Amendments 9 and 10 of the FEDERAL Constitution state that powers not covered are to be controlled by the States and the People. FDR changed that in the 30's and Congress has gone on a power increase since....

Explain to me again why the Federal Govt is telling me what I can do in my house again? THEY'RE NOT SUPPOSED TO BE THERE!

Educate Yourself!

Stay Safe! :tree:


Thanks for the neg rep jaggoff! I don't give 2 shits about you. period. nor do many others because your a dick with an attitude problem. I said I was sorry if you have medical conditions. However I don't give 2 shits who about who gets Dr. recs. the more the merrier. why is this a bad thing? For the record, I am a legitimate med user, but if I wasn't I would still get a dr's rec. you wouldn't? Yeah.... exactly now STFU :booked:

Don't be a troll dude. Not everyone's gonna lie to get a med card. I didn't and most of my friends didn't...we all chose to just be careful and remain unregistered. In fact I know more underground growers and smokers than registered medical ones.

Did you read the article vta posted a few posts before you? It pretty much names recreational users - and those catering to them - as the reason for L.A.'s MMJ crackdown. I'm not saying that in a derogatory way, I'm just saying people who want to use it for recreation shouldn't be abusing the medical program, because then stuff like this in L.A. happens. It'll get legalized in time I'm sure but we're really only shooting ourselves in the foot by abusing the laws currently in place.

My $0.02...again


Well-known member
Whoa. Hold the phones. I'm a true med exemptee.
I have broken every bone in my body except my femurs & pelvis
I suffer from Fybromyalgia.
I am bipolar-2
I have severe ADD
I'm a non hodgkins lymphoma survivor.

I'm probably more fucked up physically & mentally than ALL of you.
About the only problem I don't have is that I have a pair o nuts, and they work! I got a rec to be a patient & care provider. If it weren't for people like me, you would be buying club shwag.

Here I have all these medical issues, and I still encourage everyone who grows or just smokes recreationally to get a rec. Why? Because it all helPs the cause. Can't take med mj away from 60% of Californians, can they? The only direction to head from decriminalization is legalization. My girl has a rec for severe menstual cramps. She has serious PMS and she don't even puff. She endures, however she put her ass on the line to benefit the people who truly need MJ (like me) in their lives. If every smoker had a drs rec, there wouldn't be all these closures in the first place. Please don't ever question my med exemption. I was one of the first 10,000 people in 1996 to obtain a drs rec. It wasn't easy going through dr Claudia Jensen, may she rest in peace. She's no dr. Eidelman (who puts ads in the back page of L.A Weekly) or DR Kush on the Venice boardwalk.
I had to earn my rec by having a psychotic episode in her office when she didn't want to give a rec. Google dr claudia jensen and tell me if she hands out recs like every other pot dr....


Canna Coco grower
Thanks for the neg rep jaggoff! I don't give 2 shits about you. period. nor do many others because your a dick with an attitude problem. I said I was sorry if you have medical conditions. However I don't give 2 shits who about who gets Dr. recs. the more the merrier. why is this a bad thing? For the record, I am a legitimate med user, but if I wasn't I would still get a dr's rec. you wouldn't? Yeah.... exactly now STFU :booked:

My mama always said... if you don't have something nice to say... then don't say anything at all......

I try and DO practice that with the Rep thing.... What are we children trying to throw rocks at the kids we can't control?

What toohigh said... While crass, perhaps, was not rude or THE PROBLEM with America....

When the problem with America becomes people minding their own fuckin biz when it comes to KEEPING THE GOVERNMENT OUT OF PERSONAL CHOICES THAT DON'T HURT ANYONE...


And TroubleGuy.. If I could believe that it was ONLY the lying rec users that causing the politicians to shut down clinics... Then I would prby support you.... However I believe its the fact the clinics are selling CANNABIS... and these people think its the DEVILS WEED...... if the clinics were ONLY full of sick people.... YOU WOULD STILL HAVE THESE ISSUES... CAUSE THEY ARE TREATING SICK PEOPLE WITH CANNABIS... AND THESE ZEALOUTS BELIEVE THATS A SIN MORALLY REPREHENSIBLE AND CANNABIS USERS ARE DRUG ADDICTS.. EVEN IF THEY ARE DYING FROM SOME DISEASE..

Thats the truth.. it sucks... but it true...


Why would anyone not get a card and protect
themselves from potential prosecution??

I am not in a medical state but would qualify
under most states MMJ guidelines.


My bad toohighmf. I posted that when it was late and I was pretty high, I must have missed part of your post. Didn't mean to imply you lied to get your card.


Well-known member
Nah man, I wanted everyone who questioned my ideals to understand that I am a true med patient and don't give a shit (or 2 lol) about who gets them, or whether they have to lie or not. if it makles you legal to puff, I'm all for it;)

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