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Los Angeles ordering hundreds of dispensaries to close


I Watched the public come and talk it was pretty interesting. Its nice to see people from all walks against this. Does anyone know where I could find the speakers list? The very last guy was awesome I'd like to get intouch with him.


A lot of people who have MMJ prescriptions don't NEED them, but have them because they took advantage of the MMJ laws to get one. There are all kinds of ways people can and do lie to their doctors to make getting high legal for them. Legitimate medical users, I feel for you, it'd suck if your medicine is harder to get now. Blame the people who exploit the MMJ laws.

If I were a betting man I'd bet that has something to do with L.A. making their MMJ laws stricter.


New member
There are a lot of people that lie to there doctors to get prescrition drugs too, probably more then legit patients, if the truth be known. And what happens to the people that have spent thousands of dollars to get their new businesses up and running, they are just ass out? Seems unfair to me.


Never said it was fair bud, but anytime the gov't becomes aware of citizens exploiting loopholes in existing laws, they try to change it. That's politics. I wish they'd just legalize completely and stop the BS.


Never said it was fair bud, but anytime the gov't becomes aware of citizens exploiting loopholes in existing laws, they try to change it. That's politics. I wish they'd just legalize completely and stop the BS.

stop parroting crap it might never actually occur to you that it is all self medicating.after reading your post i was so nauseated I had to have a bong hit which is in keeping with prop 215 since I voted for it!blaming the individuals who enjoy a plant and have as much right to it as you do. you will see your rant is just divisive bigotry towards those that enjoy the same fruits of freedom that you seem entitled to judge others by.
blaming others is an extension of your own weakness.


stop parroting crap it might never actually occur to you that it is all self medicating.after reading your post i was so nauseated I had to have a bong hit which is in keeping with prop 215 since I voted for it!blaming the individuals who enjoy a plant and have as much right to it as you do. you will see your rant is just divisive bigotry towards those that enjoy the same fruits of freedom that you seem entitled to judge others by.
blaming others is an extension of your own weakness.

Hey buddy, take a chill pill. I don't grow or smoke with a card, and I even said it should be completely legal. :joint: But I DON'T exploit loopholes in laws designed to help those who have a medical need for it just so I can legally get high. Lots of people do, and you're lying to yourself if you believe otherwise.

And it isn't all self-medicating. I know plenty of medical patients with LEGITIMATE need for it. Like my friends aging mother with kidney problems. She smokes and she's no longer vomiting all day long. I'd say that's a little more than "self medication" pal. There's no need for the hostility, I'm simply stating a fact, a fact known to many here whether you deny it or not.

Anyway, I don't know about you, but I'm here to expand my knowledge and be a better grower, not to debate dumb topics with someone who knows not what he's talking about.

So chill out guy.


I'm sorry, but people lying and saying they have some ailment they DON'T have is clearly not what MMJ laws or prop 215 were intended for. You're a funny one, guy. :joint:

Talk to me when you've contributed something of value to this forum.



I'm sorry, but people lying and saying they have some ailment they DON'T have is clearly not what MMJ laws or prop 215 were intended for. You're a funny one, guy. :joint:

Talk to me when you've contributed something of value to this forum.


projection as far as contributing you don't live in cal you never voted for the law and you probably never read the law if you did you would realise what a complete pompous dumbass you are,the only question is?is your I.q. higher than the ambient temperature outside which is about 60 degrees?your response will signify a no answer.


Just Call me Urkle!!
My mentor just told me about this last week and was saying they are also trying to make it where you can only go to one club in your designated area? WTF!!! Dude said you may only be a member of one club if it happens and have to buy all your meds from that one club!!! BULLSHIT!! There's 15-20 Liquor Stores on the way to the club by my house come on now people wake up and don't let them control u s like this!!


Active member
Man I have no idea how this is going to play out. Were a pre ico, but the ordinance is not realistic.

Patients are pissed. Lines have been drawn between the dispensaries. Lawyers are locked and loaded.

I love the smell of city hall in the morning...

Its going to be a war and its us LA residents that are going to pay for it.


Active member
A lot of people who have MMJ prescriptions don't NEED them, but have them because they took advantage of the MMJ laws to get one. There are all kinds of ways people can and do lie to their doctors to make getting high legal for them. Legitimate medical users, I feel for you, it'd suck if your medicine is harder to get now. Blame the people who exploit the MMJ laws.

If I were a betting man I'd bet that has something to do with L.A. making their MMJ laws stricter.

Medical cannabis can successfully treat a myriad of conditions and diseases without the typical side effects that normal prescription pharmaceuticals may have. Below is the complete list of conditions and diseases that can benefit from a properly implemented medical marijuana treatment program.

International Classification of Diseases 9 - CM 1996 Chronic Conditions Treated With Cannabis Encountered Between 1990-2004 © 2004 Tod H. Mikuriya, M.D.
Genital Herpes AIDS Related Illness Post W.E. Enephalitis Chemotherapy Convales Shingles (Herpes Zoster) Radiation Therapy
Viral B Hepatitis, chronic Viral C Hepatitis, chronic Other arthropod bone disease Lyme Disease Reiters Syndrome Post Polio Syndrome
Malignant Melanoma Other Skin Cancer Prostate Cancer Testicular Cancer Adrenal Cortical Cancer Brain malignant tumor
Glioblastoma Multiforme Cancer, site unspecified Lympho & reticular cancer Myeloid leukemia Uterine cancer Lymphoma
Graves Disease Acquired hypothyroidsm Thyroiditis Diabetes Adult Onset Diabetes Insulin Dependent Diabetes Adult Onset Uncontrolled
Diabetic Renal Disease Diabetic Ophthalmic Disease Diabetic Neuropathy Diabetic Peripheral Vascular Disease Hypoglycemia Lipomatosis
Arthropathy, gout Mucopolysaccharoidosis Porphyria Amyloidosis Obesity, exogenous Obesity, morbid
Autoimmune disease Hemophilia A Henoch-Schoelein Purpur Senile Dementia Delerium Tremens Schizophrenia
Schizoaffective Disorder Mania Major Depression, Single Episode Major Depression, Recurring Bipolar Disorder Autism/Aspergers
Anxiety Disorder Panic Disorder Agoraphobia Obsessive Compulsive Disorder Dysthymic Disorder Neurasthenia
Writers’ Cramp Impotence, Psychogenic Alcoholism Opiate Dependence Sedative Dependence Cocaine Dependence
Amphetamine Depend Alcohol Abuse Tobacco Dependence Psychogenic Hyperhidrosi Psychogenic Pylorospas Psychogenic Dysuria
Bruxism Stuttering Anorexia Nervosa Tic disorder unspecific Tourette's Syndrome Persistent Insomnia
Nightmares Bulemia Tension Headache Psychogenic Pain Post Traumatic Stress Disorder Organic Mental Disorder
Post Concussion Sydrome Nonpsychotic Organic Brain Disorder Brain Trauma Intermittent Explosive Disorder Trichotillomania ADD w/o hyperactivity
ADD w hyperactivity ADD Pschogenic PAT Parkinsons Disease Huntingtons Disease Restless legs syndrome
Friedreich’s Ataxia Cerebellar Ataxia Spinal mm atrophy II Amytrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS) Other spinal cord disease Syringomyelia
Reflex Sympath Dystroph Multiple Sclerosis Other CNS demyelinating Hemiparesis/plegia Cerebral Palsy Quadriplegia
Paraplegia Paralysis, unspecific Epilepsy Grand Mal Seizures Limbic Rage Syndrome Jacksonian Epilepsy
Migraine Migraine, Classical Cluster Headaches Compression of Brain Tic Doloroux Bell’s palsy
Thoracic Outlet Syndrome Carpal Tunnel Syndrome Mononeuritis lower limb Charcot-Marie-Tooth Neuropathy Muscular dystrophies
Macular Degeneration Glaucoma Dyslexic Amblyopia Color Blindness Conjuctivitis Drusen of Optic Nerve
Optic neuritis Strabismus Nystagmus, Congenital Meniere's Disease Tinnitus Hypertension
Ischemic Heart Disease Angina pectoris Arteriosclerotic Heart Disease Cardiac conduction disorder Paroxysmal Atrial Tach Post Cardiotomy Syndrome
Raynaud’s Disease Thromboangiitis Obliteran Polyarteritis Nodosa Acute Sinusitis Chronic Sinusitis Chronic Obst Pulmo Dis
Emphysema Asthma, unspecific Pneumothorax, Spontaneo Pulmonary Fibrosis Cystic Fibrosis Dentofacial anomala
T.M.J Sydrome GastroEsophgeal Reflux Disease (GERD) Acute Gastritis Gastritis Peptic Ulcer/Dyspepsia Colitis, Ulcerative
Pylorospasm Reflux Regional Enteri & Crohns Colitis Colon diverticulitis Constipation Irritable Bowel Synd.
Dumping Syndrome Post Surgery Peritoneal pain Hepatitis-non-viral Pancreatitis Nephritis/nephropathy Ureter spasm calculus
Urethritis/Cystitis Prostatitis Epididymitis Testicular torsion Pelvic Inflammatory Endometriosis
Premenstrual Syndrome Pain, Vaginal Menopausal syndrome Sturge-Weber Disease Eczema Pemphigus
Epidermolysis Bullosa Erythma Multiforma Rosacea Psoriatic Arthritis Psoriasis Pruritus, pruritic
Atrophy Blanche Alopecia Lupus Scleroderma Dermatomyositis Eosinophilia-Myalgia Syndrome
Arthritis, Rheumatoid Felty’s Syndrome Arthritis, Degenerative Arthritis, post traumatic Arthropathy, Degenerative Patellar chondromalacia
Ankylosis Multiple joints pain Intervertebral Disk Disease L-S disk disorder sciatic nerve irritation IVDD Cerv w Myelopathy Cervical Disk Disease
Cervicobrachial Syndrome Lumbosacral Back Diseas Spinal Stenosis Lower Back Pain Peripheral enthesopathies Tenosynovitis
Dupuytens Contracture Muscle Spasm Fibromyagia/Fibrositis Osgood-Schlatter Tietze’s Syndrome Melorheostosis
Spondylolisthesis Cerebral Aneurism Scoliosis Spina Bifida Occulta Osteogenesis imperfecta Ehlers Danlos Syndrom
Nail patella syndrome Peutz-Jehgers Syndrome Mastocytosis Darier’s Disease Marfan syndrome Sturge-Weber Eye Syndrome
Insomnia Sleep Apnea Chronic Fatigue Syndrome Tremor/Invol Movements Myofacial Pain Syndrome Anorexia
Hyperventilation Cough Hiccough Vomiting Nausea Diarrhea
Pain, Ureter Cachexia Vertebral dislocation Whiplash Back Sprain Shoulder Injury
Fore Arm/Wrist/Hand pain Hip Pain Knee, ankle & foot injury Motion Sickness Anaphylactic or Reaction Trachoria Growths

As far as I am concerned....we VOTED for this law, and anyone who has any of these problems, and can get MEDICAL marijuana RECOMMENDED (not PRESCRIBED) to BETTER there life or ILLNESS or PAIN or WHATEVER, is NOT in ANYWAY EXPLOITING the law..


New member
Word the fuck up!!!!!!

So will there be a bunch of real estate on the county lines with a lot of new traffic? I say yes, and I say we should all relax and take notice of all the things we have had to deal with and have overcome.

This movement(against mmj) at the end of the day has little to do with cannabis and more to do with money/power.
If everytime they make us change, it makes us stronger and them weaker, then we will be just fine. Not complacency, just the understanding that we have made strides, and though the process takes a long time, we are wiser, more compassionate, and due to this, we our obligated to educate.

I need food and sleep....I know this is jumbled and hard to follow, but, I had to get it off my chest...

L.E. has an unlimited budget while
schools struggle and teachers are
underpayed. Right now this asshole
running for sheriff around Here
put this fucking paper in my door
talking about how he's gonna
"work hard to get grants and put
MORE OFFICERS out there"
This small county in PACKED
with LE and they want MORE!

This drives me to SMOKE.

As now I shall ----->


As far as I am concerned....we VOTED for this law, and anyone who has any of these problems, and can get MEDICAL marijuana RECOMMENDED (not PRESCRIBED) to BETTER there life or ILLNESS or PAIN or WHATEVER, is NOT in ANYWAY EXPLOITING the law..

Nice post but you clearly misunderstood what I was saying. There are TONS of people with no medical condition who just CLAIM TO HAVE IT in order to get their card. THOSE are the people my post was directed at. People can deny all they want that those people aren't out there, but I've dealt with far too many of them to believe it doesn't happen. One such example is a guy claiming to have "severe pain" when he knows he doesn't. Happens all the time up here, I'm sure it happens just as much, if not more down in Cali.

Really isn't all that hard to read the words in front of you man. I tend to say what I mean without meaning anything I didn't say. No need to try and make it something it isn't.

Also, some of those diseases/ailments/whatever.....I'd have to see proof to believe MMJ can help some of them.

I'm not against MMJ at all, I hope you don't think that's what I'm saying, but if you do...well, whatever man. My words explaining what I mean are pretty clear.

Blue Dot

L.E. has an unlimited budget while
schools struggle and teachers are
underpayed. Right now this asshole
running for sheriff around Here
put this fucking paper in my door
talking about how he's gonna
"work hard to get grants and put
MORE OFFICERS out there"
This small county in PACKED
with LE and they want MORE!

This drives me to SMOKE.

As now I shall ----->

LE doesn't have an unlimited budget. That's a misconception.

They prioritize with the budget they have and it's up to the citizens to let LE (and the politicians who essentially run them) know whether they are correct in their prioritizing.
Last edited:


Canna Coco grower
Nice post but you clearly misunderstood what I was saying. There are TONS of people with no medical condition who just CLAIM TO HAVE IT in order to get their card. THOSE are the people my post was directed at. People can deny all they want that those people aren't out there, but I've dealt with far too many of them to believe it doesn't happen. One such example is a guy claiming to have "severe pain" when he knows he doesn't. Happens all the time up here, I'm sure it happens just as much, if not more down in Cali.

Really isn't all that hard to read the words in front of you man. I tend to say what I mean without meaning anything I didn't say. No need to try and make it something it isn't.

Also, some of those diseases/ailments/whatever.....I'd have to see proof to believe MMJ can help some of them.

I'm not against MMJ at all, I hope you don't think that's what I'm saying, but if you do...well, whatever man. My words explaining what I mean are pretty clear.

Look.... I'm not even gonna say that what you are saying may not be true... I'm sure it is...
However ARE YOU ABLE TO TELL THE WHEAT FROM THE CHAFF??? and if so... Where did you get those special powers..??

I can't stand these type of BULL SHIT ARGUMENTS..... what indeed you are arguing for and should be arguing for is some kind of law with a penalty attached to lying to obtain a script....

Then good luck proving to me... what is goin on in SOME ONE ELSES BODY...

So please..... just blow that argument and pompes ass attitude.... RIGHT OUT YER EAR....

Either you hate the docs that ok the liars... or you hate the folks that lie to the docs..... either way you imply that YOU... AH..YOU... REALLY NEED THE SHIT... SO LISTEN TO ME WHEN I TELL YA WHO ELSE NEEDS IT OR DOESN'T..

Think about what you are saying..... before you put a DANGEROUS argument like this... ON A PRO POT OF ALL PLACES FORUM.....


Blue Dot

what indeed you are arguing for and should be arguing for is some kind of law with a penalty attached to lying to obtain a script......

I'm sure there is a law that says if you lie to a doctor to obtain oxycotin it is illegal so I'm sure the same law could be applied to a MJ rec but in some cases of "lower back pain" "soft tissue damage" "neuralgia" it's just IMPOSSIBLE for medical science right now to prove if the patient is telling the truth or not and that's what unscrupulous patients take advantage of.

But that's not what he should be arguing for.

He should be arguing that only SERIOUS medical conditions be allowed to be treated with MJ as the law now allows because otherwise everyone has some form of condition because nobody's body is perfect.

But even I believe everyone should be able to use MJ as a medicine for ANY medical condition it's just those who strictly want to use it as recreational where I believe there should be two separate laws because I'm not convinced recreational use is medicinal in all cases.


Active member
...it's just those who strictly want to use it as recreational where I believe there should be two separate laws because..blah.blah.blah

That's the whole problem right there.....Why do people care what the fuck someone else is doing???? As long as they are not hurting anyone else, keep your nose out of it! Pot laws are unjust...period. Any real member of this site should not separate med users from non med users. Its our God giving right to use MJ. We don't need more laws Blue Dot...we need less.


bergerbuddy, I'm not arguing anything. I see things happen right in front of me and you get mad at me for mentioning them?

Look man, you don't have to take offense, it's just my point of view. You don't need to be condescending to me because you misunderstood what I was saying.

vta - I used to agree with your argument but I've seen people I used to consider friends make up some medical condition that gets them a prescription, then find a grower, get however much free from the grower each month, then turn around and sell it at the same time they're leeching off of roommates, friends, family or whoever it may be. They use the money from their "medical marijuana" to pay for other drug habits, and continue to let their roommates/friends/family pay their way instead of being responsible. On top of that, when they do sell their "medicine" they're the kind of weed dealer nobody should ever have to deal with - the shady types who overcharge for and/or underweigh their bags. Those kind of weed dealers are the reason I started growing in the first place, and I'm sure it's the same for lots of people here...

I agree, we do need fewer laws. Legalize it completely and end this nonsense where it's only legal for certain people in certain states. On top of the many benefits that would have, it would also stop those types of people from taking advantage of people who often have a legitimate medical need for it.

So, that's why I care 'what the fuck someone else is doing'...