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Los Angeles ordering hundreds of dispensaries to close


Blue Dot

Thanks for the neg rep jaggoff! I don't give 2 shits about you. period. nor do many others because your a dick with an attitude problem. I said I was sorry if you have medical conditions. However I don't give 2 shits who about who gets Dr. recs. the more the merrier. why is this a bad thing? For the record, I am a legitimate med user, but if I wasn't I would still get a dr's rec. you wouldn't? Yeah.... exactly now STFU :booked:

I took your post as someone who doesn't give a shit about someone having a mental illness or terminal illness.

I guess you meant that you don't care who gets a card and I read it wrong but I still believe it's wrong to lie to get a card because it HURTS the cause, not helps it like you say as is evidenced in LA right now.

Just funny though that you would think that a rec user should have as much right as a terminal patient when the law is specifically for ill patients.

Rec users have a CHOICE if they want to use (they'll live another day without getting high for fun), terminal patients DIDN"T HAVE A CHOICE when their illness was thrust upon them (and may not live another day with getting high) and that is a BIGGGGGGGG difference, one that you can't seem to comprehend.


Actually, Blue Dot, I'm not so sure I agree.

I understand your point that we should reward sensible laws by following them as they were intended. However, marijuana's criminalization is wrong in and of itself. If we have hundreds of thousands of patients and there's no increase in anything except government revenue due to taxation, that'll prove that marijuana is good for the country.

I think marijuana should be used as a preventative medicine as well as a treatment option. And hell, if people use it recreationally, it could mean less drunks out there. I'd rather have stoners abusing laws than drunks.

I dunno. I never plan to do anything with marijuana that breaks a law not cannabis-related, but I don't think I should say that a step in the right direction is enough to keep me satisfied. I will thank all of my representatives that support my views, but I think everyone here realizes cannabis should be legal in the idealistic sense. And I don't think we should stop once we get a sniff of it. Gandhi didn't stop at Britain's first sign of easing off. I don't think what we're doing is anything of the same magnitude, but it is much the same principle. Protest unjust laws.


Shutting down profitable businesses and rejecting the tax dollars of a legitimate industry at a time when the state faces a $20,000,000,000 (that's 20 billion dollars) budget gap between 2009-2011, not even mentioning the $85.5 billion in long term debt obligations; at a time when the state has cut school funding by 12% in the last year alone; at a time when government workers get IOUs thus helping contribute to the egregious rate of foreclosure over there... yea smart move LA. what are you gonna do, tax the movie industry more? you're gonna need more than Avatar to get you out of this mess :joint:


Gandhi didn't stop at Britain's first sign of easing off. I don't think what we're doing is anything of the same magnitude, but it is much the same principle. Protest unjust laws.

When 800,000 people nationwide are directly suffering from these unjust laws, not to mention their families, and we have political prisoners sitting in Federal and State prisoners because of a plant, and patients in non-med states are suffering because their state legislators are a bunch of Fed asshole lickers and won't legalize MMJ for political reasons, then you fucking bet that it's very much of the same magnitude. Discrediting the severity of prohibition by saying it's anything but an imminent danger to almost a million people's freedom every year (not to mention worldwide, since once the USA legalizes many other will follow suit) is a fallacy and careless because it's attitudes like that that give politicians the excuse to just laugh it off and make stupid weed puns when MJ/MMJ reform is mentioned. But this is a serious fucking issue, don't cede to anything less.

Don't worry I'm not hating I agree with literally everything else in that post but the last bit hit a nerve as you can see. I've just seen too many people have their lives drastically changed for the worst over even a misdemeanor charge.

Blue Dot

Shutting down profitable businesses and rejecting the tax dollars of a legitimate industry at a time when the state faces a $20,000,000,000 (that's 20 billion dollars) budget gap between 2009-2011, not even mentioning the $85.5 billion in long term debt obligations; at a time when the state has cut school funding by 12% in the last year alone; at a time when government workers get IOUs thus helping contribute to the egregious rate of foreclosure over there... yea smart move LA. what are you gonna do, tax the movie industry more? you're gonna need more than Avatar to get you out of this mess :joint:

Show me the wording in prop 215 that says the "selling" of MJ "over the counter" is a "legitimate" industry.

There's nothing legitimate about selling MJ under prop 215, hence the closures in LA.


Show me the wording in prop 215 that says the "selling" of MJ "over the counter" is a "legitimate" industry.

There's nothing legitimate about selling MJ under prop 215, hence the closures in LA.

If it's as black and white as that, then why are there going to be any Ds allowed at all? Why haven't they been shut down by the POLICE for committing the felony act of sale of an illegal drug? They've only been around for what.. 20 years now? Why go through all this zoning and ordinance crap? They don't zone crack houses out of neighborhoods they go in and shut the shit down with SWAT teams.

Blue Dot

If it's as black and white as that, then why are there going to be any Ds allowed at all? Why haven't they been shut down by the POLICE for committing the felony act of sale of an illegal drug? They've only been around for what.. 20 years now? Why go through all this zoning and ordinance crap? They don't zone crack houses out of neighborhoods they go in and shut the shit down with SWAT teams.

The police do have other things to do you know. The D's simply outnumber the police resources.

The police don't even know where a lot of the D locations are. That why Weedtracker was able to survive all these years. It was simply an underground google maps if you will.

Think about it, ALL the D's are illegal under FED law so why hasn't the feds busted all of them and only some?

Same reason, even the feds have limited resources and other priorities.

And don't fool yourself, the D's know this and that's why they are willing to take the risk of doing something they know is illegal, because at the present time for a lot of these 3 strikers and mobsters (both mexican and Russian) the profit outweighs the bit of risk that is there.
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New member
If it is providing jobs and tax revenue what is the problem? My god alcohol is not only legal but most if not every politician in this country is consuming it. This seems like chemical racism to me. :) Marijuana deserves to be treated like alcohol.

Lets keep Californians working and lets make sure we have access to our medicine without giving the real drug companies any profit.

Blue Dot

If it is providing jobs and tax revenue what is the problem? .

Because it's providing jobs to a lot of criminals that othewrwise would not be able to get a legit job because of their records.

And drugs aren't a race so it would be "discrimination", not "racism".


When 800,000 people nationwide are directly suffering from these unjust laws, not to mention their families, and we have political prisoners sitting in Federal and State prisoners because of a plant, and patients in non-med states are suffering because their state legislators are a bunch of Fed asshole lickers and won't legalize MMJ for political reasons, then you fucking bet that it's very much of the same magnitude. Discrediting the severity of prohibition by saying it's anything but an imminent danger to almost a million people's freedom every year (not to mention worldwide, since once the USA legalizes many other will follow suit) is a fallacy and careless because it's attitudes like that that give politicians the excuse to just laugh it off and make stupid weed puns when MJ/MMJ reform is mentioned. But this is a serious fucking issue, don't cede to anything less.

Don't worry I'm not hating I agree with literally everything else in that post but the last bit hit a nerve as you can see. I've just seen too many people have their lives drastically changed for the worst over even a misdemeanor charge.

You don't know much about the struggle of India to free itself from British rule, do you?

Hell, in one day, over a thousand people were killed just for being in the wrong area. None of them had guns or anything. It included women and children. The firing stopped when they ran out of bullets, supposedly.

In British India, they couldn't make their own salt. They had SALT criminalized. Not marijuana...SALT. When Gandhi made salt from the ocean, it was one of his biggest acts of defiance.

If you're going to tell me it's on the same magnitude, okay. We can agree to disagree.

I was by no means belittling the severity of the criminalization of marijuana. However, the things Indians had to go through in British India was worse than what we face today. You can choose to stop marijuana, and I'm guessing most of those people in jail could do it with no ill consequences. You can't choose to be from another country (I feel like Aldous Snow after that for some reason)


Well-known member
Why do you always pull the 215 card and bitch about co-ops exchanging money for Cannabis? What is your hard on for Cannabis Commerce???
Pot should be legal. selling pot should be legal. how many "compassion' clubs give away meds to serious patients? how many serious patients are there compared to "fakers"? If it werent for fakers, Med Cannabis probably wouldn't be near as close to legalization. instead the the city ammends new dialogue to accept recommended donations. same shit different dog as sales. yet you still have problems. what do you do when you don't have meds? pray for it? do a weed dance in your living room? You gonna tell me you never buy weed ever? never have? c'mon dude. step off the soapbox. it's ridiculous


I'd like to chime in to the point:

If I ever meet a person with any kind of serious condition, I would not charge if I were their supplier.

I don't even know if I'll charge anyone.


xfargox I shall agree to disagree :joint: as in any war we have suffered many casualties. the extent of my knowledge regarding British imperialism in India was watching the movie Ghandi in high school (ben kingsley was excellent in it). so you're right I don't know everything about it. But I know a lot about the war on drugs, and cannabis prohibition in general. I was a POW, as were/are many of my peers. It is an injustice which has killed too many people, put too many people behind bars, and forced too many into poverty because they can't afford college without govt grants, they can't get a job because of their criminal record, and they can't get a drivers license because of their conviction. That's not even mentioning the psychological damage that happens when you're in prison.

The police do have other things to do you know. The D's simply outnumber the police resources.

If they're currently illegal as is, and will remain illegal after the ordinance, what changes? What resources are going to come out of thin air and allow the police to take the time and shut all these places down. Are they expecting them to shut down on their own? What I'm saying is that absolutely nothing changes, they have all these new rules but the legality of the establishments, in your opinion, isn't changing. So why not look for a way to work with the current Ds on getting them "up to code" if you will and keep capturing that tax revenue? I agree with regulating them, but arbitrarily shutting them down out of no where is not regulation. That's discrimination. Closing at 8? Nowhere within 1000 ft of schools? Bring the number down to 70? These are arbitrary things, which really benefit no body. Especially not the terminally ill "real prop215 patients" you hold so dearly. There will be a monopolization of weed, Ds will be buying it even cheaper and selling it for even more (thus increasing the profit margin of those "criminals"), the lines will be stupid long, who knows how long of a drive/bus ride it would be to even get to one.. the list goes on.

Blue Dot

Are they expecting them to shut down on their own?

Well, the city would then have the added resources of city hall who issues the biz permits for these D's as well as the BOE who regulates their taxes.

Believe or not, city hall can shut a buisness down faster then the police.

There will be a monopolization of weed, Ds will be buying it even cheaper and selling it for even more (thus increasing the profit margin of those "criminals")

not if city hall regulates the price likes was mandated in prop 215. Prop 215 "encourages" MMJ to be "affordable".
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It seems a mute point now.

The mayor signed the new reg's.

Whats next? I have already seen many new collectives popping up outside of los angeles.

Heard the horoscope for america doesnt look good for late april thru may.

Will prices go up.

will shops with genetic's dry up?

Lets hope some new research validates cannabis in new medical tests so big pharma can pay off the voted officials.

Money buys a shit load of votes.

Blue Dot

the free market should regulate the price. anything else is communism.

There is nothing in prop 215 that says it must operate under "the free market".

The "free market" hasn't worked for health care in America so why would MMJ be any different?

Time to think outside the box of America's failed paradigm.


Isn't this the benefit of regulation and taxation? If you can politically control an industry, why wouldn't you demand that it be restructured to benefit the politically well-connected elite? The alpha dogs gotta get their piece.

I guess the real question is whether or not those at the top of the political pyramid in this particular scenario are gonna crush the golden goose under the weight of their own greed?

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