I got some. Just gotta spread the love
What did you modify from dank frank and why? Just curious.
I would follow dank frank's recipe exactly for water only or you may find you will need to supplement in flower which wouldn't be a big deal but it's not what you wanted. I'm asking you cause I'm unsure too! The recipes I've made or gotten from unreliable sources are now garbage basically and I have garbage cans full that I'm just gonna dump on the garden. This time I want an exact recipe from someone experienced. I've had decent luck using the guano mix suggested as water only but I'm not sure if guano and kelp provides everything I need and shouldn't I be adding azomite or calcium, magnesium or sulphur? The sul po mag is something I wanted to incorporate into the mix so I'm kinda shopping around before I mix. Thanks lolryn! I think those were great answers.
You could always top mulch the stuff you didn't add back into the soil if it's not working and then use that info for next time.
Very nice job there! Looks super dense! Can someone say "Bag Appeal"?
Thats shitty to hear lolryn. It sucks to have the hard work and the time be a waste but its the game we play in this lottery of seed popping. The Blue Tara x Purple Dream sounds like a deadly cross and the PD nugs look delicious. Still no purple on mine as of yet at 6 weeks in.