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Legit Breeders - Pollen Chuckers and White labelers - Tell us YOUR Opinion!

I don't know if you would be able to find it still, but back around 2017 I bought an Oz of some kush and the bud tender handed me a bag and goes "Here's a free gram for the Oz purchase!" I was like, huh? And she said it's some new CBD strain... I just didn't care because I thought CBD was whatever at the time so I threw it aside. One day my wife said "Do we have anything to smoke?" I said "No!..... Oh wait! I forgot I have that gram of that CBD stuff that lady gave me.." she said "Well fire it up! And we can go get something better in the morning..."
So I pulled it out, it was called "Cannatonic", I don't know the breeder. But it has 0% THC, and like 14% CBD which I think was the highest at the time. We smoked it and all my pain was gone! We were giggling and watching Fast and the Furious 😂🤣
Thanks DoctorDoob,
I’ll look into this strain.
I’d love for all my pain to be gone 😅

Doctor Doob

Active member
Man, legit breeders?! I want to just go on a rant/rampage. I'll try to control myself.

These are just my opinions. And I might misuse terms. Apologies in advance.

Who's doing actual breeding? Well, what is actual breeding vs chucking? Who is working things multiple generations nowadays? Ace is the only one I can think off off the topnof my head... and smaller hobby growers.

I'd argue most if not all are just chucking pollen. Not anything wrong with that per se...

Maybe breeding takes relatively large plant counts and specific goals in mind (IMHO). Or multiple generations of selection.

I've made alot of crosses, reg and fem. But I'm certainly not a breeder.

I think in most cases a breeder would want to breed cannabis that's true from seed, or true breeding. Low phenotypic variation. Consistency in females.

That said, it seems like most people are just doing selection and making f2s with two polyhybrid strains.

Let's go back a ways.

I think about Subcool (who, it turns out, didnt do much if any of the actual breeding, maybe he did reproductions but others did selections and gave him cuts, he really just had the one male that was the star of the show). He talked about pheno hunting so much because his gear was not very true from seed. Of course you'd talk about having to hunt a good pheno. You didnt actually breed it to be consistent. Let alone the fact he was just a hype guy. The marketing man. So was he a breeder? Not in my opinion. But I could be wrong. Then there's his unsupported ideas about feminized seeds... maybe I missed his botany degree and evidence for his beliefs.

Now let's look at someone I respect. Csi Humboldt. Is Caleb a breeder? Id say probably. Is making s1s breeding? Maybe. Do they have consistent outcomes from seed? Sometimes. Often times not. Depends on the stability of the original strain imho.
How often is Caleb running hundreds of plants and selecting a few to move forward? Maybe more often than I think. Idk.
Maybe it's not necessary to run a ton of plants to breed. Maybe things are pre selected and that saves time vs breeding from scratch. But is he running multiple gens, f3 f4 f5 etc?

I have more thoughts and questions than answers.
It just seems like the hype strain chucking nowadays isn't breeding. Seems to easy. Makes some fire? Sure. Unstable? Sometimes. But idk if that's breeding.

And what is unique? What stands out?

Landrace, IBL and heirlooms are coming back strong. Because, imho, polyhybrids often have this generic, blah, muddled high.

I hope I didn't offend anyone, I'm open to dialogue about and corrections on my claims.
I agree to a point some of what you said kindly, but I don't necessarily disagree with you on the others. I just feel like (in my opinion of course) the lines of the term "Breeder" or "Breeding" specifically is being lessened by some individuals in the community as a way to insult some people and calling them a "Pollen Chucker"! Breeding is BREEDING, regardless of the results, or other people's feelings. If I stick two dogs together and get puppies, am I not breeding? I mean, they certainly are! LOL If I breed two dogs together, honestly I feel that is breeding! At it's most basic level. That doesn't mean I know what I am doing or am necessarily working with solid pure bred lines. Anyone can breed, but at what quality? There is good breeding and bad breeding but I wouldn't call any of it "Pollen Chucking". I would consider it a project of "BREEDING", and the results are what we have BRED. I see the same thing in another industry, the tattooing community! The big argument there is wether or not an artist is a "Tattooist", "Tattooer", "Tattoo Artist", in my opinion it's all the SAME! They all tattoo! I don't care if one guy tattoos the best and the other guy can't tattoo to save his life, they both hold the same title in my eyes! The work they do is a different story! So in tattooing if you tattoo at home or you tattoo unlicensed all the licensed artists, guys in shop, and any KNOW IT ALL, calls the guy a "scratcher" because they claim the guy has never worked in a shop so that means he has to be bad at tattooing, he must suck at art, and any tattoo that guy does will heal like a scratch because he obviously doesn't know skin depth or anything about tattooing. When in reality, they most all start at home and are no better than the next guy, the only difference is their EGO!
So even if a guy is "Pollen Chucking", it is still breeding. If you don't like the results from his project it just ain't for you! Doesn't mean you have to bash him or discredit him to his lack of knowledge! Everyone has to learn somewhere and how can anyone ever learn if you just treat them less than you, talk down on them and try to make them look bad to the community so everyone thinks you are cooler.... I don't get it.
Here is the thing, I would say it is all personal experience, and what you are after. Every single breeder will have fans and they will have haters. As far as CSI: Humboldt I have never personally grown out his gear, but I have smoked it, I have seen it, I am on his social media and have seen his work and I can see that he has what he says he does! Most the pictures that pop up of most of his stuff by him that he grew or anyone else grew of his, I know from decades experience what the plants he says he has should look like, and THEY DO... But here's where people get confused I believe. Just like you said Subcool would out source his breeding. So does CSI: Humboldt. Yes he does his grows and pheno hunts but he even said himself his prized cut of the Obama Kush was pheno hunted and selected by Redbeard CSI: Portland of Tigard Farms. Which is his friend. We all have friends, so did Subcool. And it seems people think because your name is the "Hype man" like you say, that you don't do the work. Which I can't agree with. If they were like "Berner" where all they do is smoke weed and try to market anything they can get their hands on but yet NEVER have a garden... Then I would say that is a "Hype Man". But CSI: Humboldt is doing his work, and he doesn't have a lot of space so he allows others close to him he trusts run his work and they pick and choose on a collaborative effort. Which so did Subcool, with Jill and others. I like Archive Seeds and some of his work, but others have argued with me in the past the same thing! "He doesn't grow anything, he just selects it..." At the end of the day, if I want something he has to offer I don't care if his crazy uncle Billy Buck grew it, and picked it! If it's fire and it can hold it's own with the rest of the stock what is the big deal?
It becomes like an elementary playground argument because nobody will ever agree. Some think a breeder is someone that continues down the line F1, F2, F3, F4, and so on... Makes you a breeder, others will argue if you are a great breeder, why would it take that many generations....
I think the main popular breeders do as much work as they can and then their gardens end up overlapping into friends gardens, the same with some bigger breeders, their warehouse gets full and they borrow one from the homie.... That's no big deal. The big deal is companies like Barney's farm and others that seem to just buy bulk seeds from anywhere and name them cool names just to stay up with the latest craze...
People have to start looking at breeders like a band! It's not always just the lead singer! There's a whole team behind the scenes that bring the whole performance together!
If the band is good, I will purchase the album. If it only has one good song, I will wait for a friend to buy it and have them burn me a copy lol 🤣
Same can be said for seeds. If the breeder is good I will follow his work and buy as many packs as I can of whatever he comes out with. But if I only see one or two strains he has to offer that get me interested, I will probably just wait and get a clone from a friend...
I have been around the cannabis scene since the 90's and I have heard it all!
Every breeder, seedbank, company, etc has always had fans and has always had haters.... You will never know first hand unless you decide to try it out for yourself! If you take another's opinion, you may never know and miss out on something you may actually like or a strain that could help your health or your business, or your family and finances, because you listened to what other people think! And most of the time it's always this guy, told that guy, that heard from a guy, that knows a guy... 😂😂😂✌️

Doctor Doob

Active member
Thanks DoctorDoob,
I’ll look into this strain.
I’d love for all my pain to be gone 😅
You also might want to do some research on rare Dankness and see if he has any CBD offerings.. because I remember when recreational first started happening in the States, Scott was doing some work with Charlotte's Web and some other CBD varieties to help a family with a child that suffered from seizures, and also I think he was diagnosed with cancer so he had been working on some stuff. I haven't looked into any of it lately. But you may be able to find something there, or possibly be able to contact the company and even just ask to see if you could get pointed in the right direction ✌️

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