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Green Mountain Seeds distribution agreement with ACE Seeds


Well-known member
Hi VM, do you notice a lot of variation in terpenes/aroma/taste between the purple and gold IBLs? IE: purple stuff tends to be a bit more berry and green more lemon etc?
Hello @Greencedar!
Yes there is a bit of difference between the two. The Oax Green Line has a Balsam fir fragrance/lemon pledge and the Oax purple line has more Pine Balsam/lavender kind of notes.


Well-known member
Hello @Landfein!
Also looking pretty awesome to say the least thank you also for sharing and helping to keep this thread special.
Had anyone heard from vermontman as far as his other place surviving Helene?
Hi @moose/MI!
Thank you for asking! I did have flooding in the lower part of my my house about 18 inches in my bedroom. So a bit of repair and cleanup there to go and some sheet rock replacement, but could have been much worse. Now I know mini split condensers can be totally submerged and not be lost. HAHA
That all being said it looks like another one of those fuckers is heading there again, so it's just a wait and see. It's been one heck of a past few months two heart surgeries and it looks like two hurricanes. But still feeling fortunate great about life and very very optimistic, but also bit sad for all others that have it so much worse than myself.

The Baphomet

Well-known member
The Mountain Gold looks a lot like mine! I think I am going to have to take at least the top branches - a little bud rot in some of my other ladies!! Nice work....
Thanks ... I had to pull a few tops off my mountain gold and also the Zacatecas due to bud rot from three days of rain we had two weeks ago .. Mountain gold looking like she will be coming down in another 7 to 10 days and the Zacatecas will come down end of this week . The green mountain grape seems to be more resistant to rot than the others only found one small spot I cut out , strange because she has dense buds compared to the Zacatecas and mountain gold .


Well-known member
Took the MG off the stalks after 10 ish days hanging. Sitting in the jars at 62% perfectly.


Not a spot of rot or a nanner in sight. Nice plant with minimal trimming to do.
I may have a tester tonight. ✌🏼🤙🏼

Cheers folks! 🍻

H e d g e

Active member
Thanks to everyone for all the smoke reports! I’m decided on mountain gold for my next grow.

At the beginning of the thread people were reporting cotton candy but then later it became bubble gum, was this change a result of the purple fed fuck influence after the green and purple lines were combined? One person also mentioned a bbgum ps.

My mg pack is about 5 years in the fridge now so probably candy?
Seems a pretty good excuse to buy another pack to me.
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Active member
Took one last shot of all my girls before chopping some tops yesterday. Not a ton of bud rot, but some. Found a bunch of aphids in the more purple of my two Mountain Gold girls. None in the greener one! Wet trim done (all day affair, pretty much), washed and hanging in my imperfect drying shed. Some really fine looking buds! Glad to have my crop not towering above my camo fence. Very excited to see if this strain lives up to the high expectations I have for it. 44 degrees.



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Sieht auch ziemlich genial aus, gelinde gesagt, danke auch fürs Teilen und dafür, dass du hilfst, diesen Thread besonders zu machen
Dies ist meine Linie der GMG.
Ich habe auch eine große Linie, der Purple Satellite,,,Bestehend aus vielen ausgewählten F1-Pflanzen.

Ich bin ein Guerilla-Grower und beschäftige mich immer mehr mit der Erhaltungszucht von seltenen nördlichen Outdoor cultivars (durch selektive Linienzucht).

GMG und PS lieben meinen Heimatboden (schluffiger Schwemmland Lehm).
Bei GMS, ist jeder Kerl ein Gewinner (die Männer sind mir bei der Zucht ,sehr wichtig).

Ich gebe ihnen Pferdemist (auch Kalkstein und Kieselgur) oder Hühnermistpellets. Ich halte es einfach!

Sie sind sehr zauberhaft und die besten Guerilla-Sorten, die ich kenne.

Und @vermontman ist einer der besten noch aktiven Züchter für nördliche Outdoor-Sorten weltweit.
Und mein persönlicher Farorite-Züchter.
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H e d g e

Active member
⬆️🇬🇧😉‘Looks pretty awesome too, to say the least, thanks also for sharing and for helping to make this thread special

This is my line of GMG.

I also have a large line, the Purple Satellite,,,Consisting of many selected F1 plants.

I am a guerilla grower and am increasingly concerned with the conservation breeding of rare northern outdoor cultivars (through selective line breeding).

GMG and PS love my home soil (mudy floodland clay).

At GMS, every guy is a winner (the men are very important to me in breeding).

I give them horse manure (also limestone and diatomaceous earth) or chicken manure pellets. I'll just keep it!

They are very magical and the best guerilla varieties I know.

And @vermontman is one of the best still active breeders for northern outdoor varieties worldwide.

And my personal favourite breeder.’


This is my line of GMG.
I also have a large line, the Purple Satellite,,,consisting of many selected F1 plants.

I am a guerrilla grower and am becoming more and more involved in conservation breeding of rare northern outdoor varieties (through selective line breeding).

GMG and PS love my home soil (silty alluvial loam).
With GMS, every guy is a winner (the males are ,very important to me in breeding).

I give them horse manure (also limestone and diatomaceous earth) or chicken manure pellets. I keep it simple!

They are very magical and the best guerrilla varieties I know.

And @vermontman is one of the best still active growers of northern outdoor varieties in the world.
And my personal farorite grower.