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Leetdood's growing struggles


I did take these pictures from last run... but I'm not really proud of them as I was laid up and I can tell hp13 could've done so much better.

Still got an eighth or so left. Very tasty... I cannot say enough that the flavor, while umami and garlic and all that, is incredibly complex and multi dimensional. It's not like gmo at all in that sense. Gmo is more straight chem d garlic body odor funk. This is like, a French onion soup by a Michelin starred chef.





Pink kush (legacy cut? Sourced by Danny T) needs cleaning up, cloning, and sending snips down south to a good buddy who my scammer ex-friend took advantage of. Long story but gonna hook it up, he's a good friend. Gonna flower out after the above.


Crushers #1, it's a lady. Gave her a thorough cleaning and foliage/shoot removal. As I mentioned pests like crowded, lower, or less lit foliage. No need to make it easy for them. I like this plant but not high hopes for the line as I haven't heard of any positive feedback coming out of this f1. It's gushers x sour samurai where sour samurai is (headbanger x sour d ibl) x sour power og. Got a few ladies to clone, take good care of, and flower out. Sexed them all along with sour apple jaxx as I didn't want the dudes. Kept the dudes of stuff like stardawg bx etc. So only some batches are sexed fully.

Gonna keep an open mind and see if this was slept on though. Flushed this and the pink kush to around 3.0 ec as runoff was pretty high. Takes a lot of time and feed but it's worth it as I'm putting in the time now to make sure my plants are gonna be healthy for cloning and flower.


Lol scammer former friend. You helped him with his bullshit scam you piece of shit.
Thanks for showing who you are. A harasser and bully. He took advantage of me like he did everybody else. I only spoke for how he treated me, because he worked very hard to seem like a good friend to me and others. You on the other hand, don't work very hard to hide how rude and immature you are.
Thanks for showing who you are. A harasser and bully. He took advantage of me like he did everybody else. I only spoke for how he treated me, because he worked very hard to seem like a good friend to me and others. You on the other hand, don't work very hard to hide how rude and immature you are.
Why would I not treat you like the scamming piece of shit you were. Telling people to get their story straight and all the other bullshit to further his scam, that you benefited from. It's funny watching you pretend to be the victim.


Why would I not treat you like the scamming piece of shit you were. Telling people to get their story straight and all the other bullshit to further his scam, that you benefited from. It's funny watching you pretend to be the victim.
Because you should get your story straight.

It's not my duty to enable your delusional worldview and harassment. He took advantage of my friendship and I've reached out to anybody who I thought deserved reaching out to, because I felt bad that there's someone in our community, especially someone who was my best friend, taking advantage of people.

You're just acting like a bully who never grew up because you can't grasp the concept that he took advantage of others than you. Grow up.
Because you should get your story straight.

It's not my duty to enable your delusional worldview and harassment. He took advantage of my friendship and I've reached out to anybody who I thought deserved reaching out to, because I felt bad that there's someone in our community, especially someone who was my best friend, taking advantage of people.

You're just acting like a bully who never grew up because you can't grasp the concept that he took advantage of others than you. Grow up.

That's hilarious. Remember the last time you tried the whole "YoU nEeD tO gEt YoUr StOrY sTrAiGhT." I'm starting to think that's one of your tells when you lie.....

Always the victim, it's never your fault. It's the same story from you all the time. Oh pooooor me pooooor me. You helped him scam people when multiple people tried telling you what was up. You're piece of shit self doubled down on that shit buying him extra time.

You have litterally no personal responsibility, have never had any, and want to talk to someone else about growing up. You sorry sack of shit. I'd feel bad for you if you weren't such a scamming cunt.
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Cleaned up my El chapo og mother.

I used a bucket of feed so filled it up with water and mixed feed into the bucket of water I filled yesterday. Back at 3 buckets feed and 1 bucket water. I'm gonna need it. I've been using the same inputs over and over but verified ec and pH to make sure all was good.


Watered these mini moms/dads. In back is HiRo#2 and Aliendog #1. In front is a Kiyomi (mimosa x meringue kush) male and Dawgsbreath.