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Leetdood's growing struggles


I also wanna run lots of i95 work. Topdawg has fam95 f2s left so I'm gonna grab them or some other i95 work for my birthday (Feb 2025) as a treat to myself and to thank topdawg (jj, Pete, Mike) again for all their work over the years. I've got three packs from them here left to run (stardawg ix, dirty taxi) and oodles more but I'd love more i95 centric work from them. So let's see what jj has in stock in Feb, lol

All Cacti Are Beautiful

Active member
Sharing the good and the bad things that go with growing and breeding is definitely the most interesting. Sometimes things don't go as planned and at one point or another everyone will get an issue pop up. Mistakes and failure hold a lot of information, it's only how you decide to deal with it. We're only human after all 😅

That's another beautiful list of Strains, like I said before you have good taste.

(Pre 98) Bubba kush is on my watch list, as is Irene, chem d obviously and the 88g13hp pairings are calling me out too. I could just quote the rest of your list now because you have definitely sparked my interest now.

Please do treat yourself on some more i95 work and share your findings 🙏



Thought this one was a male, but I'm seeing some lady parts. Will double check all onycd 3.0 phenos later.


Well-known member
Hey leet-

Have you considered getting the pests under control before popping more seeds and taking in new cuts?

Growing is a job for sure and pests make it so much harder. They’ve kept me up at night in the past when I had something pop up. It’s exhausting. Make it easier on yourself and keep only what you cannot live without. What you really need is no plants in your space for a few weeks and a really good cleaning. It makes growing so much more enjoyable when you can focus on the plants and not the pests.

I know it’s hard to drop stuff, but sometimes you need to to get the garden under control. It will make your life so much easier in the long run.

Best of luck man.


Hey leet-

Have you considered getting the pests under control before popping more seeds and taking in new cuts?

Growing is a job for sure and pests make it so much harder. They’ve kept me up at night in the past when I had something pop up. It’s exhausting. Make it easier on yourself and keep only what you cannot live without. What you really need is no plants in your space for a few weeks and a really good cleaning. It makes growing so much more enjoyable when you can focus on the plants and not the pests.

I know it’s hard to drop stuff, but sometimes you need to to get the garden under control. It will make your life so much easier in the long run.

Best of luck man.
Yes. If you read my earlier post about ipm, every plant had soil predators and fallacis applied. I'm cutting back to clone while they do their work. I also stopped popping seeds.


The idea is to flower out a supply of medicine so I don't run out (I smoke an eighth a day) and clean my entire place and catch up while the clones fully root and grow in the trays. It is difficult to catch up and clean everything with the large plants that I grew out to outpace pests and neglect until I was able to get them in adequate shape. So they all go in the tents and I clean everything else.

After my hernia repair surgery I was laid up for 6 to 7 weeks and things got really bad. I've been working extremely hard to catch up since.


If you plan to follow along Cru @Jcue81 I'm a bit caught up so it's not a bad time to take photos and show what I mean by working hard and catching up and overcoming the specific issues. Lately I have been putting my life and plants first with the help of my adhd meds (take them consistently and figured out how to work around the side effects, etc) but I like to take time if I can to show whats going on. I appreciate the luck and advice.

So I've probably mentioned the 40x40" tent that is in flower. I have a 240W Viparspectra LED light in there that originally came from Overgrow user DougDawson. It's killer in there and makes the plant go turbo mode, in my opinion. It's also in my bedroom so I don't get too overheated.

Here's a picture of the flower run (day 16 about to end i believe)


And the undercarriage. Still working on it. Gotta get pot risers I think so I don't move em in and out mid or late flower. Not putting a trellis yet. Gotta raise the light tonight I think.


So I've been trying to hit the plants with plenty of feed, so not necessarily a complete dryback. My media is hot and needs more flushing than less which I'll cover in a minute. You can see the ipm here. Trying to keep it clean too.

Took astronaut status #24, thats gmoreoz x maitai, and sunset sherbet out to water. Sherb wasn't that dry yet so hopefully I'm not hitting it too often. I know some of these modern cultivars like the frequent feed.




The Sunset Sherbet @ 16 days of flower.




Astronaut status #24, henceforth referred to as as24. I'm late on cleaning up the lower growth, I admit. Here's after.



I can only attach 10 images so I'm explaining the feed in the next post.


So I've been re using my media, promix equivalent, with amendments from previous organic attempts like castings, gaia green power bloom, bone meal, blood meal, and so forth, and excess unflushed salts from my learning efforts. So it runs pretty hot before the plant uses it up or it's flushed out.

@farmerjoe420 sent me salts over a year ago and taught me to use them. He basically just answers any dumbass question I have so it's been a huge help. This is my current ratio at full strength:

.8g Epsom salt (magnesium sulfate, so mag and some micros if it's not pure)
3.5g calcium nitrate 15 0 0 (calcium, nitrogen)
4.0g masterblend bloom 0 12 24 (PK and micros)

Per gallon. Use agsil16h from concentrate as pH up or for silica as needed.

Right now I feed at 60% strength (1.4 EC) across the board because I've figured out that's what's working for me right now. I spent a lot of time with my ec meter that I got start of year, measuring runoff and talking to Joe about how I was making mistakes. Upon his advice I bought a lot of fresh promix to use but I was only able to buy so much. So I was mixing it in with the old media, and now it's only the old media left (half full dirt bin, 13 3 gallon pots to break down)

So in general I water to plenty of excess runoff to make sure the plant is getting the correct pH and nutrient ratios. But the runoff EC can take weeks to go down to what seems like reasonable numbers as the plant uses it up or as it is flushed out.

The reason I explain all this:


1.4 EC in to excess runoff. Runoff EC 4.5 EC

Normally this horrifies people. But a) the leds make the plants feed HARD and b) it started at what i would say is 6.0 to 7.5 EC, that range.

So in a week I will likely need to feed 100% strength and see what the runoff numbers and plants tell me.




Random Goji Margy. Its pissed off. Cleaned it up. 5.2 EC runoff even after all that (see red bowl.) Freshly transplanted so mainly needs light, and need to clone and train it properly.

Catching up consisted of about 100 transplants or more in a row, breaking down all the used media for that, sanitizing each pot, making enough feed to saturate and flush (one gallon smart pot with really dry plant and media can take over a gallon of feed), and trying to figure out how to get in the right sort of exercise for my hernia repair surgery recovery (the area gets sore), my knees, and my back. Turns out a hour walk a day (can be several short walks) does the trick. Also just cleaning all the damn mess from when I was immobile 90% of the time or too got dang depressed. I have solid goals and plans now so I'm doing much better with what I would call my routines.

So now that's mainly done, the plan is to fill the 3 trays I sanitized, and one new, it's the rigid type that you can get height extenders for, I don't have any yet, for 4 trays total of clones. While and after doing that, spend the time on the plants and make sure they're healthy and/or ready to flower out. Like this one really need that lower growth removed.

I should mention pests really love foliage that's less lit, less healthy, overlapping, and love to jump from plant to plant where there's overlapping foliage. You already know this Cru I bet but readers might not. I definitely spent a lot of time removing all of that too. While I was laid up a ton of these plants were either in clear tiny cocktail cups, 4 inch pots, or a clone tray for months. So you can see why it took so long to make it this far.

Might post some pics of my Pringle can fun project grow later. I'm really enjoying fucking around with it because it's not one of the plants I desperately need to keep alive and clone off 😂