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Well-known member
And why not take away the mount altogether? What are the pros? Another major con that comes to my mind, is the top roots are a lot more exposed to the heat and dry air, while roots under the ground can grow further and are cooler and more moist.
It is something to consider next year but i have drainage concerns, whereas a mound has perfect drainage all the time, just some nute loss
I’m new here but, I say living soil. Photo from July.


Old Piney

Well-known member
IMO in ground is best amend the soil you have. I just don't get the the container or grow bag thing .In ground keep the roots cooler and the plants need less water. I grow some good size plants bigger than I want , over 9 ‘ . I use just compost worm castings a just a little chicken manure that's it. I add very little new compost every year
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Well-known member
I do, also BT because i get budworms otherwise. I do bubble hash so i don't worry.
Preciate it. Yeah I also bubble pretty much the whole harvest, I'd imagine its fine even for smoking given a Lactobacillus serum is harmless, just looking for reassurance in case it cheese'd the whole crop. Curious what your spray routine is if you wanna share briefly

I got a few PM spots on leaves Ill try chasing away with LABs, I already cleared most from defol. It hasn't rained for weeks so the rain should also wash some of it away too given it seems to thrive with the dryness. Guess I could also try budwashing if it comes to that, still gotta focus on finishing first

Old Piney

Well-known member
never spray in flower more on principle than any real reason.
For me the only time I need BT is in flower, there are no caterpillars in veg. Just one or sometimes two sprays in mid flower does it. Don't consider myself a freak but I sure got a real reason for spraying , the little bastards and the mold they cause is devastating. My spray routine is simple I look really good and only when I see the tiny bastards crawling I spray
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ICMag Donor
Snapped one of the tall SCC, so brought it home, its close enough to be good. It was in the shade a bit, and was lanky. May reduce the plant count to avoid lanky plants, was waiting for preflowers to get the males out and they got a little stretched.

Mice nearly destroyed one plant that was leaning on the fence eating seeds in the past day or 2. The rain gets the animals active and damage ususally follows a rain. All the other plants are untouched except one or 2 small flowers. The resin is deterring them from eating seed hopefully and the flowers are so big the seeds are hiding now!


Well-known member
For me the only time I need BT is in flower, there are no caterpillars in veg.
I havent ever seen any caterpillars yet, bought a BT spray a couple years ago but never needed it. I spray fish hydrolysate+LABs+molasses a couple times in veg to try to colonize good bacteria the on plant. I dont spray in flower because the fish residue doesnt jibe with me on a bunch of levels.

Im just curious how late some of these guys spraying fermented natural inputs are hitting their flowers. Of course these inputs are described like panaceas by the knf gospel gurus but I dont see to many people describing ipm schedules, results, successes etc... in too many places, whether that be cannabis or vegetable/fruit growing too.


Well-known member
Snapped one of the tall SCC, so brought it home, its close enough to be good.
Yup seems like we're very close to the end, fall is officially here. Wind snapped the top 2ft cola of one of my plants probably 10 days ago.

I tried taping it up but when I came back a week later it was a disaster waiting to happen so it got the chop. Buds were barely alive and never gonna finish. It pressed into rosin a few hours later, tiny bit of water in the press but this thing was just withering and desiccating in the sun. Fan leaves do make it look tragic though.

I think I finally understand what they mean by "polishing a turd"... turning garbage into piss yellow oils.

Nice amuse bouche for the main crop, tastes and smell should develop but fresh press smells like stewarts key lime soda/maybe lime gatorade. Taste is effervescent vegetal but sweet vegetal not chlrophyll vegetal and with a decent citrus/sour cherry on the backend. Taste pairs nicely with the last watermelon of the season I harvested very last day of summer. Got some muskmelons/cantaloupe that might make it if weather stays nice another 2 weeks 🤞

Fall colors coming in. Probably a month and lots of defol left on this thing... Happy harvest everyone, heres to a good finish for all of you🥂


Well-known member
Perhaps something in the middle like a 8” raised bed but like 5 or 6’ around
After this initial grow with what could be called considerable hybrid vigor sativas i just need to account for plant size and length of grow...so there's a volume of soil i should ballpark and the dimensional geometry of the cavity can vary. I must consider the clay silted hardpacked pasture i have to work with. The bottom should not be a size that will hold so much water it robs too high a percentage of rootmass. I want it deep so it acts as a time release source of nutes...it will take time for roots to fully engulf nutrient rich bottom of hole...like i time root growth with that..i want that monster plant in august to just be starting in on that collection at bottom...else i will need to supplement nutes again...see where im going with this? The size of soil should be just enough for when i cut that sucker down in nov/dec it has finally exhausted the pile


Well-known member
What's the odor level on the Green Mountain Grape? Does it have a noticeable cannabis smell? I was growing Triks Auto from Mendocino20Twenty and it reeked up the whole block like skunk gas so I cut it down early. I'm also growing Friesland Indica and it is very low odor.
I would consider it low odor. We were getting a lot of 100% sunshine days.
Now that it's finishing up and we're getting some rain i expect it should smell more