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Well-known member
ICMag Donor
I’m not on the path. You guys maybe are but i’m already back home smoking weed, watching motosports and noodling a guitar hah hah

i won’t be hanging out. this is not infectiously interesting to me more like waste of time reading most of this, not all of it but most of it


What would you call those then?

and within these light columns, shaped by the built in reflectors most of the light is moving straight away from the chip, not spreading to the sides. meaning the light column is more intense in the middle of it

You could have shown me a picture of led viewing angles shaped by the built in reflectors in these chips , the thing i wrote about, but instead of doing that you show me a hexagon. ???

And this is a good example what is wrong with these tech threads. Some of our people love to lecture others, go off on your tangent and then the plot gets lost

If you want to illustrate your point about led chips and viewing angles do not show pictures of something else.

I really have hard time even finish reading replies like this one.

If you want to address a point i have presented, quote me on this point and then address that point and that point only. Don’t go off your tangents and giving lectures on everything else assuming the guy at the other end is interested reading it. I’m not interested in your grower life stories or how or well your buddies like your weed compared to the shit they buy at the street corner of at the coffeeshops.

I struggled reading this post before the hexagon picture and then couldn’t continue reading the rest of it after that one. I’m not interested in this at all. This really isn’t infectiously interesting. not even close.

Now i just want to get shit faced because i’m so frustrated having to deal with this nonsense. a mild head ache is creeping in. hah hah
Well dont let the door hit you on the way out!


Active member
My tissue tests are in range 👍, i dont want you to waste your time worrying about that though, theres charts and numbers and whew, lots of the stuff you dont like.
What tissue did you test, leaf or flower?

Who's range is that? something you read online of something you figured out yourself?

Do you know the npk levels of your feed?

Don't tell me what i like and what i don't. Let me be the one telling you that. isn't that the way it's supposed to be?


Well-known member
What tissue did you test, leaf or flower?

Who's range is that? something you read online of something you figured out yourself?

Do you know the npk levels of your feed?

Don't tell me what i like and what i don't. Let me be the one telling you that. isn't that the way it's supposed to be?

Your plants need more ferts man. the leaves aren't thick enough yet.
What's your EC? ..past EC2.0?
I just had a look at your pictures in your media and your in no position to be telling @Crooked8 how to feed his plants!!


Active member
I just had a look at your pictures in your media and your in no position to be telling @Crooked8 how to feed his plants!!
I disagree

That just shows how little you know and can’t raed a plant.
I’m assuming you talk about the Ethiopians.

They’re pale in color because the soil dried out too much too often before i put blumats in the pots and the plants have grown too close to the lights. It has nothing to do with nutrient strength. There are signs of over feeding actually on those plants but you probably couldn’t even say what i mean by this


Well-known member
I’m not on the path. You guys maybe are but i’m already back home smoking weed, watching motosports and noodling a guitar hah hah

i won’t be hanging out. this is not infectiously interesting to me more like waste of time reading most of this, not all of it but most of it


What would you call those then?

and within these light columns, shaped by the built in reflectors most of the light is moving straight away from the chip, not spreading to the sides. meaning the light column is more intense in the middle of it

You could have shown me a picture of led viewing angles shaped by the built in reflectors in these chips , the thing i wrote about, but instead of doing that you show me a hexagon. ???

And this is a good example what is wrong with these tech threads. Some of our people love to lecture others, go off on your tangent and then the plot gets lost

If you want to illustrate your point about led chips and viewing angles do not show pictures of something else.

I really have hard time even finish reading replies like this one.

If you want to address a point i have presented, quote me on this point and then address that point and that point only. Don’t go off your tangents and giving lectures on everything else assuming the guy at the other end is interested reading it. I’m not interested in your grower life stories or how or well your buddies like your weed compared to the shit they buy at the street corner of at the coffeeshops.

I struggled reading this post before the hexagon picture and then couldn’t continue reading the rest of it after that one. I’m not interested in this at all. This really isn’t infectiously interesting. not even close.

Now i just want to get shit faced because i’m so frustrated having to deal with this nonsense. a mild head ache is creeping in. hah hah
then why are you here?


Well-known member
What tissue did you test, leaf or flower?

Who's range is that? something you read online of something you figured out yourself?

Do you know the npk levels of your feed?

Don't tell me what i like and what i don't. Let me be the one telling you that. isn't that the way it's supposed to be?
now you're talking about technical stuff like EC and tissue test after disdaining science? you don't see the disconnect between your philosophy and what you say?


Active member
after disdaining science?

I didn’t disdain science. i disdain dipshit like you who can’t process it

Morons who reply to my comment about built in reflectors in led chips and then post a picture of a hexagon.

That’s not science

Are you claiming to be scientific ?hah hah

Quit talking to me. You clearly aren’t up for it.


BTW 'Philos sophia' means LOVE OF WISDOM ..hah ha sickly sweet term if you ask me. I bet you're one of those softies. lover of wisdow
I bet you didn't know what that meant when you used the word. I doesn't make much sense in that context you used it in. Pseudo intellectual, that's what you are. You pretend to be smarter than you actually are
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Noone here currently on this thread is selling any leds. Wth are you talking about?

You dont have to buy any leds. Nor discuss them. As you say some see led bud quality as an issue and im kind of agreeing; some leds just give shitty results when coupled up with the wrong cultivar.
I would like add my 2 cents in this chat.

2019 I switch from HPS Sylvania grow lux to led.
I got HLG and then I added san light, one cob 3500k and another 100 watt hlg the older model that had some white.
The light combination made all look better and healthier .

The problem with leds is that requires more focus from the grower to tune in and to oberve more and listen the needs of his plants carefully.
The right feeding schedule and give extra space in the roots while flowering does the trick .

If you want cheat code use sugar royal it has a magic effect under led , the stress reaction and stress tolerance it creates makes the plants more resilient to led moving fast environment.
I hope that helps.


Active member
My tissue tests are in range 👍, i dont want you to waste your time worrying about that though, theres charts and numbers and whew, lots of the stuff you dont like.

My intention isn’t to make you feel bad or to put you down, so i hope you won’t take it like that

I tried to find a post by you where you show your nutrient lab test results. Couldn’t find it but i found some photos of your grow. I lifted the photo out of your post on page 184 on this thread.

If your nutrient analysis is based on this feed that you gave these plants and you assume it’s spot on. it’s just not

The dark color of leaves and leaves cupping like that is a well know sign on too much Nitrogen. This isn’t any news for sativa and haze growers. When your haze hybrid has leaves cupping like that the grower gave them too much N

The photos of your dried buds show the same problem. Way too much N

too much n.jpg

If you think that is how you good weed is supposed to look like. Or if you think it compares well with the bud you smoked by some other grower then all i can say that you have never smoked well grown bud in your life.

I’m not just trying to say mean things to make you feel bad. It’s just how it is.

If you think that is good then you have no idea what good weed is.

I think you guys are trying to fix your led issues the wrong way by giving them more higher EC and more nitrogen

If the argument is that high ppfd or intense led light needs stronger nutrient feed to support the metabolism or how ever the fuck your jargon goes

Then explain to me why it’s accumulating in the leaves and showing clear signs of excess feeding.

So if your plants are suffering under your lights it’s something other than nutrient deficiencies because clearly you are over feeding them. It’s not even a debate.

@greayfader i saw photos of your plants too. same issue. too much N

Come at me boys. i know your egos can’t handle this. you will get upset and want to start shit with me like you did before. Get the whole clown squad together so i can ream the fuck out of the whole bunch at the same time


Well-known member

I didn’t disdain science. i disdain dipshit like you who can’t process it

Morons who reply to my comment about built in reflectors in led chips and then post a picture of a hexagon.

That’s not science

Are you claiming to be scientific ?hah hah

Quit talking to me. You clearly aren’t up for it.
a 120 degree beam spread is still a 120 degree beam spread, lens or not. and i'll keep talking to you as long as you continue trolling this thread.

because that's all you're doing at this point.

i tried to extend an olive branch to you in a nice way and you get all butt hurt and lash out.

so be it. have it your way. game's on, mofo!

if you don't think i'm capable of discussing any aspect of growing cannabis with you why don't you pick a topic and let's give it a go?


Well-known member
My intention isn’t to make you feel bad or to put you down, so i hope you won’t take it like that

I tried to find a post by you where you show your nutrient lab test results. Couldn’t find it but i found some photos of your grow. I lifted the photo out of your post on page 184 on this thread.

If your nutrient analysis is based on this feed that you gave these plants and you assume it’s spot on. it’s just not

The dark color of leaves and leaves cupping like that is a well know sign on too much Nitrogen. This isn’t any news for sativa and haze growers. When your haze hybrid has leaves cupping like that the grower gave them too much N

The photos of your dried buds show the same problem. Way too much N

View attachment 19061664

If you think that is how you good weed is supposed to look like. Or if you think it compares well with the bud you smoked by some other grower then all i can say that you have never smoked well grown bud in your life.

I’m not just trying to say mean things to make you feel bad. It’s just how it is.

If you think that is good then you have no idea what good weed is.

I think you guys are trying to fix your led issues the wrong way by giving them more higher EC and more nitrogen

If the argument is that high ppfd or intense led light needs stronger nutrient feed to support the metabolism or how ever the fuck your jargon goes

Then explain to me why it’s accumulating in the leaves and showing clear signs of excess feeding.

So if your plants are suffering under your lights it’s something other than nutrient deficiencies because clearly you are over feeding them. It’s not even a debate.

@greayfader i saw photos of your plants too. same issue. too much N

Come at me boys. i know your egos can’t handle this. you will get upset and want to start shit with me like you did before. Get the whole clown squad together so i can ream the fuck out of the whole bunch at the same time
let's see photos of your perfectly grown finished plants!

have you ever heard of abiotic stress? it's just one of the tools professional growers use to grow heavy, high-yielding plants with potent and terpene rich flowers.

pics please or shut the fuck up!


Active member
let's see photos of your perfectly grown finished plants!
I wrote good weed/bud

You smoke it you don't spend time looking at it. Right?

Plants can look to have nice fade in the end but still have harsh smoke.

You just keep looking at dumb ass


Active member
a 120 degree beam spread is still a 120 degree beam spread, lens or not.
Yes i know. i'm the one who brought it up. they have BUILT IN REFLECTORS that shape the light column don't they

Any comment on those light colums on the picture i showed you? you skipped over that part when you realised you were wrong. Sign of a bloated and fragile ego hah hah

"Shit i was wrong. Well,just don't talk about it any more. maybe others will not notice that i changed the subject" Hah haaa


Active member
have you ever heard of abiotic stress?
“abiotic stress”

Had to google it hah hah

Yes over feeding is part of it.

I showed you from the photo signs of“abiotic stress” showing too much N

what is your point? Terminology and fancy words won’t help you in any way debating me