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Active member
Looking good Chuck. At least this one has some flowers on it unlike the leafballs you're so proud of

Your own plants look like shit but still you pick on other people. hah hah


Trust me, you _don't_ want to see those pics. :LOL::ROFLMAO::LOL:



Well-known member
Yes i know. i'm the one who brought it up. they have BUILT IN REFLECTORS that shape the light column don't they

Any comment on those light colums on the picture i showed you? you skipped over that part when you realised you were wrong. Sign of a bloated and fragile ego hah hah

"Shit i was wrong. Well,just don't talk about it any more. maybe others will not notice that i changed the subject" Hah haaa
only one of them has any relevance to leds used in grow lights. and that one has a 120 degree beam spread which by any definition is not a "column".
“abiotic stress”

Had to google it hah hah

Yes over feeding is part of it.

I showed you from the photo signs of“abiotic stress” showing too much N

what is your point? Terminology and fancy words won’t help you in any way debating me
the fact that you don't even know what abiotic stress is means that you don't understand using it to manipulate cannabinoids and terpenes.

here is a recent plant of mine. please diagnose it's "problems".


  • IMG_2065.JPG
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Active member
here is a recent plant of mine. please diagnose it's "problems".
The leaf color of too dark green at lower canopy show over feeding. This is also shown on the dead brown tissue at the end of the yellowed out leaves.
Lower canopy show downward curling a sign of too much N

Yellowing upper leaves is sign that the grower fried them by keeping the light too close and maybe had too much air blowing at them

Is that a hydro plant? If so then well done managing to burn up one of those. At least i grow in soil wehre it’s much more difficult to keep plants hydrated under leds

Does my reply satisfy you?
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CharlesU Farley

Well-known member
Looking good Chuck. At least this one has some flowers on it unlike the leafballs you're so proud of

Your own plants look like shit but still you pick on other people. hah hah

View attachment 19061718
As @Raco says, a picture is worth a thousand words. :


I _guess_ you can call that a cannabis plant!?!?!?!?!?

Run along Troll Boy, before I post this in the TH thread... would love to get his comment on this thing. :ROFLMAO:
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Well-known member
The leaf color of too dark green at lower canopy show over feeding. This is also shown on the dead brown tissue at the end of the yellowed out leaves.
Lower canopy show downward curling a sign of too much N

Yellowing upper leaves is sign that the grower fired them by keeping the light too close and maybe had too much air blowing at them

Is that a hydro plant? If so then well done managing to burn up one of those. At least i grow in soil wehre it’s much more difficult to keep plants hydrated under leds

Does my reply satisfy you?
your response is exactly as i anticipated. too much nitrogen is it? wrong!

here is the same plant at the end of week 6 of flowering.


so, what happened? the last pic that you said showed too much N was intentionally starved of N the last 3 weeks. so what you say is too much N is actually very low N.

it was not done to "flush" the plant. is was done to enhance cannabinoids and terpenes. i have a paper that i could put up to show you the reaserch done on the subject but you won't read it so what's the point?


Well-known member
your response is exactly as i anticipated. too much nitrogen is it? wrong!

here is the same plant at the end of week 6 of flowering.

View attachment 19061770

so, what happened? the last pic that you said showed too much N was intentionally starved of N the last 3 weeks. so what you say is too much N is actually very low N.

it was not done to "flush" the plant. is was done to enhance cannabinoids and terpenes. i have a paper that i could put up to show you the reaserch done on the subject but you won't read it so what's the point?
That pic of the burned up leaves is not N deficiency. That looks like you fried them by overfeeding. N deficiency will start on lower leaves.


Well-known member
“Integrated reflector” can you see that?

I used the term “built in reflector”. Is that ok? I’m not a pro like you hah hah

View attachment 19061762

View attachment 19061758

a 120 degree beam angle is still a 120 degree beam angle and that is what most led fixtures use. the reflector is not relevant.

your contention is that the columnar shape is causing hot spots on the plant. that is fundamentally wrong

because first there is no column being formed. your chart showing led columns is from high bay lights that are intentionally focused whereas most led grow lights are intentionally diffused.

and second, your understanding of the heat from leds is flawed.

here i will show you a document the illustrates this concept.

the salient point from this document by professional cannabis environmental control engineers.

" Since LED and fluorescent lamps do not emit as much infrared light they do not transfer heat to the plants via radiation"

taken from;

From an HVACD perspective, the types of lighting can be grouped into two categories, those that emit significant Application Note 33 EST.1978 High Infrared •High intensity discharge (HID) -Metal halide (MH) -High-pressure sodium (HPS) Low Infrared •Light-emitting diode (LED) •Fluorescent infrared light and those that do not emit this part of the light spectrum. Since LED and fluorescent lamps do not emit as much infrared light they do not transfer heat to the plants via radiation. In contrast, HID lamps emit a relatively large amount of radiant heat, even at the same energy input. This, coupled with the fact that LED lights are often specified with lower energy input for any given canopy area means that the infrared radiation when using LED lamps is far lower than when using HID technologies. The output from an HID light is approximately 55% radiant heat (energy in the form of electromagnetic radiation or infrared wavelengths), 10% convection heat (energy transferred to the air) and 35% in light energy. LED lights have less than 25% radiant heat, 25% convection heat and the remaining 50% in light energy. This, coupled with the fact that the gross power input for LED installations is specified at a lower value means that the net total infrared energy sent to the plants is much lower in rooms equipped with LED lights than in rooms with HID lights.
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Well-known member
That pic of the burned up leaves is not N deficiency. That looks like you fried them by overfeeding. N deficiency will start on lower leaves.
how do you explain the fact that i used ec 1.8 in the 6 week photo with no apparent issues and never went above that feed level the entire grow and then dumped the reservoir at the end of week 7 and fed ph adjusted water only?

so no, excess nitrogen did not cause the leaf yellowing. it was nitrogen starvation! intentional nitrogen starvation.

you and sanjaro don't know what you are talking about.

edited to correct week 6 to week 7


Well-known member
how do you explain the fact that i used ec 1.8 in the 6 week photo with no apparent issues and never went above that feed level the entire grow and then dumped the reservoir at the end of week 6 and fed ph adjusted water only?

so no, excess nitrogen did not cause the leaf yellowing. it was nitrogen starvation! intentional nitrogen starvation.

you and sanjaro don't know what you are talking about.
Maybe you messed up the pH when you changed the res to plain water. That's not N deficiency.


Well-known member
ICMag Donor

You can grow your underfed hairballs im gonna stick to what ive got going on. You can play doctor and diagnose plants all day without a lab. What you've got sure looks better than mine.

Id get into ppfd causing light aversion and strain response, but again, you didnt indicate interest in nerdy stuff 🤓.

In a room full of 20+ strains all at high lighting stuff gets wild. You will find upward and downward curl in the same canopy with different strains right next to each other at those light levels. You cant get one plant to stay healthy. Try hundreds of all different strains.
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Well-known member
here are flir images illustrating the heat transfer differences between led and hid lighting.

black dog led lighting.

so no, the leds "columns do not cause hot spots on the plant.

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Active member
your response is exactly as i anticipated. too much nitrogen is it? wrong!

here is the same plant at the end of week 6 of flowering.

View attachment 19061770

so, what happened? the last pic that you said showed too much N was intentionally starved of N the last 3 weeks. so what you say is too much N is actually very low N.

it was not done to "flush" the plant. is was done to enhance cannabinoids and terpenes. i have a paper that i could put up to show you the reaserch done on the subject but you won't read it so what's the point?

What a great reply. “you’re wrong” super scientific and well detailed hah hah

Lower canopy leaves are cupping down wards and you can clearly see tip burn already at this point!

You havn’t burned the tops so badly at this point yet

Is that hydro i asked

Can you quantify the N level?

I’m telling you it’s too much. You replying me it’s “very low” doesn’t inform me very much now does it.

Starving ! yea right. Obviously that plant wasn’t starved enough, it’s way too dark green still. You don’t know what the fuck you’re supposed to even do.

Starving that dark green fucker till it’s white-yellow wouldn’t save you any cause you have already given it too much N

Do you know the npk ratios? tell me if you do. maybe i’m able to give you few tips cause you surely need some hah hah

How does your npk profile change as the blooming weeks go by? How about the EC levels

Your replies aren’t very scientific.I’m sure you know that. at this level.weak.

I bet you’d feel greater pride if it was other people who would call your professional and good scientist instead of you telling yourself that. ha hah

How do like the reaming so far? I told you your ego couldn’t handle it,but you went for that keyboard and now you have opened the pandora’s box. It’s all down hill from now on, scientist

Yes. you keep that paper hidden. I want you to write the replies yourself and not to use someone else’s research


Well-known member
ICMag Donor

no i didn't, this plant is bluestar og and it is one of the most potent and terp heavy plants i've grown in 28 years.

you guys are so pathetically lame!

do you want to see some research showing how nitrogen deprivation as abiotic stress induces greater cannabinoid and terpene expression?
I doubt “research papers” will get you anywhere with this current audience.


Well-known member

no i didn't, this plant is bluestar og and it is one of the most potent and terp heavy plants i've grown in 28 years.

you guys are so pathetically lame!

do you want to see some research showing how nitrogen deprivation as abiotic stress induces greater cannabinoid and terpene expression?
If you've been growing for 28 years you might want to find a new hobby. And I'm the lame one, :ROFLMAO: