Why are you posting this here? Friendly question cause you dont give much info or ask any questions about it, im sure wed all like to help.everything WAS good until the fall started (dark panels with light veins). now the inverse led colour scheme strikes again
View attachment 19077150
- How to fix this plant?
- How to avoid this the next time?
- comment on leds in general?
- Help with what caused this?
To me this looks completely picture perfect like led lightburn which happens when youre giving too much led light without covering the basic grow conditions (temps/rh/vpd, EC/ph and nutes composition). Look how its worse on top growth, that indicates problem is worse the higher light intensity. Or possibly that the last bit of growth happened in too low nute strength.
Fixing this grow is going to be hard, they usually stay like this once you get here. But maybe you could stop.it from getting worse.
The general basic advice would be increasing temps but its hard to make any promises since the plant looks like its transpiring well (erect leaves). Also not a single petiole showing; theyre very indicative of the plant getting too much light.
Maybe you could provide some more info on the grow or ask for what you need in a more straight forward way. Medium, climate, light, ec ph if hydro-type nutes.