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Well-known member
I respect both you and Crooked8 here on ICM and have tremendous respect for Rocket Soul, who I'm familiar with from another forum that we don't discuss here. :ROFLMAO:

You can disagree without being disagreeable, which both of you pretty much well doing, from my perspective anyway. I'm used to a lot of FOAD and ESAD's in these types of discussions.:cool:

Can't we all just get along???😂:ROFLMAO:😂

Seriously, you both make good points, as do most of the participants in this thread. Everybody just brings their own education, experience, and expertise (how's that for alliteration, my high school English teacher would be proud;)) to these discussions and obviously, everybody has various opinions.

If I could legally grow outdoors, I'd be _all_ over natural sun! If I didn't live in the hot ass SouthEast mountains of the US, I may actually prefer _MH_ (maybe CMH now, totally ignorant of those since I went directly from MH to LED) for the additional heat that a 1 kw ballast can provide.

But for _me_ and my environmental situation, I'm happy to produce buds like this, taken today, plants are one month into flowering:

View attachment 19060076

In an environment like this:

View attachment 19060077

For about what it used to cost me to run this fucker:

View attachment 19060078

From an old dinosaurs perspective, you just got to love technology!!!!:cool:
They need some langbeinite.


Well-known member
ICMag Donor
I respect both you and Crooked8 here on ICM and have tremendous respect for Rocket Soul, who I'm familiar with from another forum that we don't discuss here. :ROFLMAO:

You can disagree without being disagreeable, which both of you pretty much well doing, from my perspective anyway. I'm used to a lot of FOAD and ESAD's in these types of discussions.:cool:

Can't we all just get along???😂:ROFLMAO:😂

Seriously, you both make good points, as do most of the participants in this thread. Everybody just brings their own education, experience, and expertise (how's that for alliteration, my high school English teacher would be proud;)) to these discussions and obviously, everybody has various opinions.

If I could legally grow outdoors, I'd be _all_ over natural sun! If I didn't live in the hot ass SouthEast mountains of the US, I may actually prefer _MH_ (maybe CMH now, totally ignorant of those since I went directly from MH to LED) for the additional heat that a 1 kw ballast can provide.

But for _me_ and my environmental situation, I'm happy to produce buds like this, taken today, plants are one month into flowering:

View attachment 19060076

In an environment like this:

View attachment 19060077

For about what it used to cost me to run this fucker:

View attachment 19060078

From an old dinosaurs perspective, you just got to love technology!!!!:cool:
People who actually care about the topic get abuse from naysayers every few weeks in here. Why do we even tolerate it at all? Its like bully jocks in high school talking shit to nerds. We all know how that turns out too. The nerds always rule the world and those bullies always end up losers. Im not sure what it is about cannabis that brings such an ugly thing out of people. Ive tried to stay on topic and even address the naysayers respectfully only to hear name calling and passive aggressive replies. I could show the dankest herb anyone has ever seen and these clowns would find a way to hate. It’s a bummer and i really do just want to get along.
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Well-known member
its alright, they can hate 😊

I'm not hating. In fact when I replace my HID I'll be going to LED. Not an off the shelf product but a DIY. I'd rather buy the components and make my own. It's not difficult. I might not be present and posting but I follow the LED threads.

As far as hate goes, us growing with HID's seem to get the most. I've had many comments on the forums telling me I'm living in the past, wasting my time, etc... Because I'm still using an HID. Not much of that on this site but another site I used to frequent it was common. What really didn't make sense was that many of those saying those things had terrible looking plants. It's as if they decided that light technology was more important than learning plant science.

I'm not saying LED's when dialed won't produce better than HID's. But I don't need anything better than what I'm already getting from my HID. I don't grow for sale and am not commercial. So an inexpensive HID serves me just fine. I'm like many people that have no need to just toss perfectly good equipment that produces exceptional cannabis. I've pulled over 20 zips of top shelf from my 600 watt HPS in one grow. That's two years worth of weed for me including giving much of it away.

LED, HID, just grow some damn weed.

mean mr.mustard

I Pass Satellites
People who actually care about the topic get abuse from naysayers every few weeks in here. Why do we even tolerate it at all? Its like bully jocks in high school talking shit to nerds. We all know how that turns out too. The nerds always rule the world and those bullies always end up losers. Im not sure what it is about cannabis that brings such an ugly thing out of people. Ive tried to stay on topic and even address the naysayers respectfully only to hear name calling and passive aggressive replies. I could show the dankest herb anyone has ever seen and these clowns would find a way to hate. It’s a bummer and i really do just want to get along.

You're not being anything but defensive about nonexistent abuse from me... it's just that you seem wired for a fight.

Breathe and puff... but understand that it seems that you just need a hearty bitch fit... and are looking for it.

I am able to appreciate your love of LED.

I can steer it back on topic, I have seen good LED grown bud.

I could do you one better and answer your first question if you like.

I don't have hurt feelings and I hope this didn't ruin your party.

Yes T12 came up and it is OK.

You can get through this.

The thread is so much better with the bitch fits.




Well-known member
An appropriate thread for the ‘vs’ debate is:

This one we’re in is ‘LED & Bud Quality.’

I don’t believe it’s the subject matter that’s annoying @Crooked8 so much as that it’s off topic.


Well-known member
ICMag Donor
You're not being anything but defensive about nonexistent abuse from me... it's just that you seem wired for a fight.

Breathe and puff... but understand that it seems that you just need a hearty bitch fit... and are looking for it.

I am able to appreciate your love of LED.

I can steer it back on topic, I have seen good LED grown bud.

I could do you one better and answer your first question if you like.

I don't have hurt feelings and I hope this didn't ruin your party.

Yes T12 came up and it is OK.

You can get through this.

The thread is so much better with the bitch fits.


I get it, you have a dry sense of humor, its so so great. The guy who acts like a dick and then when called is all “ohhh wow why so sensitive”. Youre just an instigator but wont really have a discussion. You immediately assumed i “hadent seen” good HID bud when most of my career is with HID. We can just call it, thanks for attempting to communicate, but, yeah, im all set. Speaking of what makes this thread better….You contribute nothing of value. Take care.
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mean mr.mustard

I Pass Satellites
I get it, you have a dry sense of humor, its so so great. Youre just an instigator but wont really have a discussion. You immediately assumed i “hadent seen” good HID bud when most of my career is with HID. We can just call it, thanks for attempting to communicate, but, yeah, im all set. You contribute nothing of value.

I just saw you had a side.

If you're happy, I'm happy.

You asked why folks get bent out of shape while you're getting bent out of shape.

I did not assume anything, you did.

You could take it down a notch.


Well-known member
He questioned whether the sun was as good as led. He went full retahd.
That wasn't my question, you just quoted the thread title. You also have a strange view of what happened there. It wasn't retarded, it was advanced to the point of knocking.

What does that Vet badge that you carry, actually mean. I don't have one, but I feel sure it's recognition of people that bring goodness to the forum. I think I should have yours.


Well-known member
ICMag Donor
That wasn't my question, you just quoted the thread title. You also have a strange view of what happened there. It wasn't retarded, it was advanced to the point of knocking.

What does that Vet badge that you carry, actually mean. I don't have one, but I feel sure it's recognition of people that bring goodness to the forum. I think I should have yours.
I fully support the removal of his badge and your having earned it 10x over vs that dude.

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