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Landrace team?

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Dread & Alive
I keep hearing too many good and bad things about TLT. I mean are they a legit seed source that just charges too much or are they scammers? I dont mind paying some extra $$ for a nice landrace
Basically they cheat other people's work by seeing it as the result of their own work and research .... in short, they are people of poor ethics.
But if that doesn't bother you, the varieties sold are great .....

For everything else, it is all so pathetic that it is useless to comment further ....
(for those who have trouble understanding: what does Sam & Nevil have to do with TLT?)


Well-known member
Basically they cheat other people's work by seeing it as the result of their own work and research .... in short, they are people of poor ethics.
But if that doesn't bother you, the varieties sold are great .....

For everything else, it is all so pathetic that it is useless to comment further ....
(for those who have trouble understanding: what does Sam & Nevil have to do with TLT?)
Thanks for the reply. I already live under the assumption that nearly every seedbank i deal with steals strains from someone else, Outside of ACE and Real Seeds I never know what im growing. Im just glad to hear their gear is legit. I may just dance with the devil to get some new landrace strains


atomizing haze essence
Thanks for the reply. I already live under the assumption that nearly every seedbank i deal with steals strains from someone else, Outside of ACE and Real Seeds I never know what im growing. Im just glad to hear their gear is legit. I may just dance with the devil to get some new landrace strains
I know seedbank which sells angola, but it is angola x black colombian from someone else... Barney is selling acapulco gold, but it is acapulco gold x nepalese highland from Reeferman.. etc.. so you never know what you really get with seedbanks with this ethics... if they can lie to their source of seeds, why they could not lie to you? it is not truth what is selling seeds.. it is demand and hype...

so how would you feel, if you buy vietnamese landrace seeds, pay top money for it, and few years later you will find out it was vietnamese x nlhaze???


Well-known member
Wow, there’s some heated discussion going on here. @Donald Mallard @ojd

I know the Sam VS Nevil debate has been going on way before my time but I’m going to have my say on it. There’s nothing wrong at all with a little hero worship from either side and support for the work of either should be welcome.

Going forward this discussion should be encouraged as long as personal insults are kept out of it.

As a bit of a noob when it comes to this I don’t understand why supporters of both can’t just admit that both of them had a big impact on the scene and leave it at that? I mean both have achieved legendary status no?

Basically keep the friendly discussion going but stop fucking arguing!


Gypsy Nirvana

Recalcitrant Reprobate -
Ya - its occasionally amusing - all this passion and drama that comes out when some members are speaking about two stalwarts of the cannabis genetics industry - one is deceased (Nev RIP) and one is well into his 70's now (Sam) - and I'm sure that both of them would be flattered to see that they are still being talked about - with such passion and drama - but it does get kinda tiring after a while -


Seed Whore
With landrace varieties - it's best to just go to that area of the planet yourself - and see what you can find - then you have an adventure - and MAYBE find something special too - which all needs to be grown out and tested - once you get back home -
I wish it was a simple thing to jump on a plane to Lebanon and make your way to the Beqaa Valley to get seeds directly from the farmers.
But unless you have lots of money, solid contacts, speak Islam and don't run into Hezbollah along the way it's not something to take lightly.
I don't think anyone here will venture in Afghanistan either with the Taliban running the country.

Gypsy Nirvana

Recalcitrant Reprobate -
I wish it was a simple thing to jump on a plane to Lebanon and make your way to the Beqaa Valley to get seeds directly from the farmers.
But unless you have lots of money, solid contacts, speak Islam and don't run into Hezbollah along the way it's not something to take lightly.
I don't think anyone here will venture in Afghanistan either with the Taliban running the country.
Where there is a will - there is always a way -

Gypsy Nirvana

Recalcitrant Reprobate -
So many goofy youtubers go to these places for a few selfies and eatery videos - these skilled cannabis connoisseurs could probably travel much easier than they think.
Sure - all I'd need is a Turban - a white stick - a nice suntan and an islamic 'helper for the blind/deaf and dumb' - who could communicate that I'm looking for some good seeds -
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Donald Mallard

el duck
Wow, there’s some heated discussion going on here. @Donald Mallard @ojd

I know the Sam VS Nevil debate has been going on way before my time but I’m going to have my say on it. There’s nothing wrong at all with a little hero worship from either side and support for the work of either should be welcome.

Going forward this discussion should be encouraged as long as personal insults are kept out of it.

As a bit of a noob when it comes to this I don’t understand why supporters of both can’t just admit that both of them had a big impact on the scene and leave it at that? I mean both have achieved legendary status no?

Basically keep the friendly discussion going but stop fucking arguing!

well personally i dont find myself in either camp so to speak
i just tire of folks saying he had all that and is the king of blah blah ,
while they use genetics provided from others to acheive their accomplishments ,
nevil was a good one to look back at guys that helped him get a leg up and then try to devalue the stuff they gave him to get that leg up and take it for himself,
the acts of a guy with little achievements, trying to make himself a little more grand than he really was ,
basically a narcissist ,
who is then further supported by other narcissists,
be sure i have spoken to folks he has worked with at length ,
none have claimed him to be anything grand ,, basically a self-orientated prick

everyone has their part to play , some want to "up" the part the guy they like played ,
while they devalue the part another guy played ,
that is not how history works really ,
well that isnt how real history or properly recorded history works anyhow ..
that is why i pipe up when folks come here waving flags about the shit nevil achieved ,
as i have said , sure he deserves a place in history for his achievements ,
his spreading of seed ,colleting works others did and then hybridizing them etc ,,
but not for his altruism ,, or honesty ,
because he has neither in any amounts ...


ICMag Donor
well personally i dont find myself in either camp so to speak
i just tire of folks saying he had all that and is the king of blah blah ,
while they use genetics provided from others to acheive their accomplishments ,
nevil was a good one to look back at guys that helped him get a leg up and then try to devalue the stuff they gave him to get that leg up and take it for himself,
the acts of a guy with little achievements, trying to make himself a little more grand than he really was ,
basically a narcissist ,
who is then further supported by other narcissists,
be sure i have spoken to folks he has worked with at length ,
none have claimed him to be anything grand ,, basically a self-orientated prick

everyone has their part to play , some want to "up" the part the guy they like played ,
while they devalue the part another guy played ,
that is not how history works really ,
well that isnt how real history or properly recorded history works anyhow ..
that is why i pipe up when folks come here waving flags about the shit nevil achieved ,
as i have said , sure he deserves a place in history for his achievements ,
his spreading of seed ,colleting works others did and then hybridizing them etc ,,
but not for his altruism ,, or honesty ,
because he has neither in any amounts ...
What a joke
Not in any camp, then continues to Spew a hate filled speach 😆 😂 🤣 .

Self proclaimed 😆 , little achievements 😆
I think the customers from around the world over the years from 80's- The seedbank , Sensi seeds , Greenhouse seeds , Mr nice seeds and finally his Grail work from Australia beg to differ 😀. Plus all the bulk seeds he sold to many many seed company's to sell as own ?

When you achieved what Nevil has then you can talk smack all you want , ducksfoot didnt make quite the noise did it 😆 .

Stay of Nevil's nuts , why you so bitter towards Nevil , you had your chance to do something like Nevil did like we all have but how many achieved what Nevil did ? , none back then thats for sure .

Everyone uses genetics they got from previous, thats how the world works.
Not 1 company in existence didn't , not ace or anyone as they sourced genetics and either made S1, F2 and a hybrid line like Everyone does .
Sam had the same Haze as Nevil and they both went his own ways with it.

Nevil has passed(RIP) , and its extremely poor taste to keep dissing Nevil constantly just because your bitter , make your own Cannabis castle or seed company , then you can let the seeds do the talking, but again someone who talks so much smack about Nevil and then to use 1 of his most famous strains then
claiming he did nothing is laughable.

Next x you make, use 1 of Sams strains as looks very strange you constantly dissing Nevil and claiming he achieved nothing but use 1 of the most famous Haze strains , and 1 of the most used strains in our Haze industry .


ICMag Donor
You cant leave Donald's lies up and no reply, this is not at all, delete Donald's reply if your deleting mine.

It's been alot of fun here over the years and the birth of Connoisseur Genetics so will be sad leave you guys but if i need to be banned because a 1 sided mod let it be.

Honestly @Gypsy Nirvana how much you going to let Donald get away with ?
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