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Landrace team?

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Well-known member
@goingrey I'm almost sure, just look at certain things they offer ...

A friend cultivated their punto rojo,very good and very nld, and he made a cross with Copalita that I shared with him(but I haven't tried it yet)
I was eyeing their deep chunk but im holding out for Real Seeds. That punto rojo sounds nice. I like central american sativas for that feel good high that doesnt knock you down
With landrace varieties - it's best to just go to that area of the planet yourself - and see what you can find - then you have an adventure - and MAYBE find something special too - which all needs to be grown out and tested - once you get back home -

So we should steal from them ourselves instead of paying someone else to steal! That makes it acceptable in several peoples eyes I see.

I wouldn't buy seeds from anyone who doesn't speak the language of the originating region. That would be like a white man dressing up as an Indian imo. Also acceptable in several forum members eyes.


Well-known member
sounds like t.l.t are business men , taking advantage. Thats what they do , make money. i have not tried the seeds or met the people so it be wrong or me to name call . good business sense they do have
Bad characterization. My local bakery is run by a man, which is a business. Every product or service you buy has a business model attached. You don't need to confuse deception, blatant skulduggery and fuckery with running or owning a business.

All the kudos TLT. You have to be pretty screwed up to be operating like that. I know I couldn't do it. All for what money? What next? Money is the route of all evil.... aha! Never knew a piece of paper had consciousness. Ridley is not fooling or harming anybody but himself. Everybody pays the price. He will pay in this life, so show him compassion if anything.

Matthew 27:5
I have sinned by betraying innocent blood,” he said. “What is that to us?” they replied. “You bear the responsibility.” So Judas threw the silver into the temple and left. Then he went away and hanged himself.



Well-known member
It is interesting to note that neither SamS nor Nevil strains have not been copied by these guys though by the look of things I should add the word yet...I guess I am giving ideas lol. There is no end to the amount of things you can copy.
But creating new things seem to be limited and to be a vulture is easier for some people
So how come all this SamS vs Nevil thing spills over here?

Most of the people are in their business for profits, whatever that business is.
One thing is to be in it for profit and another thing is how you do it

The basic problem is the whole business is flawed
One bullshitter is setting trend selling supposed landraces reproduced unprofessionally very far away from their native locations without selecting shit and including all runts in the repro at outrageous crazy prices disguised under scientific wording and the rest of bullshitters go and copy it. And they copy indiscriminately everything, bullshit or not. And they copy each other
What you get is in the best of cases unworked seed with plenty of problems that need a lot of work and luck in order to get adapted to your environment which should cost no more than 10 bucks per 100 seed or same price like tomato seed.
2u$s a kilo is the price I saw at some vegetable markets in South East Asia for cannabis seed and I think this is a fair price for the kind of seed these landrace banks are selling

So today what you have is a surge of bullshit landrace seedbanks making a landrace or a strain out of a private garden

I got TLT stock when it was sold at much lower prices at a danish seedbank
I tried their Kerala. Garbage in my location. Only 3 seeds out of the pack germinated and the 3 of them were intersex girls which were culled

This is their Llanera(Colombian Black)
I got different looking plants with disgusting smells I never smelled in my life and a high not of my liking
I think you can divide sativas in two different kinds: good sativas and bad sativas.
Llanera belongs to the second type. I didnt even smoke the hash I made from these plants after 6 months curing
Llanera girl 1 had the most horrible smell I ever got from a sativa. Now I see it looks like Mangobiche pheno. This strain has too many different phenos for my taste to be called landrace. This stuff is hybridized and seems polyhybrid and a lottery. I dont like playing lottery
Llanera 1 (5).jpeg
Llanera 1 (6).jpeg
Llanera 1 (7).jpeg
Llanera 1 (8).jpeg

Llanera girl 2 was the CG72 pheno. Very similar buds and problems like CG72 with less productivity than CG72 and very mild high which is far from CG72 high
You can see the rot in some pictures
Llanera 2 (3).jpeg
Llanera 2 (5).jpeg
Llanera 2 top shot.jpeg

Llanera girl 3
Llanera 3 (2).jpeg
Llanera 3 (3).jpeg

Have a nice day everybody

Gypsy Nirvana

Recalcitrant Reprobate -
So we should steal from them ourselves instead of paying someone else to steal! That makes it acceptable in several peoples eyes I see.

I wouldn't buy seeds from anyone who doesn't speak the language of the originating region. That would be like a white man dressing up as an Indian imo. Also acceptable in several forum members eyes.
- international trade old chap - been going on forever - it's never been considered theft to take bought/gifted or gathered seeds from one continent - to grow on another - or has it? (looks at some potatoes) -


Active member
I love what Shantibaba had to say on the S/N matter.

I deeply respect Sam and Nevil. To say "Nevil was narcissistic and therefore 'Nevil supporters' are all narcissists" is .. quite self-evidently a narcissistic and unfounded accusation of sinister intention, and dare I say: tone-deaf, presumption and gross manipulation. And further - the presumption of 'Nevil supporters' are all narcissists" extends into the even more incredulous presumption that Nevil supporters are Sam haters - an incredulous presumption posited by who of any significant influence or authority necessarily?

Especially when, as far as I am concerned, Cannabis is about the liberation of humanity from a global tyranny profiting off of the business of war and poverty.

Shantibaba on his forum:
Hi All

it is a fallacy to believe a person born in the 50s created things that have been around for some time before....no?

At best , like Rob Clarke states , all fellow breeders inherited genes from other passionate fellow breeders...what they did with them is how things should be judged not by who yells the loudest. Personally i am friends with most people in this business but simply put Egos get in the way of working correctly. So let your barometer be genetics as they do not lie or need ego.

Stories are interesting and the journeys of people are colorful to read about...but Howard always said this to me...."until you are finished doing it...never speak about it in public..."...how i miss him!

All the best Sb

Honestly what really makes me feel sick to my stomach is a few things.

Thieves. I hate them. From the most reputable people around I hear about TLT being thieving "scumbags" - was DM'd that directly by someone most all of you know and deeply respect.

Second, yeah, the idea that, look: Afghan was in America in the 1600s, 1700s, pot shops all over NE America in the late 1890s.

Some phenotype everyone adored came here 45 years ago, inbred twice or thrice great,

But the gut-wrenching part that makes me sick to my stomach when I meditate on it is the thousands of inbred generations from farmers who will never be named and this sort of "mine, mine, mine" naming convention done on the back of their work - that is fine and well and all too, no worries, it gave us greats like Cat Piss and Haze and very refined and superb genetics perhaps of greater selection than the wine or lavender or apple industry.

But to think "Afghan 90!" for example - well, how about TRSC and their lines directly from Afghanistan - what is that - Afghan 1500s? Assyrian 300 AD bud?

Some may posit, "Well, that's just an inbred population" well, not necessarily - leaving all the males in the field. I would make the case that a large population of landrace in say Afghanistan is F1 every season and does not conform to this definition which is what is seen in small population genetic selections

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Well-known member
they are in it for profit. and care less about ethics and internet forums.
It's possible to run a commercial enterprise for profit and not to be a charlatan.

Most of the people are in their business for profits, whatever that business is.
One thing is to be in it for profit and another thing is how you do it
I see what you're saying, but it's not entirely true. Did J. K. Rowling make billions because she liked profit and money or because she liked writing books?

There is the healthy pursuit of getting money. Then they're charlatans and crony capitalists that give money a bad name.


Dread & Alive
As has already been said several times, the current fashion - especially on social media - are landraces or presumed such, much more than the works of Sam and Nevil (probably also because "landraces" are rarer)....
Regarding trade, you can also do business with a little ethics ...
What is the difference between collecting seeds in Afghanistan, selecting and reselling them, and buying a packet of seeds, making f2 and reselling them with a good story?


Well-known member
i think your making up sam being bitter about nevils achievements with the seeds he was sold ,
that has never been said ,, only that nevil lied to him about his intentions ,
thats a completely different thing to what your saying ojd ,

lets face it, nevil always used stuff folks had worked first before him,
he was not into making new strains from landraces as you suggest ,
you are as always putting him up on a pedestal with your hero worship ...
sure he has earned a place in history with his achievements,
but he never made anything from scratch that has stood the test of time like the stuff he used made by others ,
his talent was in collecting good genetics already worked by others and hybridizing them ,
then marketing them well ....
Donald are you a hundred percent sure about some of the stuff you say or heard of ...... I seem to remember Sam saying a agreement was made with Nevil about clones an RC was even there...., nothing to do with seeds.... These people that you spoke to at length how well did they really know nevil ?... If you want to know about him, talk to the people who actually knew him for years, people who didnt have something to gain or lose or never had something at stake.... For example if I wanted to know about you I wouldn't just go to 3 people who want to say bad about you would I....I would go to your honest friends who have know you for years....
One other thing, its easy to say some one just was good for spreading seeds.... You know how to breed yourself an you know very well that my selections from the same material vs your selection from the same materials can end up being the difference between standard and something legendary.... There are afew things....well alot of first generation things held from a particular mans work that are legendary....or first generation things that hold a particular mans work that have become legendary.....so much much so that even you yourself are using those things or imitations of those things to make something similar...as are many....to then say that isnt a achievement is only kidding yourselves because the actions state otherwise.
Did you know Nevils best work he kept to himself an he wouldn't give nobody..held them for almost a decade without giving them out.....kept them very hush hush....the actions of someone chasing fame, an vain ???...Then your saying what he was using was already worked...eg..say the mullum...did you know when he came to using it in the finished pieces of some of the things he was actually trying to do he had actually worked the mullum to the point it was like the 10-15% of the elites that were being found when it was given to him an then used this an backed up this...same with other things..such as the nevils own nl5 clone..an the krippie, og's or what ever else its spawned.
. on judging someones work..well if your going as far as wanting to use it...well it says it all...Dont be quick to judge someone an continually putting it on public forums as fact by knowing only a fraction of something....or maybe only knowing one side...because in reality that would just be nothing more than a biased opinion based on very little, no...


Well-known member
so..... the consensus is so far (on topic of course..) TLT isn't got the best rep, But apparently still has some decent things sent to him?

maybe we can hash out a list of his things that will actually turn out as it would expect? short list i've notices... his Vietnamese, Laos and Thai? are the only things maybe the punto rojo?

p.s. not trying to support a seedbank like this but its worth noting for those who may insist on trying what may turn out OK for what was expected.

Donald Mallard

el duck
Pretty insulting. I work with the disabled and they have a hard enough time without shitty jokes like this.
yea that dude is just not funny and needs to give up his idea of what a joke is ...

anyone know about the thai these guys offer ,
i was conned out of some thai by riddle and wonder their offering has anything to do with the stuff they got from me ??
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