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Kali Mist@6-7 weeks, deep h20...



i thought i was lucky on my mist....so easy to clone...roots in no time...everytime....no veg or veg for fantastic yielding monsters...easy to manicure....taste great even fresh....fuck i love my kali-mist

joeshmoe said:
Every time Kali gets 12/12, they strech big time. Most strech between 1-2 ft. I put one in at 2 1/2 ft. it is now over 6 ft. I had to bend it to fit it in my room. It streched past the lights! I got the mom from a friend, exact origin I'll find out. I am currently on my 5th an 6th runs. Kali clones so easy. The coolest thing is at 7-8 week they look almost done.... but they got 4-6 weeks left to fatten up! that equals big fat sticky kind KIND, kind. peace.
the last one is from seed, I thought it was C99, nope. Unmistakeable smell tells me she's not c99, but Kali of some kind.
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by the looks of that rootshot on page1, i would say you got some DEEP ROOT ROT.



Neptune,I put her in a bigger container, cause the lil' one would be almost empty in under 24 hrs. So since that pic Ive raised the water level to cover all the roots. I hope this helps. The plant isn't showing any signs of rot. the root were getting a lil brown only where the water wasn't touching the roots. we'll see. Can I add 5-10 ml. of hydrogen peroxide?? Chicomed... ck the tricromes for finish. Peace thanx neptune Sup Uni
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P.S. Have to give props to Serious Seeds for there fine work on the seeds. My Kali is of Serious nature. Peace.


yeah you can add the hydrogen peroxide at 10ml (total not per galllen!!!) it wont hurt anything and helps more oxygen stay in the water, check your ph also, the most important thing is to make sure that the water does not get warm, it doesn't look like any root rot has takin over yet but it certainly does not help yeild.


Active member
Thanks for that little tid bit about the when to harvest.
It sure looks done with the naked eye at 8 weeks.
But I know it can't be done that quick.
It definately looks smokable.
But I like to wait till it's fully ripe.
I was really wondering about that.
Because it sure looks done.
My Black Bubba was like that5 too.
Looked done but still had a few weeks.
So I guess I still got time to add Gravity with plenty of time for a therough flush.
I noticed with gravity.
You can't give it too late.
Or it keeps way too much nutes in the buds at harvest.
Because it makes the plant feed more.
So I wouldn't give them gravity unless there is at least a full three weeks to flush.
But I'm thinkin 4 would be better.
The purple Maxx snow storm is alot easier to use.
It just packs on the resin. I love it.
Nice fat frosty buds.
I see where the snow storm comes from.
My Kali Mist leaves are turning a nice purple color too.
But we'll see how the buds turn out.


sup,Jdog... I find the bat guano (indo) high Phosphurus, 0.5-12-0.2 REALLY packs on the frosty. I started useing it on my S.Star early... 1st application, within 24-48 hrs. she improved so significantly in smell and frostyness. My conclusion...Indo bat guano applied 2-3 times during plants life.... muy bueno!! works for me. I'm jus lil ol me though. peace enjoy


Active member
joeshmoe said:
sup,Jdog... I find the bat guano (indo) high Phosphurus, 0.5-12-0.2 REALLY packs on the frosty. I started useing it on my S.Star early... 1st application, within 24-48 hrs. she improved so significantly in smell and frostyness. My conclusion...Indo bat guano applied 2-3 times during plants life.... muy bueno!! works for me. I'm jus lil ol me though. peace enjoy
Nice.......I also like to add FoxFarm fruit and flower. muy muy beuno :yummy: with a good good flush.


YYEEEEAAAA!!!! yea thats right, thas what i'm talking about. 5 oz. of killer green.... sweet. she dries up so nice huh! jus smoked a fat ass blunt of Kali myself.....taist soooo goooood, ya jus have to lick your lippps. peace, I know you'll enjoy!


cured already Unicorn?close ups? looks great, that'll keep ya happy for a while.


not yet i just put in bags for photo shoot my jars are self incriminating....nothing is in real time either for security reasons....i will get some bud shots up for you...peace


ICMag Donor
you gota love that kali taste and buzz

good job


Active member
I like to let a little time pass before I post pic's too.
Incase anyone is watching closer then they should be.

Killer Harvest Unicorn.
Hows the smell?
Is it like spicey rotton skunk?
Thats what mine smells like.

Thanks Joe.
I've been using Fox farm Big Bloom for feeding my plants with guano.
The Purple Maxx is the same way.
It packs the frost on over night and 3-4 good feeding with it and thats all it really needs to be even frostier then it would have been with out it.
It does add some color too.
But I could care less about that personally.
I tryed Budswel on my first grow and it was pretty good stuff.
I'm trying to find something to feed other then Tiger Bloom.
I don't like that stuff.
Any idea's for a good organic soil nute thats better then tiger bloom.
It doesn't have to be organic I guess.
Cause I could add big bloom for that.
I'm thinking of going half chemical half organic.
I mean Tiger Bloom has chems in it.
But it burns too easily for my taste.
There has to be something better then Tiger bLoom.
I just don't know what to try yet.
Any idea's guys.
Right now I feed with...
Tiger bloom
Big bloom
Liquid Karma and silicate.
With a bit of purple Maxx and gravity(sometimes,not always gravity,depends on the plant)
But purple Maxx is great for everything.
I want to keep the nutes the same except the tiger bloom maybe.
What do you guys think?

Here is my Kali Mist x pure kush...

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smells kind of like spicy rotten meat with body odor when on the plant....dried i believe somebody said it correctly when they said it smell like a buddhist temple incense


Active member
Nice, mine is still finishing.
So that sounds right.
I love this stuff.
I think I will try Pure Blend Pro for soil next time.
My first indoor grow was with P Blend pro and Budswel.
But I used crappy soil and then the whole crop got robbed.
So I never even got to try the bud.
That was a different house with a partner sop.
Thats why I got robbed.
Partners suck.


Hey JDog, I use Pure Blend too, works great. Yup, partners... u gota split the bounty. But, you have to have friends to share in the kindness. wish me u an Uni could fire up together to share n compare. Hey, Unicorn... did you end up useing the sweet? enough to make a diff? p[eace, enjoy


Active member
I'll be coming north soon.
I'll let you know in a pm if I am cming to Nor Cal.
That would be cool to get together.

I think I'm gonna switch to Pure Blend Pro for now on.
I might just wait though.
Because I got a huge bottle of tiger bloom and I'm thinkin about switching to mostly hydro soon.
Not sure yet.
Hydro will only happen if I'm growing for other patients.
If it's just my meds.
I'll stick to organic's.
Actually I've been considering Hydro organic /chemical mix.
Like iguana juice and some kind of chemical nutes for the yield.
Just thinkin out load.