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Kali Mist@6-7 weeks, deep h20...

Harry Gypsna

Dirty hippy Bastard
ive got a dozen ill timed kali clones sat with nothing to do, i was going to have a 3 slab makeshif vertical rockwool grow at the sides of the room just to see how it went but theyre gonna be too big n branchy by the time i start flowering in here....cold night temps brought my hashberries to a grnding halt and ive got to give them a decent veg to get a good size before i flower, but im going to get some of this kali in somehow because man do i love the kali mist. Reminds me of the weed i smoked as a kid....in the park sunny days, getting mashed in treetops...aaaaah, lovely


yes what i love about the mist is you can smoke a little and be totally inspired in all that inspires you...or you can smoke alot and get lost and forget what the hell your doing.


Active member
I puffed a premature bud this morning.
I mean it's pretty much ready.
But I always let my plants go all the way.

But it was good and stoney.
Sure sign of some bomb ass bud.
Tastey too.
After a little cure and if it were properly dried.
This would be some of the tastest bud I've grown.
We'll see.
Definately already is some of the stoneiest.
I took 3 little hits and wow.
Visuals and all.
Big head rush high.
I love it!


Active member
JDOG6000 said:
I'll be coming north soon.
I'll let you know in a pm if I am cming to Nor Cal.
That would be cool to get together.

JD I think this would make another nice road trip bro! Soon!


Abba- Zabba???

Abba- Zabba???

Hey guys, heres an off the subject pics I did for the halloween photo.
ABBA-ZABBA ANYONE??? Happy green halloween! Peace, enjoy. :wave:

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Active member
I veg my rooted kali clones for 5 days. Then induce flowering. You get nice 3 to 4 foot easy to manage plants. Top 'em if you want. To much may prolong finishing, but these plants just seem to keep growing.


Thanx Mysta, sup 00.Yup, strech 4 dazzzzzeee.veg. 1week rooted clones sounds right, 2-3ft. 2 weeks 3-4 ft. amonth an you have small trees. Kali is so F---in sweet!!!!just smoked tha fattest joint zigzagkingsize. love it. have i said b4 how much i loveit? he he he peace,enjoy hey Unicorn....more soon.


HeyFG, SS. hows it growin'? thanx. Man... come on over. treats 4 daze!!! lets smoke. Have a happy Green halloween. peace enjoy


Any updated pics of the DWC Kali as it's your only hydroplant just want to she how she's doing :).


4-u slips...

4-u slips...

...no prob. i only have the new camera, so this was the best i could do.



Voluptuous Trichomes
Nice work!! :wave: That Kali Mist throws out the long colas....I like plants like that....plants that throw out really long..........and fat nugs (given enough light). That plant is perfect for bush growing....how's the stretch on Kali Mist? She sure looks strong....and voluptuous

I'm very impressed with your green thumb. Not everyone can get plants to look like that....I mean, I have seen others' shots of Kali Mist...and they didn't look this dank. That sure is one nice plant for a bush grow.... you sure do know what you're doing...takes some skill to get a plant looking like that IMO

Bay Area Dank :joint:


The stretch is actually allot about double i would say, but i't not a negative type stretch as the internodes still remain close, and it will fill in anyways as this pheno takes about 90+ days.

Tipping the top seemed to makeit allitle fatter i see

The next one we do we gotta try not topping it and then tip the bud i still can't get the thought of those football sized Kali Mist buds we saw in that one high times issue.

lol, also looks like you gave a whole 1kw light to it now now thats guna make it FAT in the next few weeks.

Here is a pic of her when she was so small, right after i topped her to get that tree structure and left her off, never imagined that shed look that good .. :woohoo: GREAT JOB :)

DWC buds already look as big as my flow table run of them :yoinks:
-VT- these where flowered at 6 inch and finished at almost 3 feet not topped to give you an idea of the stretch
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Hey V.T., Slips, thanx for the props, but I think we can do better. the Idea of not topping... never crossed my mind. sounds cool. I always top because they strech so much. by topping they put out beater stix inall directions. did you see the outdoor... she's comming along just fine. i think the season is speeding up her flower period. peace. dude... if you could grow her full term, outdoors... football size sounds about right. even bigger!!! no top and tipp, not stix...clubbs!

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DAM that outdoor one is outa control lol, hope it finishes up soon but looks like it has anouther 3 weeks left. YUMMMMMM