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Kali Mist@6-7 weeks, deep h20...



thanx,S.T.S. / ur welcome Unicorn...hope it helped. i like your avatar. so true. peace. :wave: :joint:
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Hey JDog, Nice Kali... today I'm building a friend a 14x6 grow room. I'll take a couple ofpics. new camera comming this week.... x12..... I'll keep ya posted, thanx, peace. :wave:

... Rock Bud...

... harvest soon!!!
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The best thing that happened to my trim ...

The best thing that happened to my trim ...

...party, the bubble bags hands down. I feel very good about all the small bud hitting the floor. much easier to trim, nothing goes to waist. Heres what I was doing yesterday...peace



Active member
I have bags too.
Just made some Bubba Kush and Pink Kush hash.
Pink Kush is a full on hashplant. I love it for making hash.
I'm gonna make a whole plant worth of it next harvest.
My friend has the other version of Kali Mist. The more sativa one.
I saw the mother.
It was much more sativa influenced.
So I would say I definately have the indica leaning version.
And a fast finisher at that.
This pheno is so rotten fuel spice smelling.
It's great. Total indica haze combo. It's been about 8 weeks and it could probably be smoked now from the looks of the trichs.
They aren't ripe.
But smokable. It just suprised me.
I expected it to flower way longer.
Maybe it will. But the leaves are already turned purple and it's in it's ripening stage.
So we'll see.
It looks so danky now. The purple Maxx made the leaves purple for sure.
Not sure if the buds will be purple yet. Probably.


dude i am embarrassed to say i still have no bubble bags...garbage disposal gets my trim...note to self tell family members i want bubble-bags for x-mas...dude check out this little baby its a cross between kali-mist and bogglegum...i hope its a girl...and again thankyou my friend for the tip with the pics...peace



Today, thought I was Building a friend a room....

Today, thought I was Building a friend a room....

...turns out it was two rooms. One flower rm. 5x8x9.5 ft. 36" door. Veg. 5x6x7 ft. he's got 2 1000 hps for flower, 1 600 mh for veg. oh he just happens to work inthe middle of the agracultural area where he lives, at the fertalizer/ nutes/pestcontrol plant!! has 10,000 gal tanks of nutes. all commercial, all organic top of the line stuff. i already sprayed the inside ladies w/mitacide...called epi-mek. all I know is, he's useing a closet w/ carpet , not one mite. he sprayed one month earlier...one time. thats it!. :yoinks: Unicorn, that mix sound and looks great,the bags are the the way to go. no waist. All good. to bad you don't have a birthday b4 X-mas :chin: sup yous guys...J-dog...yea alot of people seem to want shorter flowering strains. I would think that most would like plants that flower LONGER.... you know, longer flower more time to get BIGGER and Better. I get impatient too, but the longer they stay flowering.. the better. Peace Time to smoke some S.STAR hash an git :wave: anybody ever heard of Microlife??

.......some goodies.. I'LL REPORT ON THE EPI-MEK...
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Active member
Nice Ive gotta subscride this thread.
Joe- Man I love your pics and way of growing the mota. Hope you win pics of the month.
JD- did you say that the purp maxx turned itbgreen? sweet this is the first strain that youve seen it in right? this is big bro exp if it turns the buds purp. They said that it works in 1/3 right? Ill bring my cam over soon..
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Sup slipps, Mysta177, thanx..an vote. :wave: JD,Uni. slipps, the Hog...nothing spectacular. Didnt really yeild big, but I only grew out one. It's not fully cured yet, sos I aint smokin it. got good bag appeal. smells wierd, I dont know come try it yourself... Guess what... that giant C-99 going crazy... I think it's a Kali of some KIND,kind,KIND. Ive grown enough Kali to KNOW that smell, and that girl is deffinatly part KALI!! That would also explain that incredible strech... Wow aKali that wont take 10 -12 weeks? I cant be absolutly sure. But Im 99% sure. u KNoW that smell, I know it. She's Kali. at least it smells exactly like my other Kali. 1% doubt in my mind. u comming by this weekend??

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Next round Kali, ready for next...

Next round Kali, ready for next...

...step. When I transplant, it is the perfect opportunity to give my young lovelies a B1 BOOST! This one critical step I'v found to be THE MOST SIGNIFICANT SINGLE IMPROVMENT in performance of vigorous growth. More than a few times w/ the same clones, same environment, seen half that were given boost blow away the other half not boosted. overall size thicknessof stems, leaf size all equal more root structure. More healthy roots= bigger fatter, smellier, stonier, less tempermental grows. Peace :wave: @2-1/2 weeks. :yummy:

....1 oz. B1 in 5 gal. bucket w/ 2 gal. h20.
out of the old... soak in between 1-5 min depending on how much boost they need. other words, real sickly youngins get a 5 min soak, real healthy get a 30 sec. dunk.
most get at least 1 min. soak.
when done, whatever is left in bucket...
add equal amount of water
water in.

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thats kali-mist for sure...here is my freak....cant get a good pic of her in the cab...she is too big



Active member
Ya that last pic looks like the clone I got.
Is that from a clone or seed?
I was lookin at the Kali Mist tonight and it is stinkin.
How long does the more indica version flower for?
It's lookin like 9-10 weeks.
But it's hard to tell.
It looks done almost now at 7 weeks.
It sure smells good. Yield looks OK. But this first one that finishing was just a quick test clone that I flowered at 4 inches. But it ended up at about 2 feet.


Every time Kali gets 12/12, they strech big time. Most strech between 1-2 ft. I put one in at 2 1/2 ft. it is now over 6 ft. I had to bend it to fit it in my room. It streched past the lights! I got the mom from a friend, exact origin I'll find out. I am currently on my 5th an 6th runs. Kali clones so easy. The coolest thing is at 7-8 week they look almost done.... but they got 4-6 weeks left to fatten up! that equals big fat sticky kind KIND, kind. peace.
the last one is from seed, I thought it was C99, nope. Unmistakeable smell tells me she's not c99, but Kali of some kind.
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Active member
wow very very nice thread :yoinks: indeed!!!

keep up the wonderful pics.....love the tattoo joeshmoe!!!

:ying: kind regards from a guineapig :ying:


Guineapig, whas up! Thank you for your inspiring words, I'll do my best, keep trying, u know...it's all good! peace enjoy.


Hey Joe, Do you wait until the hairs are all brown????

I got a KM 6ft x 6ft wide and 3-4 ft tall , LST'ed outside............grew from Serious seed ..........

Is just turning some brown hairs now............, looks to need 2 -3 weeks more , but I don't know about the weather???.............I guesss I'll try to wait til it rains...???

I'm in NorCal, this plant is one of the nicest I've grown...clowns real easy too???

Does this med cause anxiety or is it mellow ,.I have PTSD.

thanks, I'll try to post a photo today,

one love,cm