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Kali Mist@6-7 weeks, deep h20...


Bravo Joe

Superb and exceptional work

Great thread, pics .. and fantastic nugs !!!!!!!!!

A pleasure to follow along

Continued great success .. and

Very best regards



Active member
We'll probably head up threw there in a few weeks.
I need some time to get things ready for you.
And harvest those seeds.
Can't wait to try the chem D!!!!!!!
This chemdawg 91 I got is the real one.
It's been identified and used in hybrids by elite genetic's already.
So it's the real deal.
But it's small so I want wait till it's ready to come up.


It takes some serious patience. That's why you have another goin that'll finish quicker. Maybe a nice indica, then switch to the Kali...to the moon BATMAN! Probly have to put that indica on a couple plastic boxes or somethin to get the light. Sounds like 1 and 1/2' is when I'll throw em in.

Hey Joe.. you still runnin that sweet skunk? How you like the high? I remember snowboarding, and my friend had maybe a gram at most. Looked very similar to the one you posted, and damn was that a good high, and the taste/smell was unreal. Guys behind us were beggin us to ride up with them,lol. Never stingy with the green unless I'm down to the nitty gritty.

Heard good things about the quickmist, but I'd rather have the true sativa.


I have tried the SSS...and am growing her now...
when i tried her...she din seem TOO outstanding to me,in the smell and taist. good buzz... maybe diff cut.?


Must be. I think the one I had was just sweet skunk. But after it was smoked, there was nothing sweet smelling in the gandola when we got out,lol. Didn't even smell that sweet in the little jar.

I wish I was in Norcal. I just read something that in San Fran, the least of the police's worries is ganja. Sounds like you all have the right idea up there. Get them fuckin tweakers off the street, who gives a shit about an herb that actually calms people down after a long night of binge drinking.

The way I look at it is... All those dorky self richeous kids that you went to highschool with, the ones who look down on you for drinking or smoking.. those are the kids who are getting elected into the senate, congress, etc. Never really smoked a bowl in their life, brainwashed from birth by shitty evangelical type parents, and are freedom is sacrificed by those cock suckers!! Makes me really want to move somewhere like San Fran/nor cal.

Sorry to take this thread off track, just a little morning venting..


I guess I would almost say more jockish/preppy then nerdy, I got along with the nerds. I guess I really shouldn't categorize them cause they really could be anyone, but the people I'm talkin about were usually the same so maybe I have a legitimate stereotype goin on. I'm talkin about the materialistic psycho traveling cheerleading family who breeds toy poodles, and buys all their socks and underwear at Abercrombie and bitch. You know, the family who drives by, and you know in the car the parents are saying "you better never be one of those skater marijuana tokin low lifes". It's hard knowing who I'm talking about if you've never met me I guess. Ever seen the southpark that talks about SMUG? Thats who I'm talkin about,lol. I grew up in a really rich area in the midwest, Joe your from Norcal, you probly don't even know who I'm talkin about since people in Norcal are generally more open. A lot of these kids do become doctors or lawyers, and maybe I should've gotten some big degree where I could've voiced my opinion rather then bitchin about it here where I really can't do anything except help overgrow america. Plus I have a good job in real estate that doesn't interfere with my real job...SMOKIN..
I'll just keep bein honest, trustworth, kynd, giving, accepting, and just surround myself around the same types of people, and teach my kids to do the same. If my kid wants a blue f-in mohawk, let it be. If I have to move to be in my own little world, consider me packed up and ready to get gone. Right now I'm thinking Boulder County, Norcal, Bend Oregon, Portland Oregon, or somewhere cool like that. There's lots of other places, those are just the ones I'm currently interested in. I'm a 1/2 full guy too Joe, always lookin at how I can make it better, not only for me, but for the people in my life.



GOOD ANSWER^^^... its all good bro. anytype of stereotyping, bad.
everyones different, every situation diff.

we dont know till we walk their shoes.


Active member
What up GR8 and Mr.Joe....I feel ya GR8 it just came out a lil harsh at first but hell ya get that shit off your chest homie....Sound like you had run in in your old town or maybe not. Id pick NorCal for sure but like joe said everyones diff. Hows those ladys coming a long? Did you get the Kmist from J? I cant remem what you got.
Joe....hows that kali coming a long? I thought I was going to see a 14 foot tree but security would be a major concern...I think Id smell it at McDonalds..lol. See you soon.


You gotta stop stereotyping people and understand we all mean well in our own ways... if you want them to change their attitudes about pot and pot smokers, you gotta show them love (love thy enemy)... show them pot smokers can be intelligent, hold a job, do well in school, etc. and most of all, show them we're good people too.. but if you go around labelling people and spreading negative energy all youll do is create more enemity for the lovers of sweet mj


What up Mysta!.. Ladies are lovely, you J, and Joe's kyndness is much appreciated. Yep, got the Kali from J, you can just tell its top notch. Hopefully I'll find a nice strawberry D for you guys, or a nice sweetpink grapefruit x true blueberry. Have some others too, we shall see what I find.

Alpha, I don't know if I agree with you on everyone means well in our own ways, some people are just scum, but labeling them off the bat is very wrong, and its really not like me at all. I give everyone a fair chance, but once you fuck me...see ya later! I'm at a point now in my life(mid 20's), where I just want to surround myself with similar peeps, and I think I've earned it by living with good Karma, and so have a lot of people here. I was looking at some of my "friends" with records a mile long, I looked deep down, and I think it all goes back to Karma. Well I gotta get back to work, so I can leave and find my paradise in a couple months. ya yeaah! I have to make a road trip up to Norcal, and then maybe spend a couple weeks in C-rado.

Back to the thread..

Joe, did I tell you your kali fuckin gives me a semi.


For an almost 100% sativa, my kali leaves sure as hell resemble an indica, theyve got nice fat fingers.... the long internodal spaces are a dead giveaway though


hehehehe Mysta>>>at McDonalld's.
SO>>>>Gr8ful>>>you have the same girl i hear?
if you got fromJ>>...then yeeehaawwww bro...you are in for a RIDE>
I'll get some pics soon..they only just stopped streching and started popping...i have 2 in flower @3weeks in.
and if its my kali cut??? the fat fingers to me mean she was meant to be 20feet tall...then those fat fingers would fit perfect


I know, I can't believe it, I can't wait. My uncle has a med card in Colorado, I'm gonna get him goin on a 20 foot mountain tree. You grow the kyndest of the kynds, and I'm very lucky to have your favorite girl. I'll treat her with the love she deserves..Promise Man. I could grow one here, but little thugs that run lose would snatch that shit up faster then I can say G Unit. I gotta make it up to Norcal when J and Mysta go sometime, have a serious session. I'd like to make it up to San Fran for the reunion of Rage Against The Machine, and the Roots, The grouch, and other good hip hop.. none of that gangster nonsense.


Active member
I finally got a Kali Mist in for flowering. No polline just flowers.
Mine is about 1 - 1/2 feet tall with not alot of branching.
I wan'ted to grow it naturally because I don't have alot of room and it's my first grow of Kali Mist. Well not really, My first Kali Mist grow without seeds in it.
This last one is done now and I'm drying a little nug that only had like 3 seeds in it.
It smells awesome.Not real sweet
Just earthy and spicey. A nice affy/Thai mix.
I bet the Mustang Mist will be killer.
gratefuldawg said:
Yo Jdog, hope you find a couple keepers in there.

Thats great news about not wanting another sativa, I guess this bitch is a lifer..

Yo Joe, I know you answered this earlier, but if I wanted Kali around 4 1/2 feet at the end, when should I throw her into 12/12?

i flipped my to 12/12 @ 25"s

one branch is over 6 feet now. not including the bucket.
i say flip it @ 12" maybe couple more inches.. but thats it.

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