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Kali Mist@6-7 weeks, deep h20...





cool>>>thanks guys. Glad to see new interest in this KIND KIND ,KIND girl .
well glad to say...one, in flower almost 2 weeks..one more going in as soon as i take some cuts ... :yummy: :yummy: :yummy: :yummy:

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What up joe, looking consistently dank as usual, your always good for a stunning slideshow :D I been silently following this thread for months and you may have finnally convinced me to seek out some kali even though Im not a heavy sat smoker. But with rep like that who wouldnt want to try her :canabis:

Keep up the great work my friend, your pics are an inspiration to me.
Take care and stay safe



i MUST rephrase that>>>I AM SATISFIED with KaliMist>>>not even looking for another sativa...
the search is on for my fav indica, and cross.
i'm thinkin...mix the Kali w a male CaseyJones???maybe.. :chin:

thanks for ckin in gurrilla...MJ>> :wave:
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Active member
I can honestly say Kali Mist is the best sativa I ever smoked.
It's been a year or two since I had any so I can't wait to flower this one out.
My Mustang Mist beans are about ready so I'll smoke some of the buds of that plant to try it out.
But it's almost all seeds. The white Mustang polline was very fertile.
Good looking tiger stripped fat beans though.
By the way even in the heat the Kali Mist is turning a nice deep purple color.


fuck ya joe, that looks great. keep it up.

....I tried to drop some rep for you and it wouldnt let me :confused: ...whats up with that.....
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Active member
Damn right, you get to test these beans.
I'm gonna have alot of em. And if it wasn't for you these beans wouldn't exist. lol
I'll bring you some next time me and Mysta take a drive up. I'll bring a bunch for you and your friends.


Yo Jdog, hope you find a couple keepers in there.

Thats great news about not wanting another sativa, I guess this bitch is a lifer..

Yo Joe, I know you answered this earlier, but if I wanted Kali around 4 1/2 feet at the end, when should I throw her into 12/12?

James Morrison

hey Joe!!! :wave:
This place is so colorful...dude those kali picts are making me drool, just perfect lookin nuggets!! A+
about the Kali...if memory serves you said it was tastey right??? see Im a taste freak, I LOVE taste!!!..thats why blueberry is my favorite smoke

So how is the taste of the Kali???


I flipped my lights on my kali mist from seed at 12" and they finished at 54" high, so if ya waited until they were 2 -2.5 ft, I think they would be much taller that 4 - 4.5 feet.


thank you for clarifying POMH...hey Girl...hows things??
and it depends on your lighting...if your not running 1000's they will strech more. you need to keep em a s close as possible to lts. to keep the internodes shorter...less light more strech...light saturation to the floor= little as possible strech. he's not running 1000's so, ....maybe 1.5 to 2ft.??? or so...i put em in at 2' they end up 4' ...useually i''ll go 3' to 5'... BIGGER budz. more mature, MORE budz.

AND JM>>>>>BE READY TO HAVE A NEW FAVORITE!!!!! 2 other BB LOVERS, and i mean hard core, hunt it down and hoard it BB FEINDS...turn over to Kali Mist as a new fine fav...they're both girls...the female population gravitate tword the Kali smoke in the crowd...once they try.. they are hooked...many men fall too... me included.

and isnt it much funer trying to contain too much plant, rather than streching out a few smaller ones?


KaliMist has all the things you look for in a plant...
GOOD yield
Good Taist
Easy Hearty grower, likes every way to go...soil, hydro, indoor and out.
and the STONE is unmatched to me yet...
if anyone knows of a better sativa, all around...PLEASE LMK>
some may say one downfall to growing the KM is the long flowering time,
11- 12 weeks. I SAY ONE MORE MONTH FOR THE BUDZ TO FATTEN, ripen , and get more potent.


Yeah once you get a perpetual cycle going its probably awesome but 4 months from seed to bud (not including cure/dry time) is a bitch.. still Id cant say im not tempted :D


Active member
IMO ,the high is so worth the wait.
You can't get high like that from bud that finishs any faster.Usually it takes that extra time to make it so good.
It tastes similar to haze.
Maybe a little more earthy then Haze.
But it has the same type of spice to the taste. At least the buds I smoked did.
That was a long time ago.About a year.
The high was the best part. But the taste was nice and hazy too.
But I don't think it's a haze. Just tastes like it.
This Kali Mist clone seems to stretch about double to 2 1/2 times it's size in flower.
So about 1 1/2 - 2 foot plants should give you some nice 4-5 footers at the end.


you NEED patience to grow kindly....flower a thai ...that'll teach patience.
Morning J...SUP MAN!!! when you rollin thru?

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