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JUNKYARD 2 the stuggle continues

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thadocta said:
killer spot lime, looking as tasty as ever.

that mr. white has a similar bud structure to the "abusive og kush" cutting. does she grow similar to the TK with a stanky kushy (not in the TK way) deep smell/flavor?

Wasup doc....mr white has a super spicey not at all kushy smell,,,,shes a real freak. kinda looks like bubba kush to me.... shes good tasting, and gets the experienced high as fook....ill give you a better description after lights on,,,,try to pop a new pic, theyre ready, but i still gotta flush, i run them till theyre rotten,,,,fallen off the tree fruigarian style. an in all my time, ive never met a plant that resembled the tk in anyway, espescially structure, shes maluable, but 1 fim and shes an octopuss carrying bowling balls, or no pinch and she will grow through the roof......i love her.

Canna....i know how to fix pc's.......buy a Mac brotha;) give D some love from Lamont and crew....get well D.! and fuck hard work,,,,let the shed build itself=)

so looped out on pain killers,,,,,this could prove interesting.

ps Im deleting the Puckered Starfish, aka the terd cutter, rusty trumpet, Mr McGillacutty, black sunshine. it served its purpose=) thanks for all the well wishes yall.....one lime
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ICMag Donor
Dang how'd I miss this! Great shooin Limelight! That new cam doesn't do so bad! :canabis:


docta,pipe, nandro,70,,,,wassup fellas? man hte weather here is so fucking crisp and nice, its the kind of weather that makes you wanna dry your clothes outside, and drink beer in a canoe after doing bubble swats. wish i had 5 more canoes and a shotload of you guys on the lake w me,,,,,,the worlds first mass canoe accident caused by bubble overdosing. =)
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Active member
jeez lime.........i could go for some warm weather and a float in the canoe
sounds like a blast......it's fuggin cold here

yea...bumper canoes..yea ..thats the ticket..yea

mad lookin buds my friend

is it tourist season in fla> ???...hahahaha



MMmmmmm, bubble overdosing. I think I'll leave the water/canoes out of the equation, though. I'm much safer on land! :pointlaug

Gonna be makin bubble tomorrow. No race, so I gotta do something!


mtn.......its always canoe time! nothing like floatin while youre floatin,,,i prefer kayaks, but canoes are fun for smokin w others=)

Ambre.....enjoy the bubble making,,,,i think it would be pretty cool if you take a few pics of the leaf and end produce=) post it here if youd be so kind....sucks no race today,,,,cuz i sure aint outside indian leg wrestlin today,,,strictly 8 more movies and basletball,id rather balance along a fallen tree in the woods, soon.

Bonsai....ty man,,,,those are from a past harvey,,,,i will post some of the pics of the tray thats coming down next,,,,,,actually its pretty amber due to the fact i had a knife fight w a proctologist.....still cant get the flush rolling=( my lady offered, but shes been doing everything but breathing for me....so i am letting them get knarly.
thats some old rhino thats all purpd........

Folks, id like to apologize for this thread not taking its due course, the day after i started the thread, my life took a major turn, and i am busy rolling w punches, so i will just be posting pics and bullshitting here, as im lucky to just get the work done, much less a step by step pictorial......very sorry.

Propa- i still got ya, just get the room finished and we will dial it in through PM ok? love to the fam bro.

one lime


Hey Lime-

Be happy to post some pics for you! I've been taking a few of the process; I've finished the first run of the first batch and am working on starting the second run. We'll just turn this into a fun thread until you're up to real work!

Propa-gator- If you need help & Lime isn't around, I might be able to help you out. I've been growing E&F for about 12 years. PM me if you need; I'm on pretty regularly. There's some info in the "tents" thread in my sig block - the E&F system build is a few pages in, but it's there.


Cannapits said:
I still dont understand why we cant hunt them during season.... :wave:
'Cause then they'd quit coming and you wouldn't have any! :bat:


Ambre.....enjoy the bubble making,,,,i think it would be pretty cool if you take a few pics of the leaf and end produce=) post it here if youd be so kind....sucks no race today,,,,cuz i sure aint outside indian leg wrestlin today,,,strictly 8 more movies and basletball,id rather balance along a fallen tree in the woods, soon.
OK Lime-

Bubble pics as requested.

The trim - two 1-gal bags, compressed, & frozen

The implements...

Pressing screens.

First batch, first run

Final tally...

Enjoy - I sure will!!!! :wave:


hey lime, i hope things are doing well for ya. best wishes. heres a melt shot for ya inspired by ambre's nice bubble run.


Hope you guys doin good. Thanks Ambre just finished reading your tent thread WOW very informative and different way of thinking. Most indepth res. info I've seen weird when i read and saw the res intake filter i thought wonder if the cotton batton could break up then well, anyway thanks for offering to share, means a lot you def know what your doin. love what I've seen so far of this group, good peeps. I have lots of questions tryin to decide whether this thread would be the best place to post them...
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