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JUNKYARD 2 the stuggle continues

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hey guerilla,,,,,im trying to stick it out,,,,,its been hard to keep the junkyard goin. I need to re up a mom for the Mr white,,,will be a breez....im over MOMMEd as is. How has all been around your way? ever flower that tk13?

crazy......thannks man,,,i bet that will taste kinda good;) just a little. What a perfect cross.. does the orig mass ss yield well?



I hear you lime, shit is hectic my way too, some mites and a broken timer have left me a little unhappy lately, but other than that I cant complain ;)

Im gladyou ake hetime to keepup wih thistrea just likeyoudid teother, I know it can be a assle at times, but I for one surely appreciate it.

TK jones lol, I think Ive a case of that myself. Keep em comin and take it easy bro



I love to re-read this thread but If I have to look at your TK one more time....and cant smoke her........just wait for the call my good man...

Jack Handey - “A good way to threaten somebody is to light a stick of dynamite. Then you call the guy and hold the burning fuse up to the phone. 'Hear that?' you say, 'That's dynamite, baby.'”


ICMag Donor
Hehehe.... :D

Seriously great shots! Cool little stashbox there! Where does the kief collect? is it just generally on the bottom of the box? Might smash the kief with the bowl.... a new way to make hash??? :chin:


Garlic,,,,,i serve em all day;)(i gotsa sneaky spicion' youll get a taste or 2)

pipe, thanks man,,,,theres a little thick sheet of black acetate underneath it...but i got more bubble and hash than i need, so i doubt i will ever lift ,,,at least a long while, the screen was more for keeping the buds dancing rather than rubbing and crushing between the rest of the box.....interested to see if it collects worthy amounts though.
i have alot of cigar boxes, for curing, and tried several times to find one that fit that screen my brother gave me,,,and outa the blue i retried this one and it worked, im so stoked, cuz i leave a mess all over w papers,screens, bubble, strain jars,lighters, jars, 1/2 smoked jays while rolling blunts, im a wreck, hopefully this will help me "JUST GET HIGH!"
heres what a day watching nascar looks like around here before the stashbox.
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oh shit....yer a jamaican jew too??? i thought i was the only one!


im just playin :) but if u are indeed jamaican, happy Easter :) (in jamaica easters celebrated all week ;)

B weLL :wave:


shalom! only the good half;)
ethereal, been meaning to thank you for that gd link,,,been jammin it since,,,great stuff, brought much peace to us around here.
Pomegranite,latke,beef patty from my local buddies jerk shack, apple sauce(you know!) thats a good lunch, good god im hungry.


Well i'm not a cigar smoker but if you invited me for lunch and some nascar I'd love for you to roll a big phat stogie with your bud for me to puff on...
kewl thread dude :wave:

70s :joint:
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killer bud shots lime! that TK looks gorgeous to smoke on, i can only imagine the flavor.

not to much new over here lime, just a few of the oldies perkin my fancy again, like the aghani diesel, corn, and big sur. been enjoyin joints of those lately.. how bout you?


canna anytime bro.....anytime. all day, every day.

70- i dont smoke cigars either, i do roll alot of swishers,,,, but i get the cigar boxes from a buddies bar to cure my percy nuggage,,,,works a charm and fast. yum yum pronto.

doc.... ty man, the flavors musk pine sol lemon hash,,,,and smells like puppy breath real strong, i love her,. Corn? lineage? the afghani diesel has to be the richter. post some pics of any of them.=)



Ok so I'm going to make"the last post" here....lol...i'm off to bed but who knows what the fate is tomorrow....Mind spoken....Ice colby out.....


Corn is a PNW cut, dont know any lineage, some kinda indica with a real strong corny skunky flavor. nice and unique smoke with a strong stone.


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