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JUNKYARD 2 the stuggle continues

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yo limey very impressive man, if that sensi star is doin somethin wrong with her trichs i don't want to be right! i'm settlin in to watch six hours of basketball here at the crib, gotta love it!


70s......wassup fella? your avatar is such a smile maker,,,,cant help it=) the 70s in Socal,,,,,ive always wondered what it would be like to fuck 6 chicks in a box van w no rubber,,only 7 up, granola, and hairy pies........nowadays its doubled up for 1 broad w red bull, her girlfriend, dildos, and super glue.......WOT HOPPENED?

Damn how the hell did you find out I did all that, was one of those chicks your sister and she was bragging about this old pothead dudes van that was always a rockin and rolling....

70s :joint:


When the going gets tough........as youd have them do unto you.

When the going gets tough........as youd have them do unto you.

70s ,,,,,,do you remember leaving lentil and a 2 dollar bill in a Tab can outside the Moist Muscle Lap Bar for a chick named Becky D.? thats my sister.....she said you were the shit! she said you had the sensimillia on lock back then...i told her,"Bak then?",,"shit bitch, 70s is running shit now,,,you best recognize!"

McFly ( sour queen x c99 pineapple pheno)



ICMag Donor
The Junkyard's kickin now! Lovin the shots Limelite! Sounds like some powerful medical extracts! :canabis:

Heres a good fella who earns his keep around the yard.....

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Active member
so this is where you're kickin it lime! plants lookin proper dood and hope your lil soldiers fight the good fight for ya.......and damm pipeline, those are some crzy lookin spiders man!

laer on


ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo Man,,,,good news yall, good fuckin news,,,,,,,IM gonna live! Im gonna live! one more surgery, and im road trip ready, 2 show capable, and will be able to return to work problem free,,,,,YES fuckin SIR,MAM!
im so happy, and in mega fuckin pain,,,,surreal,,,so real, so cool! lime


That's wonderful news! :woohoo:

I take it the spare part isn't a long-term problem, or are they taking care of both in one surgery?


ty! the spare part is perma.....its staying,,,,,,,but the other more serious problem is 1/2 half way knocket out,,,,,surgery 2 in 2 weeks,,,,,,and im cleared for take off......i am already calling my realtor;)


Active member
RIGHT ON LL!!!!!!!!!! So stoked for ya bro!! In fuckin' tears!!

AH HAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Wooooooooooooooooooo Hooooooooooooooooooooooooo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

peace , peace and a big bootied piece!!!!!

oh i see the ole brown eye or pink winker!!!!!!!!!!! he he he!!!


>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Nam myoho renge kyo!!!!!>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

James Morrison

Hey there limelight

balloon knot??? :biglaugh:

I was in the neighborhood and heard the unmistakable sound of a party on the other side of that there fence over yonder... So I decided to drop in because Im allways down for a ho-down///:D

the shots are makin me drool friend, that tri even LOOKS so very unique...I allways have loved the budds shape/ no trimming at all eh??



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ICMag Donor
Thats good to hear Limelite! Sorry to hear yer in pain! Glad life is going to sustain!!! :woohoo:

I see (what should be) a one-way-valve..... :D

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damnit man...I get the computer VD cleared up and return to find great news....congrats my friend....now if we can just gets D's ass cleared up....oh and for the record I see a nervous man in a prison shower....peace


killer spot lime, looking as tasty as ever.

that mr. white has a similar bud structure to the "abusive og kush" cutting. does she grow similar to the TK with a stanky kushy (not in the TK way) deep smell/flavor?
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