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Joe Biden Thread


ICMag Donor
From:Ted Diadiun-member of the editorial board of cleveland.com and The Plain Dealer

From:Ted Diadiun-member of the editorial board of cleveland.com and The Plain Dealer

From:Ted Diadiun-member of the editorial board of cleveland.com and The Plain Dealer

What we decide Nov. 3 will, to an almost unprecedented extent, determine what kind of country we will live in for the foreseeable future. It would be a massive mistake for Americans to base their choice on anything other than that…
Trump has endeavored to enforce our borders and resist illegal immigration, nominated federal judges and justices from the Supreme Court on down who will follow the Constitution rather than make their own laws, installed a Secretary of Education who has tried to defang the powerful teachers unions and make it easier for poor families to exercise school choice, and has stood firm against the lawless rioters who this summer have destroyed and burned businesses from Philadelphia to Portland. And he has done this under the unrelenting attacks from the country’s liberal media, a politicized impeachment, and against his opponents’ predictable tactic of immediately finding a liberal federal judge to at least temporarily derail every executive order.
Biden has taken the opposite tack on all those issues.
After Tuesday’s debate, Trump’s enemies have been making a major issue of his regrettable refusal to repeat after them, “I condemn white supremacy.” I can’t explain or defend that stubborn reluctance, especially since he has said similar things in the past — and since. But in real life, what policies of his have supported white supremacists or advanced their philosophy in any way?
Contrast that with Biden’s own refusal to say whether he would support some Democratic senators’ vow to expand the Supreme Court in order to create a liberal majority, which has drawn not a peep of media dismay.
That unprincipled move is something we could expect from the combination of a Biden presidency and Democratic Senate, along with statehood for Democrat-heavy Washington, D.C. and Puerto Rico, and a concerted effort to eliminate the Electoral College. Those three threats, if successful, would be catastrophic to the democracy and virtually ensure unbroken Democratic rule going forward.
In 2016, I allowed my loathing for Donald Trump the man and my distrust that he would do what he said he was going to do to influence me in voting against him.
I won’t make the same mistake again.
Trump’s bombast aside, the country is in far better shape today than it would have been if Hillary Clinton had been elected president. And, whether I like his style or not, it will be in far better shape four years from now under President Trump than it will be under President Biden and a Democrat-controlled Senate.

Ted Diadiun is a member of the editorial board of cleveland.com and The Plain Dealer.



Fancy Janitor
ICMag Donor
From:Ted Diadiun-member of the editorial board of cleveland.com and The Plain Dealer

What we decide Nov. 3 will, to an almost unprecedented extent, determine what kind of country we will live in for the foreseeable future. It would be a massive mistake for Americans to base their choice on anything other than that…
Trump has endeavored to enforce our borders and resist illegal immigration, nominated federal judges and justices from the Supreme Court on down who will follow the Constitution rather than make their own laws, installed a Secretary of Education who has tried to defang the powerful teachers unions and make it easier for poor families to exercise school choice, and has stood firm against the lawless rioters who this summer have destroyed and burned businesses from Philadelphia to Portland. And he has done this under the unrelenting attacks from the country’s liberal media, a politicized impeachment, and against his opponents’ predictable tactic of immediately finding a liberal federal judge to at least temporarily derail every executive order.
Biden has taken the opposite tack on all those issues.
After Tuesday’s debate, Trump’s enemies have been making a major issue of his regrettable refusal to repeat after them, “I condemn white supremacy.” I can’t explain or defend that stubborn reluctance, especially since he has said similar things in the past — and since. But in real life, what policies of his have supported white supremacists or advanced their philosophy in any way?
Contrast that with Biden’s own refusal to say whether he would support some Democratic senators’ vow to expand the Supreme Court in order to create a liberal majority, which has drawn not a peep of media dismay.
That unprincipled move is something we could expect from the combination of a Biden presidency and Democratic Senate, along with statehood for Democrat-heavy Washington, D.C. and Puerto Rico, and a concerted effort to eliminate the Electoral College. Those three threats, if successful, would be catastrophic to the democracy and virtually ensure unbroken Democratic rule going forward.
In 2016, I allowed my loathing for Donald Trump the man and my distrust that he would do what he said he was going to do to influence me in voting against him.
I won’t make the same mistake again.
Trump’s bombast aside, the country is in far better shape today than it would have been if Hillary Clinton had been elected president. And, whether I like his style or not, it will be in far better shape four years from now under President Trump than it will be under President Biden and a Democrat-controlled Senate.

Ted Diadiun is a member of the editorial board of cleveland.com and The Plain Dealer.

so tudo,just curious here. my perception is you spend a good amount of time here posting little but links to stuff and very little in the way of content from you...why? as far as i can tell you've never really posted anything about pot so what made you choose ic to post all this stuff...like i said,just curious

White Beard

Active member
From:Ted Diadiun-member of the editorial board of cleveland.com and The Plain Dealer

What we decide Nov. 3 will, to an almost unprecedented extent, determine what kind of country we will live in for the foreseeable future. It would be a massive mistake for Americans to base their choice on anything other than that…
Trump has endeavored to enforce our borders and resist illegal immigration, nominated federal judges and justices from the Supreme Court on down who will follow the Constitution rather than make their own laws, installed a Secretary of Education who has tried to defang the powerful teachers unions and make it easier for poor families to exercise school choice, and has stood firm against the lawless rioters who this summer have destroyed and burned businesses from Philadelphia to Portland. And he has done this under the unrelenting attacks from the country’s liberal media, a politicized impeachment, and against his opponents’ predictable tactic of immediately finding a liberal federal judge to at least temporarily derail every executive order.
Biden has taken the opposite tack on all those issues.
After Tuesday’s debate, Trump’s enemies have been making a major issue of his regrettable refusal to repeat after them, “I condemn white supremacy.” I can’t explain or defend that stubborn reluctance, especially since he has said similar things in the past — and since. But in real life, what policies of his have supported white supremacists or advanced their philosophy in any way?
Contrast that with Biden’s own refusal to say whether he would support some Democratic senators’ vow to expand the Supreme Court in order to create a liberal majority, which has drawn not a peep of media dismay.
That unprincipled move is something we could expect from the combination of a Biden presidency and Democratic Senate, along with statehood for Democrat-heavy Washington, D.C. and Puerto Rico, and a concerted effort to eliminate the Electoral College. Those three threats, if successful, would be catastrophic to the democracy and virtually ensure unbroken Democratic rule going forward.
In 2016, I allowed my loathing for Donald Trump the man and my distrust that he would do what he said he was going to do to influence me in voting against him.
I won’t make the same mistake again.
Trump’s bombast aside, the country is in far better shape today than it would have been if Hillary Clinton had been elected president. And, whether I like his style or not, it will be in far better shape four years from now under President Trump than it will be under President Biden and a Democrat-controlled Senate.

Ted Diadiun is a member of the editorial board of cleveland.com and The Plain Dealer.

And in 2008, the Dallas Morning News endorsed Obama as the Reagan Republican he turned out to be...is there a point to this?


Well-known member
Pam Bondi has some history with Trump.

In March 2016, CREW discovered that the Trump Foundation had broken the law by giving an illegal $25,000 contribution to a political group supporting Florida Attorney General Pam Bondi. Charitable foundations like the Trump Foundation are not allowed to engage in politics. Even more problematic was the fact that the contribution was given as Bondi’s office was deciding whether to take legal action related to Trump University. This would set off an investigation which would lead to one of the biggest stories of the year. Here’s how it went down:
Feb 01, 2008

From February 2008-May 2011, the Florida Office of the Attorney General (OAG) receives at least 22 complaints regarding Trump University, the Trump Institute, and related entities.
Aug 01, 2013

New York Attorney General Eric Schneiderman files lawsuit against Donald Trump, The Trump Entrepreneur Institute aka Trump University and the former president of Trump University for “engaging in persistent fraudulent, illegal and deceptive conduct.”
Sep 13, 2013

The Orlando Sentinel reports that OAG told them, “We are currently reviewing the allegations” in the NY lawsuit. A few days later, OAG tells thePalm Beach Post the same thing.
Sep 17, 2013

The Donald J. Trump Foundation makes a $25,000 contribution to And Justice for All, a political group backing Bondi. The donation, illegal for a 501(c)(3) private foundation to give, was personally solicited by Bondi from Trump.
Oct 15, 2013

According to documents turned over in response to a CREW public records request, OAG told reporters that “there was no consideration of whether to join [the New York lawsuit]. In light of the fact that the Attorney General’s Office received only one consumer complaint 2.5 years ago, there is no investigation at this time.”
Oct 17, 2013

The Tampa Bay Times reports that And Justice for All acknowledged receiving the contribution from the Trump Foundation.
Oct 18, 2013

Despite previously acknowledging the 22 complaints (sometimes 23 due to a duplicate record) to reporters, internal emails show that between October 17-18, 2013, OAG employees weeded out any complaint about Trump Institute and related entities to claim there was only one complaint against Trump University.
Jan 01, 2014

In its 2013 taxes, the Trump Foundation claims it made no donations to political entities and replaces And Justice for All with a different, similarly named group in Kansas to which they would legally be allowed to donate.
Mar 21, 2016
CREW files complaint against Trump Foundation
Mar 22, 2016

Trump representatives admit to the illegal donation, blaming an increasing series of clerical errors.

May 17, 2016

CREW executive director Noah Bookbinder writes an op-ed in the Tampa Bay Times summarizing some of the troubling findings in the Trump Foundation’s 990 forms.

Jun 06, 2016

Bondi’s spokesman tells the AP that the Attorney General was unaware of the 20+ complaints against Trump entities when she solicited the donation.

Jun 07, 2016

Bondi tells the Tampa Bay Times “I was never, nor was my office, investigating him. Never. I would never lie. I would never take money. I’ve been obviously devastated over this.”

Jul 06, 2016

CREW files complaints against Bondi with the Inspector General for Florida’s Office of the Attorney General and the state’s Commission on Ethics for potentially violating the law by failing to investigate or take legal action regarding complaints against Trump University and related entities after an affiliated political organization received a contribution from the Trump Foundation.
Aug 08, 2016

CREW files an IRS complaint against the Trump Foundation for acting as a prop for the Trump campaign through its engagement in Trump Campaign events, including payments to groups that came to campaign rallies.
Sep 01, 2016

Following CREW’s discovery that the Trump Foundation did not file an updated 990 tax form, the Washington Post discovered a $2,500 IRS penalty paid by the Foundation for the illegal donation, kicking off one of the biggest stories of the year.

Sep 07, 2016

CREW files a second IRS complaint against Donald Trump and the Trump Foundation for the donation supporting Bondi. The complaint called for an investigation into whether the donation was used to provide a private benefit to Trump and his business interests by attempting to discourage Bondi and her office from investigating Trump University. The complaint also calls for an investigation into Trump for engaging in prohibited self-dealing.

Sep 13, 2016

CREW files criminal bribery complaints against Trump and Bondi with the Department of Justice and calls for a criminal investigation into whether the Trump Foundation broke federal criminal law by making numerous false reports to the IRS on its tax forms.
Sep 14, 2016

CREW files a Freedom of Information Law (FOIL) request with the New York Attorney General for Trump Foundation tax documents, as well as documents relating to the New York Attorney General’s investigation of the Trump Foundation.
Sep 21, 2016

CREW files its third IRS complaint against Donald Trump after it appears that he repeatedly broke the law by using the Trump Foundation for his personal benefit, calling for an investigation into multiple acts of self-dealing by Trump and into the Foundation for violating the tax code by making multiple payments and grants for the private benefit of Trump and his business interests.

Oct 19, 2016

The NY AG office responds to CREW’s FOIL request, and CREW discovers that not only did the Foundation’s attempts to address its tax issues stemming from the Bondi donation contain serious errors, they also presented materials to the Attorney General that raise significant questions about how they operate and the veracity of their previous claims.
Dec 24, 2016

Trump announced he will shut down the Trump Foundation in the light of the growing scandal. CREW released a statement in response to the announcement.


Well-known member
From:Ted Diadiun-member of the editorial board of cleveland.com and The Plain Dealer

What we decide Nov. 3 will, to an almost unprecedented extent, determine what kind of country we will live in for the foreseeable future. It would be a massive mistake for Americans to base their choice on anything other than that…
Trump has endeavored to enforce our borders and resist illegal immigration, nominated federal judges and justices from the Supreme Court on down who will follow the Constitution rather than make their own laws, installed a Secretary of Education who has tried to defang the powerful teachers unions and make it easier for poor families to exercise school choice, and has stood firm against the lawless rioters who this summer have destroyed and burned businesses from Philadelphia to Portland. And he has done this under the unrelenting attacks from the country’s liberal media, a politicized impeachment, and against his opponents’ predictable tactic of immediately finding a liberal federal judge to at least temporarily derail every executive order.
Biden has taken the opposite tack on all those issues.
After Tuesday’s debate, Trump’s enemies have been making a major issue of his regrettable refusal to repeat after them, “I condemn white supremacy.” I can’t explain or defend that stubborn reluctance, especially since he has said similar things in the past — and since. But in real life, what policies of his have supported white supremacists or advanced their philosophy in any way?
Contrast that with Biden’s own refusal to say whether he would support some Democratic senators’ vow to expand the Supreme Court in order to create a liberal majority, which has drawn not a peep of media dismay.
That unprincipled move is something we could expect from the combination of a Biden presidency and Democratic Senate, along with statehood for Democrat-heavy Washington, D.C. and Puerto Rico, and a concerted effort to eliminate the Electoral College. Those three threats, if successful, would be catastrophic to the democracy and virtually ensure unbroken Democratic rule going forward.
In 2016, I allowed my loathing for Donald Trump the man and my distrust that he would do what he said he was going to do to influence me in voting against him.
I won’t make the same mistake again.
Trump’s bombast aside, the country is in far better shape today than it would have been if Hillary Clinton had been elected president. And, whether I like his style or not, it will be in far better shape four years from now under President Trump than it will be under President Biden and a Democrat-controlled Senate.

Ted Diadiun is a member of the editorial board of cleveland.com and The Plain Dealer.

Ahhhh.... I read this wondering which planet the author lives on and thinking those people at cleveland.com and The Plain Dealer and did they really endorse the soon to be aborted orange error?

Were they really that stupid? Endorse tRump? Nobody reading above third grade level is endorsing tRump let alone a newspaper run by normal people.... So I checked.

Guess what. They endorsed Biden. October 11th to be exact The story is there behind a paywall, if you were to dig around you could find it.

So what's the story with this garbage posted above? One bozo on the editorial board supported tRump, and they gave him a chance to post a minority report. Posted above, it's your standard pro tRump lies as truth, a heaping pile of rancid offal we have all come to expect from tRumpistas.

There's a certain amount of trickery going on here. Don't bother to check, and given the benefit of the doubt, a normal person would think that The Plains Dealer endorsed tRump. And that person would be WRONG. The Plains Dealer endorsed Biden. End of Story.

After four years of tRump, and his bullshit, you can pretty much figure out if tRump says "go right", the smart money goes left. And as you can see, his supporters are just as bad. If their lips are moving, they're lying. Simple. When this is all said and done I fear re-education camps may be necessary to counter program and return his supporters back to being productive members of society. They can't stay in mom's basement forever.

That said, Mrs oldhaole and myself went and did the deed. No not that deed, you pervert, get your mind out of the gutter! We voted! Two more in the Biden bin. Two blue drops in a blue tsunami, breaking November third, flushing that orange abomination away.
Everything the political left stands for is a lie, the followers are brainwashed morons completely ignorant of fact...Once Trump elbow fucks Biden in the election the political left is going to die. Aunt Teefa followers will be outed and persecuted over the next 5 years, hundreds will go to prison, thousands will have serious criminal records.. All for naught as Biden has zero hope of every winning this election to begin with.


Good old Hunter Biden, he's almost as bad as anthony weiner.



Non-growing Lurker
ICMag Donor
thought this was pretty funny...touche 2020,once again things got weirder!

"A neighbor eventually found the sign discarded two streets away and returned it."

So much meat begging to be chewed off the bone in that one little sentence...

Did the fat naked guy waddle 2 blocks away still naked, carrying the sign?

Was that the ONLY biden/harris sign in a few block radius, and it was obvious who it belonged to?


Well-known member
Just like how the Green New Deal supposedly was going to ban cheeseburgers right?

If you are against cows (which the green new deal is) you are against cheeseburgers. No tofu, soybean, vegetable product and other bullshit faux meat cheeseburgers are not actually real cheeseburgers.

No cows=no ground hamburger=no cheeseburger


Active member
Trump's poll workers deny people the right to vote.


A Tennessee poll worker was fired on Friday after allegedly turning away voters who were wearing clothing related to the Black Lives Matter movement, according to officials.

The worker was let go after a witness at the Dave Wells Community Center in North Memphis, Tenn., reported the incident to officials, according to Suzanne Thompson, a spokesperson for the Shelby County Election Commission.

“He was given very clear instructions. He was given clear instructions the next day, and again didn’t pay attention to them. So he was terminated,” said Elections Administrator Linda Phillips, according to the station.
Trump's poll workers trying to deny people the right to vote.


A Tennessee poll worker was fired on Friday after allegedly turning away voters who were wearing clothing related to the Black Lives Matter movement, according to officials.

The worker was let go after a witness at the Dave Wells Community Center in North Memphis, Tenn., reported the incident to officials, according to Suzanne Thompson, a spokesperson for the Shelby County Election Commission.

“He was given very clear instructions. He was given clear instructions the next day, and again didn’t pay attention to them. So he was terminated,” said Elections Administrator Linda Phillips, according to the station.

just wait till Trump wins and all this abuse the left has doled out is reciprocated in kind . Aunt Teefa is going to lose some teeth


Well-known member
That said, Mrs oldhaole and myself went and did the deed. No not that deed, you pervert, get your mind out of the gutter! We voted! Two more in the Biden bin. Two blue drops in a blue tsunami, breaking November third, flushing that orange abomination away.

I am saving this post for later use, after the election, when it will come back to haunt you. LOL!

Why would you vote for Biden or for that matter any democrat? Hawaii has been democrat for 40 years. 40 years on a down hill slide into despair. Even people with good jobs can't buy a house in Hawaii. The beaches went to crap. You are overrun by chickens. For real actual barnyard chickens. My mom always wanted to go there so I finally took her a few years back. I didn't care about going but figured it would be a tropical paradise so what's to loose. It sucked. She was completely disappointed. I felt sorry for the people there. We met a family at the beach living out of a big van. The each had full-time jobs and were homeless.
The democratic governors of Hawaii have waged a war against pot for decades. Wasted billions of dollars on it.

Why do you want to vote democrat???


Disabled Farmer
ICMag Donor
Because there not as corrupt as Republicans. At this point any other party is better than Trump and the GOP.

I don't know what decade your living in. Hawaii has legal weed now. Dems have been more open to legal weed than the GOP has ever been.
Democrats support legalization 49 percent to 28 percent (oppose), Republicans, 50% oppose to 32% support.


Well-known member
I don't want the Democrats version of legalization with the high taxes and taking your gun rights just to smoke some weed. I will wait for a better deal.