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Joe Biden Thread


Well-known member
NPR is not a news source nor a facts checker..its a leftist Soros propaganda radio outfit financed with our tax money...

Do share some more of your Fox Gospel !
Slow children could have figured out who Soros worked for.


Two New York Post employees told The New York Times that the primary author of its Wednesday Hunter Biden article, whose veracity three news organizations have been unable to independently verify, refused to appear on the byline. The sources also said Gabrielle Fonrouge, one of the article’s two named authors, did little of its reporting and writing and was unaware of her byline until after its publication. The other named author, Post deputy politics editor Emma-Jo Morris, did not have a byline in the newspaper until Wednesday’s article, according to the Times, and previously had publicly available Instagram photos with former Trump advisers Steve Bannon and Sarah Huckabee Sanders. Trump’s personal lawyer Rudy Giuliani told the Times he went to the Post with the hard drive because “either nobody else would take it, or if they took it, they would spend all the time they could to try to contradict it before they put it out.”
The Post article suggests Democratic presidential candidate and former vice president Joe Biden used his foreign policy power to help his son Hunter in Ukraine financially while the elder Biden was in office. Two GOP Senate committee investigating the matter concluded last month that Biden’s vice presidency was a potential conflict of interest but found no conclusive evidence of wrongdoing. The Times, The Washington Post, and The Wall Street Journal were all unable to independently verify the data cited in the Post article.

my instinct tells me the emails are real, biden was selling access to his dad. he even admitted on film, he would never have gotten the Burisma job if his last name wasnt Biden. they are all corrupt and dishonest.


Active member
my instinct tells me the emails are real, biden was selling access to his dad. he even admitted on film, he would never have gotten the Burisma job if his last name wasnt Biden. they are all corrupt and dishonest.

Here's two piles of chit ya can't trust now choose one? We deserve a better system and better candidates period. I feel like those who participated in these fiascos the last few years just exacerbated our problems doing so


Well-known member
ICMag Donor
Here's two piles of chit ya can't trust now choose one? We deserve a better system and better candidates period. I feel like those who participated in these fiascos the last few years just exacerbated our problems doing so

This, 100%


Active member
my instinct tells me the emails are real, biden was selling access to his dad. he even admitted on film, he would never have gotten the Burisma job if his last name wasnt Biden. they are all corrupt and dishonest.

Of course that’s what you think. You hate America.


Active member
Allowing the swamp to take the reigns back would be a disaster...we have to deal with China
Seriously ..Biden is the exact wrong person for the job
We need to really beef up our defense against bio weapons...covid is not the only or deadliest that we may see in our near future...it wont matter who the prez is...


Well-known member
ICMag Donor
one pile smells familiar and you know what you're getting. :bigeye:

the other smells familiar but has a real stink bomb hidden within the pile waiting to be discovered after the election. :whistling:

The familiar pile has proven its shittiness, no hope there. The second pile, still shit but sprinkled with a peppering of hope. Its a gloriously shitty scenario.


Active member
The familiar pile has proven its shittiness, no hope there. The second pile, still shit but sprinkled with a peppering of hope. Its a gloriously shitty scenario.

Perhaps...but dont you find it at least a bit curious
That during the primaries no one but no one wanted
Biden...then all the sudden the dnc puts him up?
Didnt seem to matter if people didnt want him..with good reason..there were far better choices for the dems..but biden was installed on your behalf....
Who picked him? If not the people?...i think we all know the answer...and that alone should scare the shit out of anyone
I get it that trump is harsh but at least he was not installed by the unseen puppeteers....
For a vast many people....they really had no choice
Or say so... i think that is a slap in the face of democracy and a failure of the whole idea of how it should work

I pick trump to buck that system....fight the power


Well-known member
The fix is in boys and girls.....

The fix is in boys and girls.....

I gotta say even as an Independent , the Democrat money machine`s too strong for Republicans to ever catch up to hopefully save this country down the road from complete ruin.....Face it guys....Money talks and bullshit walks.....

If you don`t believe it look around at mainstream media that won`t even report shit on Joe`s boy being a geekster WHILE Daddy was in office back in 2012-14 flying around WORLDWIDE making deals for his Daddy`s influence , and the FBI had Hunter`s laptop in Dec of LAST yr but SAT on it DURING the impeachment cuz they knew it would make impeachment null and void with the Ukraine phone call being the base of said impeachment.....and ....

Just to let ALL know this is how bad it is with the Democrats , Adam Schiff , the piece of shit that NEVER deserved a job he gets paid for with MY tax dollars was on EVERY National tv network this past weekend swearing up and down that this Hunter laptop shit came from the Kremlin and is nothing more than Russian disinformation to cover Joe`s ass ONCE more cuz eeerbody hates the Orange man....right ?.....guess what.....

The Director of National Intelligence Ratcliffe came on , yes folks Fox Network and said that the ONLY intelligence information that nuthin ass Adam Schiff gets is from HIM and there`s BEEN no such bullshit slung Adam Schiff`s way claiming Russian disinformation WHATSOEVER concerning said laptop and WHY again was the FBI sitting on it ALL during impeachment and STILL won`t talk about it cuz they`re fucking compromised , that`s why.....

The fix is in.....Biden will most likely cruise through the election and win by all means available fraudulent and such with mail in voting , and it matters not how dirty Joe is , he`s just the figurehead for the far left waiting to take over and put some cash in THEIR pockets with all the new deals and programs eeeerrbody can make bank on behind the scenes and under the tables.....and make no mistake boys and girls.....

It`s ALL about money AND power , and Democrats will buy as many Senator and Congress positions they need till they control the House and Senate sooner than later , and Republican Party will cease to exist after more states get brought in , as well as all the illegal aliens being accepted as voters so more Senate seats can be bought and thus the Electoral College ceases to exist in ANY shape or form of fairness in the future , so get ready folks....

Dems are gonna rule and all else drool.....I hate it but when the media says somethin long enough repeatedly , the sheep start believing it cuz they KEEP saying it.....I feel sorry for freedom and what our country`s about to become.....and.....

When ya`ll win.....fuck it....I`m goin fishin and sell ALL my rental properties for my son`s future , turn ALL my shit into precious metals BEFORE capital gains and Joe Biden get passed to tax fuck outta folks what`s ACTUALLY got somethin , and my boy can trade gold and platinum when he needs extra cash to get by after I`m gone ....Worked my ASS off for what I got and I assure all here I`ll burn it down before I let some Gov official try ta take it from my old ass or family.....

Did this for my son , NOT the fuckin bullshit Government that deserves not a damn dime of my shit.....so.....hopefully not but.....

I`m not sure there`s enough voters out there to beat the Democrats , but if there are I pray for a Trump re-election for AT LEAST 4 more yrs to get ready for what`s coming ....Freedom and a decent way of life if you work hard and succeed in life is about to cease to exist if this bullshit catches on.....Joe Biden`s tax plan STARTS with the median income of ALL small business owners with enough employees for decent tax deductions under this administration to help their business grow....

It`s like they know where to start taking the freedom and earnings away from folks that`re self-employed and CARRY this fuckin country through these economy bullshit situations.....and Yeah.....Democrats know and that`s why their biggest states are shut down to help bring us down as fast as possible.....

Hell if Joe wins we`ll all be workin for China before long.....

I`m done.....DHF.....fuck this.....:ying: ......


Active member
I gotta say even as an Independent , the Democrat money machine`s too strong for Republicans to ever catch up to hopefully save this country down the road from complete ruin.....Face it guys....Money talks and bullshit walks.....

If you don`t believe it look around at mainstream media that won`t even report shit on Joe`s boy being a geekster WHILE Daddy was in office back in 2012-14 flying around WORLDWIDE making deals for his Daddy`s influence , and the FBI had Hunter`s laptop in Dec of LAST yr but SAT on it DURING the impeachment cuz they knew it would make impeachment null and void with the Ukraine phone call being the base of said impeachment.....and ....

Just to let ALL know this is how bad it is with the Democrats , Adam Schiff , the piece of shit that NEVER deserved a job he gets paid for with MY tax dollars was on EVERY National tv network this past weekend swearing up and down that this Hunter laptop shit came from the Kremlin and is nothing more than Russian disinformation to cover Joe`s ass ONCE more cuz eeerbody hates the Orange man....right ?.....guess what.....

The Director of National Intelligence Ratcliffe came on , yes folks Fox Network and said that the ONLY intelligence information that nuthin ass Adam Schiff gets is from HIM and there`s BEEN no such bullshit slung Adam Schiff`s way claiming Russian disinformation WHATSOEVER concerning said laptop and WHY again was the FBI sitting on it ALL during impeachment and STILL won`t talk about it cuz they`re fucking compromised , that`s why.....

The fix is in.....Biden will most likely cruise through the election and win by all means available fraudulent and such with mail in voting , and it matters not how dirty Joe is , he`s just the figurehead for the far left waiting to take over and put some cash in THEIR pockets with all the new deals and programs eeeerrbody can make bank on behind the scenes and under the tables.....and make no mistake boys and girls.....

It`s ALL about money AND power , and Democrats will buy as many senator and Congress positions they need till they control the House and Senate sooner than later , and Republican Party will cease to exist after more states get brought in , as well as all the illegal aliens being accepted as voters so more Senate seats can be bought and thus the Electoral College ceases to exist in ANY shape or form of fairness in the future , so get ready folks....

Dems are gonna rule and all else drool.....I hate it but when the media says somethin long enough repeatedly , the sheep start believing it cuz they KEEP saying it.....I feel sorry for freedom and what our country`s about to become.....and.....

When ya`ll win.....fuck it....I`m goin fishin and sell ALL my rental properties for my son`s future , turn ALL my shit into precious metals BEFORE capital gains and Joe Biden get passed to tax fuck outta folks what`s ACTUALLY got somethin , and my boy can trade gold and platinum when he needs extra cash to get by after I`m gone ....Worked my ASS off for what I got and I assure all here I`ll burn it down before I let some Gov official try ta take it from my old ass or family.....

Did this for my son , NOT the fuckin bullshit Government that deserves not a damn dime of my shit.....so.....hopefully not but.....

I`m not sure there`s enough voters out there to beat the Democrats , but if there are I pray for a Trump re-election for AT LEAST 4 more yrs to get ready for what`s coming ....Freedom and a decent way of life if you work hard and succeed in life is about to cease to exist if this bullshit catches on.....

Hell if Joe wins we`ll be workin for China before long.....

I`m done.....DHF.....fuck this.....:ying: ......

That piece of chit won't live for another three years.... watch...it's gonna be kamala that's their sneaky project....use the geriatric meat puppet so we can have kamala drive us into oblivion:trampoline::trampoline:


Well-known member
ICMag Donor
Joe could rape a 3 year old on video today,and people would still vote for him over trump.Not that the media would even report it anyway