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Joe Biden Thread


Well-known member
The senate has no teeth to do shit. Its all hoopla to make you feel good about something you agree with. No one will do any jail time. None of these people play by the same rules we have to. Any that think there gonna do something is brainwashed.
For once I agree with you Hammer.....Big Tech has the upper hand till anti-trust hearings are done.....but with Sleepy Joe .....The fix is in.....Biden`s protected regardless of how dirty and crooked he is with all he`s stolen and put aside over the yrs he`s been in office.....Trump`s no better .....they`re both pitiful in my book....

His crackhead boy`s a joke that plainly dealt China his Dad`s influence as well as in the Ukraine but the main stream media`s got the DNC`s back and consistently calls all debunked and or Russian collusion like Adam Schiff said last night on CNN BEFORE the truth came out that the emails and ALL pertinent info was in fact from Hunter`s laptop and NOT from the Kremlin as he claims.....and....

When Adam Schiff comes out you can bet your ass he`s out to squash it and divert guilt elsewhere since he`s the best at lying to the public on national tv , but the FIRST to say he found NO Russian collusion during his investigation when he`s under oath....

The shit`s so outta bounds with who`s the biggest thief , liar and WHORE , just fuck it and let`s see where the chips fall after all`s said and done once they figure out the election results enough to see if it`ll haveta be resolved by the Supreme Court in the end.....

Ya`ll have at it.....Me ?.....I got mine.....Don`t need anything EITHER of these fools are sellin , but I worry bout my son`s future after I`m gone if these idiots let China take over from weakness.....


Hempy McNoodle

Well-known member
Remember when Trump announced that an american girl was rescued by our military from a foreign country? She had apparently been tortured, brutalized, and raped. He said she was back with her family and he said he would make more details available at a later date. Nothing more ever came out about it and the media sure wasnt too curious.

Why do I get the feeling that we are about to find out about it??

Hempy McNoodle

Well-known member
There is a documentary coming out with interviews of many of Joe Biden's 'pedo-groping' victims such as a few if the girls on the videos I've posted, whom Creepy Joe is basically almost malesting on camera... I bet that will upset a lot of people...


Well-known member
Can you think of more advantageous time to take on such a maneuver....? What would joe do?
Or worse yet what would kameltoe do? Yikes
the same thing trump would do because their foreign policy is identical and beholden to the same interest groups no matter who holds office.

Hempy McNoodle

Well-known member
There is a documentary coming out with interviews of many of Joe Biden's 'pedo-groping' victims such as a few if the girls on the videos I've posted, whom Creepy Joe is basically almost malesting on camera... I bet that will upset a lot of people...

Like these girls here..

I never noticed before, that the photographer in the first incident on this video was trying to help the girl and the mom thanked the photographer for that. And, then watch the mom tilt her head in to try and hear what Sloppy Joe is whispering into her daughter's ear.

In the documentary that is coming out, she reveals what he whispered.


Well-known member


i listen to everyone who bothers to type a coherent point. and he makes a very fair point. how many lies do you accept before you stop trusting said liars?

anyway 1.3% of the US population of 330 million would be 3.3 million dead, so that stat is not correct either.


Well-known member
But, if the media and pretty much every institution and government intel aparatus lied to you about Hunter Biden, Ukraine, Russia, Iraq, Saudi involvement in 9/11, chemical weapons in Syria, etc...

What makes you think they arent lying about COVID and mail ins??

The 200,000 dead and the countless studies that show mail in voting is fine?

I didn't need the media to know either of those things.


Well-known member
You can always tell when people simply parrot back information. It's extremely obvious with the right and their claims of mail in voting fraud. If they actually cared about voter fraud their party wouldn't be committing it either, and they would be attacking the companies who own the electronic voting machines who, revealed by Wikileaks, are all TOP DEMOCRATIC PARTY DONORS. Why would they fuck with physical mail in ballots when they can just go into the computers that they own, and change some numbers around? There is no accountability and no paper trail for them to get caught, but there is if they start messing with actual ballots. It's how they fucked Bernie. Look into Bernie's last two runs as president. He CRUSHED in states that had paper ballots and caucuses, and then in states that were exclusively electronic voting, there is some deviation in the numbers.


Disabled Farmer
ICMag Donor
Here in Cali Republicans set out illegal ballot drop boxes. When they do illegal shit its OK. Only when the Dems do it its not OK.


Well-known member
I wish the dems would fight ACB's nomination as hard as they fought Bernie. Hell, dems fought Tara Reade harder than they fought ACB.



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