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Joe Biden Thread


Well-known member
If biden wins...china will move on us...make no mistake...biden will be helpless

.China's President Jinping to troops: Focus on 'preparing for war'
Lame FUD

All soldiers prepare for war, has to with the job description.
As for China "moving on us" get real, time is on their side, and
know one knows that better than they.
They have no need to do anything but smile as long as the republicans
continue to hand them the world on a plate.

Gypsy Nirvana

Recalcitrant Reprobate -
- Somehow - I think that China and Russia are waiting in the wings - to watch the American Empire tear itself to pieces first - before they step in and share any spoils that are left - this psy-op of turning brother against brother is working so well - already many are speaking about a potential civil-war - that will do the job nicely for them - without any armed intervention - since the USA already has over half a billion firearms in the publics hands - that will suffice <thinks the logical hive-mind>

- with the media able to tweak public opinion in any direction - and using that to promote certain agenda's - peace and harmony gets left way down the bottom - of any 'to-do' lists - as the rot sets in - and we edge ever closer to chaos - <doom and gloom church organ music>

Hempy McNoodle

Well-known member
It amazes me to think about the fact that Joe Biden and Barack Obama presided over the financial crisis by bailing out the banks with our money and letting so many americans lose their homes while his crack head loser son was pimping his Dad's office to foreign nations for millions of dollars. Are we supposed to pretend that Barack didn't know what was happening? Do you think the international community knew? What do people always say about what european leaders think of america under Trump? Something about how we lost their respect... Hah! That don't mean shit now!

Hempy McNoodle

Well-known member
Deep State Joe and his giant conspiracy media machine are no longer in the shadows. We are only half way thru October folks! I think there are plenty more October surprises on the way:)

Question: If the CIA was illigally running cocaine into the US and distributing it to ghettos as crack in an effort to wage chemical / judicial warfare against black and anti-establishment america... Wouldn't an operation like that require political operatives such as Bill Clinton, Joe Biden to pass laws such as the crime bill, which penalized Crack posession more harshly than regular cocaine? Are all these people tied to GHW Bush's CIA? The Clintons, the Bidens, the Bushs, Obamas etc.....

What is a 'Super Predator?'
Wheels are coming off the bus for the gong show that's the 2020 Democrat party...I don't what's stupider their policy or their followers. Corruption, lies and racism... all you Oboomba Youth just gobble up that shit ya don't ya

The only way you losers win 2020 is by mass cheating, and once this is over your pathetic movement is going to be fucking dead...all the current Democrat leaders will be gone and you all will absorb back into your moms basement...


Well-known member
Al Gore's kid got busted selling weed when Gore was VP and the media covered that up too.
Did not see that, but saw a case where he was busted driving 100 mph at 2 am with cannabis, and a variety of pills none of which were legit. That was in Santa Ana in 2005. Article mentioned a traffic stop in Maryland in 2003 which resulted in his being busted for cannabis. In looking up that one, it mentioned an arrest in 2002 driving at a high rate of speed while intoxicated on alcohol.
Also mentioned was what can only be described as a tragedy where he was hit by a car as a kid, injuries described as extensive and brutal, and he was hospitalized for a while.
Nothing I saw left me with an impression anything was ever overlooked with the the young man.

If anything, I would say it appears to be the very opposite, which is what I would expect to see.


- Somehow - I think that China and Russia are waiting in the wings - to watch the American Empire tear itself to pieces first - before they step in and share any spoils that are left - this psy-op of turning brother against brother is working so well - already many are speaking about a potential civil-war - that will do the job nicely for them - without any armed intervention - since the USA already has over half a billion firearms in the publics hands - that will suffice <thinks the logical hive-mind>

- with the media able to tweak public opinion in any direction - and using that to promote certain agenda's - peace and harmony gets left way down the bottom - of any 'to-do' lists - as the rot sets in - and we edge ever closer to chaos - <doom and gloom church organ music>

neither Russia or China will step foot on US soil, they ain't insane. any civil war would be over immediately and everyone would unite to fight the invador, including about a million different heavily armed militia groups, lol.

China has a long term plan to basically become the biggest economy in the world, they will use the power of trade to dominate the world. i don't see them marching armies around the world, its not in their history. they will use black mail, bribery and corruption to achieve what they see as their economic rights.

Russia on the other hand is a different kettle of fish, they actually don't trust the Chinese, too much history and too many border disputes.

recent historic events, (Crimea, Syria, sanctions) have basically forced Russia to become more interdependent with China. i believe the Russians could very easily be pried away from China, but they would have to be treated as equals, which no US admin has been willing or able to do recently.
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Non-growing Lurker
ICMag Donor
Which one of these guys is singing like a bird inside prison? Maybe creepy joe's defense will be he doesn't remember!



Active member
I wasnt refering to china moving on the US proper...i predict china will move on Taiwan within a year...will Biden defy china and equip taiwan with defensive missles? Keep an eye on the Chinese naval fleet


I wasnt refering to china moving on the US proper...i predict china will move on Taiwan within a year...will Biden defy china and equip taiwan with defensive missles? Keep an eye on the Chinese naval fleet

i still think they will use every other weapon rather the military. they are selling spy tech, surveillance gear. they spy like crazy, they have files on every prominent citizen of the world, they know their porn habits, medicines, movies they watch, books they read, posts they make, business dealings etc, the higher up the food chain the greater they try to surveil you. then they just wait till the right politician is in the right position to be blackmailed for the right thing they want. like Hong Kong accepting the new security law they basically imposed. they play the long game and will push us just as far as they think will not lead to outright war. they are a dangerous opponent and if they dominate the world order, we will all live with their social score system, where your phone is basically scoring your behaviour in every day life, which then decides what amount of freedom you are allowed. i for 1 do not want to live even under the influence of the Chinese communist party or that winny the pooh character :D


Active member
Which one of these guys is singing like a bird inside prison? Maybe creepy joe's defense will be he doesn't remember!

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Its Bevan Cooney hunters old biz partner...hes in prison and has turned over his email account to
Peter Schweizer....Devon Archers conviction charges
Were just reinstated on the same fraud charges....
They are both calling out hunter who was not convited in the scam
Cooney confirms big guy was joe biden...


Active member
Its Bevan Cooney hunters old biz partner...hes in prison and has turned over his email account to
Peter Schweizer....Devon Archers conviction charges
Were just reinstated on the same fraud charges....
They are both calling out hunter who was not convited in the scam
Cooney confirms big guy was joe biden...

It's going to be an interesting few weeks. Democrats are surely going to lose it, even more than normal.

Biden is out, ACB is in.

I heard one of Hunters partners is Whitey Bulger nephew. I wonder if Sleepy Joe was involved in his racket also. At this point no level of corruption is out of the realm of possibility.

We must appoint a special council to investigate the established connections between Biden/Obama and the Chinese, Russian, and Ukrainian governments. Low and behold their actually was collusion, just not by Trump.

I wonder if Sleepy Joe will fall on the sword to protect Obama. Obama either knew, or was unbelievable incompetent. I say its both. We have plenty of evidence that Obama was incompetent.

This all shows why the democrats are so determined to remove Trump.

Trump better step up his security. I have little faith in the secret Service, better have a seal team.



Active member
i still think they will use every other weapon rather the military. they are selling spy tech, surveillance gear. they spy like crazy, they have files on every prominent citizen of the world, they know their porn habits, medicines, movies they watch, books they read, posts they make, business dealings etc, the higher up the food chain the greater they try to surveil you. then they just wait till the right politician is in the right position to be blackmailed for the right thing they want. like Hong Kong accepting the new security law they basically imposed. they play the long game and will push us just as far as they think will not lead to outright war. they are a dangerous opponent and if they dominate the world order, we will all live with their social score system, where your phone is basically scoring your behaviour in every day life, which then decides what amount of freedom you are allowed. i for 1 do not want to live even under the influence of the Chinese communist party or that winny the pooh character :D

China can easily shut down taiwans electrical grid
Scramble communications and they have over a thousand cruise missles aimed to take out major military sites and strike all cities in taiwan...some pentagon officials see a scenario of china securing a hold
Within 3 days....
Can you think of more advantageous time to take on such a maneuver....? What would joe do?
Or worse yet what would kameltoe do? Yikes


Well-known member
It's going to be an interesting few weeks. Democrats are surely going to lose it, even more than normal.

Biden is out, ACB is in.

I heard one of Hunters partners is Whitey Bulger nephew. I wonder if Sleepy Joe was involved in his racket also. At this point no level of corruption is out of the realm of possibility.

We must appoint a special council to investigate the established connections between Biden/Obama and the Chinese, Russian, and Ukrainian governments. Low and behold their actually was collusion, just not by Trump.

I wonder if Sleepy Joe will fall on the sword to protect Obama. Obama either knew, or was unbelievable incompetent. I say its both. We have plenty of evidence that Obama was incompetent.


Hell yeah. Both party's compete to see who is more corrupt.

Would be interesting to see an accurate score card.


Well-known member
Its Bevan Cooney hunters old biz partner...hes in prison and has turned over his email account to
Peter Schweizer....Devon Archers conviction charges
Were just reinstated on the same fraud charges....
They are both calling out hunter who was not convited in the scam
Cooney confirms big guy was joe biden...

...... but wait, if both of the candidates are potentially gonna go to jail, is that the Big October Surprise?

Guess the joke's on us, huh, the payers paying for the players.:bigeye: :rolleyes:


Active member
It's going to be an interesting few weeks. Democrats are surely going to lose it, even more than normal.

Biden is out, ACB is in.

I heard one of Hunters partners is Whitey Bulger nephew. I wonder if Sleepy Joe was involved in his racket also. At this point no level of corruption is out of the realm of possibility.

We must appoint a special council to investigate the established connections between Biden/Obama and the Chinese, Russian, and Ukrainian governments. Low and behold their actually was collusion, just not by Trump.

I wonder if Sleepy Joe will fall on the sword to protect Obama. Obama either knew, or was unbelievable incompetent. I say its both. We have plenty of evidence that Obama was incompetent.

This all shows why the democrats are so determined to remove Trump.

Trump better step up his security. I have little faith in the secret Service, better have a seal team.


Schweizer said with Cooneys emails it looks more like a united nations of corruption from the Bidens


Disabled Farmer
ICMag Donor
Gotta love that shine tho, Hammer! Senate has issued subpeonas to big tech for censoring journalists over this story:)

The senate has no teeth to do shit. Its all hoopla to make you feel good about something you agree with. No one will do any jail time. None of these people play by the same rules we have to. Any that think there gonna do something is brainwashed.

Hempy McNoodle

Well-known member
The Senate is a critical part of all of this. They can subpeona and enter evidence into the record. They can set up a purgery trap. They are exposing Christopher Wrays corruption and incompetence. And, they can submit this all to DOJ. Even if they don't submit this all to DOJ, DOJ (and military courts) can look into the matters once the Senate enters all this into the public record. And, make no mistake, the public will demand action on all of this. The public is awake now, for the first time in history. The Deep State cannot continue to function, if the public is no longer fooled by them.

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