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Joe Biden Thread


Disabled Farmer
ICMag Donor
About 38% of adults are effected by drug addiction. Those that where capable of getting that under control shows how strong they are. Drug addition doesn't care what politics you believe in. When people use others addiction problems as a weapon is something I will never understand.


Well-known member
ICMag Donor
Peace , Love , and Goodwill to everyone.
I've decided to become a pastor so anyone in need of spiritual counseling , and guidance down the path of enlightenment , it's not too late.

Of course excluded from this would be
Well you know the list.... ;)


Disabled Farmer
ICMag Donor
Peace , Love , and Goodwill to everyone.
I've decided to become a pastor so anyone in need of spiritual counseling , and guidance down the path of enlightenment , it's not too late.

Of course excluded from this would be
Well you know the list.... ;)

Trump would be a great 1st client


Active member
LOL, probably just a dumb liberal kid. Funny enough Bidens son Hunter choose money and crack cocaine over integrity.

Yeah, he made some poor choices, and the disease of addiction took hold. At least he was willing to admit that he had a problem, and worked to overcome it.

When do you think that Don Jr is going to admit that he has an insane coke addiction?


Well-known member
Yeah, he made some poor choices, and the disease of addiction took hold. At least he was willing to admit that he had a problem, and worked to overcome it.

When do you think that Don Jr is going to admit that he has an insane coke addiction?

Democrats back in 2016 - Trump is a coke head... (insert more bullshit)

Me just now - Hunter is a crackhead (Hunter be like :smoky:)

Democrats - :whee::scripture:

Me - :stfu:

St. Phatty

Active member
Yeah, he made some poor choices, and the disease of addiction took hold. At least he was willing to admit that he had a problem, and worked to overcome it.

When do you think that Don Jr is going to admit that he has an insane coke addiction?

When he can make money doing it.


Active member
Democrats back in 2016 - Trump is a coke head... (insert more bullshit)

Me just now - Hunter is a crackhead (Hunter be like :smoky:)

Democrats - :whee::scripture:

Me - :stfu:

I think most people could care less about Hunter's addiction issues to be honest. You're right tho, Trump does seem like a classic coke head, so at least we agree there.

Hempy McNoodle

Well-known member
About 38% of adults are effected by drug addiction. Those that where capable of getting that under control shows how strong they are. Drug addition doesn't care what politics you believe in. When people use others addiction problems as a weapon is something I will never understand.

Here's the thing Hammer, Joe Biden wrote the 1994 Crime Bill which was a broom for sweeping black people (or their kids) into prison. If and when they got out, they had criminal records and found it nearly impossible to find jobs. It is inexcusable that this pig man's son was not sent to prison like your kid would be, or you or I would be. And instead of not being able to find a job, he gets a super corrupt job and now his exposed communications show that Hunter complained that Joe got 50% of Hunter's pay. Hunter's emails also show that he charged people ten million dollars just to be introduced to Joe Biden.

Hempy McNoodle

Well-known member
...That means Joe Biden may have made $5 million dollars everytime Huinter introduced him to somebody who wanted favors. And that is just for the introduction...

St. Phatty

Active member

So is Section 230 relevant ?

Something about internet censorship. But I have a feeling it's important.

have either of the candidates come out hard for free speech ?

"Section 230, a provision to a 1996 law that shields Facebook and Google from liability for what users post, is increasingly under fire from Trump."

That doesn't sound good.


OK now Biden isn't sounding so good.

"Joe Biden wants to revoke Section 230

The Democratic front-runner would remove one of the core protections of the internet"


OK now I'm really confused :groupwave:

Hempy McNoodle

Well-known member
"Donald Trump is the most corrupt president this country has ever had."
-Bernie Sanders (and every other loser), Lying to the American People, 2020.

Hempy McNoodle

Well-known member

So is Section 230 relevant ?

Something about internet censorship. But I have a feeling it's important.

have either of the candidates come out hard for free speech ?

"Section 230, a provision to a 1996 law that shields Facebook and Google from liability for what users post, is increasingly under fire from Trump."

That doesn't sound good.


OK now Biden isn't sounding so good.

"Joe Biden wants to revoke Section 230

The Democratic front-runner would remove one of the core protections of the internet"


OK now I'm really confused :groupwave:

230 protects big tech platforms from consumer protection laws, by classifying them as a public platform (beneficial to all). The Trump admin's position is that it should be revoked because big tech is acting as a publisher or political special interest group (because of mass censorship of information which contradicts the Deep State narrative and also publishing false information which is slanderous such as the Russia, Russia, Russia conspiracy theory). Therefore, these platforms should be regarded as private publishers and thus be open to slander lawsuites.

Pelosi (and now I hear, Biden) do not really want to remove 230. They are being dissengenuous. They are claiming they want to be able to have more censorship over Qanon, and thus, Pelosi said, "we should be able to hold big tech accountable for pushing these harmful conspiracy theories." But they know that 230 is what gives them their ability to use communist style censorship and propaganda ops against the people. 230 must go and is on it's way out the door as we speak. This will change everything! What will happen when people like me can sue them for slander against "conspiracy theorists" after the "conspiracy theories" are proven to have been real. Will they be sued out of existence. I hear class action lawsuites can be quite devestating and effective.

Hempy McNoodle

Well-known member
Gee, it is almost starting to look like Trump and Guliani are some sort Military/civilian counter intelligence officers of some sort.... who'd have ever thought???

My favorite inside source always posed the question, "How do you enter evidence legally?"

This laptop situation is pure genius! I bet they got a special ops person to become Hunter's crack dealer and they probably got Hunter high and in a compromised position perhaps got Hunter to trade his laptop for crack. This is only speculation on my part. But, I have doubts about Hunter taking his laptop to a repair shop. So, the story of what happened, logically must be too embarrassing for the deep state to admit to.

Hempy McNoodle

Well-known member
It's hilarious that Hunter is now the Hunted and surely will have to be epsteined. Joe too? Dissapearance from public life coming? I hear Joe may have been "exposed to COVID."

Hempy McNoodle

Well-known member
#Hunterdidn'tkillhimself has been trending on twitter, lolz. In fact, Twitter completely broke down just from being overloaded with traffic related to this issue. Get your tissues ready dems....


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