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Joe Biden Thread


Well-known member
The entire government and 99% of its representatives are bought and owned by corporations, banks, intelligence, and foreign interests/governments.


Active member
If you read the article. You would know that The Burisma executive, Thanked Hunter for arranging the meeting, and how much he enjoyed the meeting.

You read the fox piece? It was published in the New York Post.

Accurately? That's a fucking joke. Like you Accurately claimed Trump was a Russian asset? Whoops nope that was Hilary and your Boy Obama.

Like always you are incapable of getting even one single fact correct

Biden's campaign won't even deny it. Fortunately, these are the minor stuff, their is more to come. Your boy Biden is the most corrupt Presidential candidate in the history of this country. Atleast Obama had the sense to become president before he became the most corrupt actual president in the history of this nation.

Failure, do you mean the folks who screamed Russian collusion for 4 years?

Since we now know it was Russian propaganda, disseminated by Hilary and her DNC hacks.

Better polish those giant shoes clown boy.

Your story has more holes than swiss cheese.
I wonder if the “feds” will report a criminal investigation a few days before the election....to be dropped entirely right after the election.
seemed to help a lot last time.

White Beard

Active member
If you read the article. You would know that The Burisma executive, Thanked Hunter for arranging the meeting, and how much he enjoyed the meeting.

You read the fox piece? It was published in the New York Post.

Accurately? That's a fucking joke. Like you Accurately claimed Trump was a Russian asset? Whoops nope that was Hilary and your Boy Obama.

Like always you are incapable of getting even one single fact correct

Biden's campaign won't even deny it. Fortunately, these are the minor stuff, their is more to come. Your boy Biden is the most corrupt Presidential candidate in the history of this country. Atleast Obama had the sense to become president before he became the most corrupt actual president in the history of this nation.

Failure, do you mean the folks who screamed Russian collusion for 4 years?

Since we now know it was Russian propaganda, disseminated by Hilary and her DNC hacks.

Better polish those giant shoes clown boy.

An unidentified someone dropped off a soggy laptop at a Delaware computer repair shop. Actually, they dropped off three soggy laptops, because mysterious strangers appear to be very casual about dunking their computers, as well as bad about providing a name to go with the devices. Nineteen months later, absolutely nothing had happened … until somehow Rudy Giuliani personally walked a copy of the computer’s hard drive to Rupert Murdoch for a combined Fox News/New York Post smear campaign. The entire story of how a legally blind Wilmington Trump supporter happened to acquire salacious videos of Hunter Biden, along with emails that allege meetings no one ever attended, is patently ridiculous. And it might also be criminal.

According to the story, the trio of damp computers landed in John Paul “Mac” Isaac’s repair shop in April of 2019. But metadata from the files published in the Post suggest they were created months later, in September and October of 2019. That would be between the time that Rudy Giuliani’s first set of claims about Biden’s actions in Ukraine were proven to be lies, and when Giuliani’s partners in creeping around Ukraine were arrested trying to flee the country. And while it may be true that one of the computers is now in the hands of the FBI, the reason that computer has been getting a through review may not be to Giuliani’s liking.

The rest of that story (with plenty of *supporting* links) is here...if you have the guts to read it and the wit to understand any of it. Pardon me while I don’t hold my breath.

Remember: if you won’t see the fnords, they can’t eat you


Well-known member
........most def making some tater salad to provide a sense of Summer time on this chilly Fall day.:tiphat:

.... the only way to improve on potato salad during Fall/Winter is to fry 'er up, that's right, fried potato salad!

heat up a good healthy oil and dump in your favorite potato salad, fry until caramelized then eat while hot.

This is the ultimate cold weather comfort food, try it, you won't be sorry!;)


Active member
Your story has more holes than swiss cheese.
I wonder if the “feds” will report a criminal investigation a few days before the election....to be dropped entirely right after the election.
seemed to help a lot last time.

Is that worse than framing the incoming president?

Asking for a friend


Active member
The rest of that story (with plenty of *supporting* links) is here...if you have the guts to read it and the wit to understand any of it. Pardon me while I don’t hold my breath.

Remember: if you won’t see the fnords, they can’t eat you

How about you refer to the actual article, instead of a leftist rags spin of it. Don't worry this isn't Twitter your account won't be locked for post anything critical of crooked Joe, his ho, and the crackhead.

The FBI has had the computer since December. The day before the Kunt Pelosi filed impeachment .All of a sudden they are looking into . Give me a fucking break. It must be the same Russians that Trump wasn't colluding with.

The campaign won't deny it, smoking gun right there. Please, keep embarrassing yourself.

Such a clown. Please hold your breath. Do the world a favor.


Disabled Farmer
ICMag Donor
I don't care how much you disagree with someone. Stop hoping people will die because you disagree with them.


Active member
The FBI has had the computer since December. .

The shop owner received the computer April 2019

Metadata from the files published in the Post suggest they were created months later, in September and October of 2019.

Post stories originated months after shop owner received computers.


Well-known member
.... the only way to improve on potato salad during Fall/Winter is to fry 'er up, that's right, fried potato salad!

heat up a good healthy oil and dump in your favorite potato salad, fry until caramelized then eat while hot.

This is the ultimate cold weather comfort food, try it, you won't be sorry!;)
just as long as it´s not made with mayo! :bigeye: :D


Well-known member
Is that worse than framing the incoming president?

Asking for a friend
What you are citing is a story that the president enjoys hearing, much like he enjoys the fiction that more people celebrated his incoming than the previous administrations.
His previous attorney general was not known as a liberal, and he would not touch it. This current attorney general is no more eager to than push it than the previous one. Ever wonder why that is ?
I do not know myself, but I suspect that our president likes to insist to himself things are true when they are not.
I think several around him indulge him by pretending they believe him, knowing they will deny it as soon as they leave the room.
I think the intel folk have never had it so good.
As usual, I may be completely mistaken and way off base.


Active member
What you are citing is a story that the president enjoys hearing, much like he enjoys the fiction that more people celebrated his incoming than the previous administrations.
His previous attorney general was not known as a liberal, and he would not touch it. This current attorney general is no more eager to than push it than the previous one. Ever wonder why that is ?
I do not know myself, but I suspect that our president likes to insist to himself things are true when they are not.
I think several around him indulge him by pretending they believe him, knowing they will deny it as soon as they leave the room.
I think the intel folk have never had it so good.
As usual, I may be completely mistaken and way off base.

Nope we have thousands of documents, you have spin from Leftist rags. I'll stick with facts. You can have all the spin you want.


Active member
this is all the republicans are going to focus on now because trump is collapsing lol.

We are focusing on it because it's news, not leftist propaganda, directly from Russian Intelligence. Get a grip dude, Biden ain't your guy don't carry his water. He ain't going to do shit for you, unless you pay hunter a few million first.

Its a shame, you used to have a mind of your own, now your just another puppet.


Disabled Farmer
ICMag Donor
Rudy Giuliani's daughter endorses Joe Biden.. My father is Rudy Giuliani,” Caroline Rose Giuliani said in the magazine. “We are multiverses apart, politically and otherwise. I’ve spent a lifetime forging an identity in the arts separate from my last name.. When your own daughter despises you theirs def something wrong with dad.

The FBI,CIA,NSA,DOJ are all in on a Trump conspiracy.:D


Well-known member
Nope we have thousands of documents, you have spin from Leftist rags. I'll stick with facts. You can have all the spin you want.
Packer everything is relative to one's perspective.

What I have, are personal relationships with NSC members over several administrations, along with twenty years worth of time spent in the District.

What you have is a strong attachment to "news sources" which did not exist prior to the Powell Memo.

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