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Joe Biden Thread


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You mean the same doctors and nurses on the ground that reported being gassed by their own
Better to send bread and water then sarin gas....
Trust no one except the piles of corpses


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you nailed it aoh, they want to just freely pass on russian disinformation to us red blooded americans....
with no consequences!

I agree that there is a deliberate disinformation campaign coming from the authoritarian right, but Russiagate is a political hoax. That isn't to say Russia has no games or agenda, but for every piece of evidence suggesting Russian collusion there are easily 1000 that suggest otherwise.

The game right now is simple: The Democrats blame all their failures on Russia, and the Republicans blame all their failures on China. Chinese influence over the American government is far broader than Russian influence(though nobody even comes close to the Israelis when it comes to meddling spycraft). Both parties are on their knees in a heartbeat if Zionists demand it. Were you aware that in many US states now, you have to sign away your first amendment right to boycott Israel in order to get state government jobs or be a state contractor?



Disabled Farmer
ICMag Donor
Russia doesn't have much of a standing on the world stage like China or the USA. The biggest gift Trump has given Putin is credibility and to help them become more of an influence on the world stage. Trump has def done some shady shit with the Russian GOV/MOB before he was elected. When is having secret talks with Putin and his cronies every good. When the POTUS asks the note taker for the transcripts their def something in those notes he doesn't want out IMO.


Active member
The Biden campaign WON'T rule out that the meeting with the Burisma executive took place.

You guys and your corrupt politicians, had the unmitigated gal to lie incessantly about the President, now we know why.

Anyone who votes for Biden is voting to sell our country out to the highest bidder. Fucking Disgusting, you should hang your head in shame.

Hempy McNoodle

Well-known member
Remember when half the country thought that the Obama admin was the first 'scandal free administration?'

Now it looks like the opposite.

Who woulda thought.......?

Hempy McNoodle

Well-known member
It would be terrible for poor Joe if his son's laptop had pics of Hunter fucking underage girls who are tied to an embarrassing international human trafficking / child sex trafficking rings which may be tied to other such organizations. Could be unfortunate for a lotta people...



The Biden campaign WON'T rule out that the meeting with the Burisma executive took place.

You guys and your corrupt politicians, had the unmitigated gal to lie incessantly about the President, now we know why.

Anyone who votes for Biden is voting to sell our country out to the highest bidder. Fucking Disgusting, you should hang your head in shame.

just chill out please. why you assuming bad motives?


Disabled Farmer
ICMag Donor
Trump cheating people out of there pay is a better choice lol. How many had to take a lot less just to get something they were owed.. Any that vote for him wont feel a thing since none have feelings. Lets put everyone in a box ..


Active member
Russia doesn't have much of a standing on the world stage like China or the USA. The biggest gift Trump has given Putin is credibility and to help them become more of an influence on the world stage. Trump has def done some shady shit with the Russian GOV/MOB before he was elected. When is having secret talks with Putin and his cronies every good. When the POTUS asks the note taker for the transcripts their def something in those notes he doesn't want out IMO.

I want to make it clear that I really hate Trump. He's a horrible human being and I won't miss him if something happens to him. That said, the media has been obsessed with the notion that even being cordial with Russia = collusion. Its made it so even the slightest attempt at detente becomes scandalous. The media wants conflict, because they're very desperate to keep selling the American public on endless war. I would have kicked the press out and wanted the keep the transcripts too. Can you imagine how many months Rachel Maddow would spend picking apart every line of those transcripts?

So far the main guy who went to jail over Russiagate ended up being an agent of almost everyone except Russia(I am talking about Flynn). Both parties have a lot of questionable foreign ties, but Trump's don't seem significantly worse than anyone else's. The Israelis own him, the Saudis own him, Wall Street owns him(and they are truly international after all), and that really makes him just like the rest of the swamp at the end of the day.

Hempy McNoodle

Well-known member
There really is some disturbing psychology at play, when it comes to Deep State or Democrat sycophant behavior. My whole family and almost everyone I know is slowly realizing each and everyday that I was basically 100% correct, but they aren't admitting it yet. Everyone seems completely broken, lost, and depressed. I hate to see the people I love like this, but they did it to themselves. I never thought this would ever happen. I thought for sure, that the Deep State would kill or enslave us all and get away with it. Our military intel people are quite impressive.

You know who is not impressive? Democrats.


Disabled Farmer
ICMag Donor
I want to make it clear that I really hate Trump. He's a horrible human being and I won't miss him if something happens to him. That said, the media has been obsessed with the notion that even being cordial with Russia = collusion. Its made it so even the slightest attempt at detente becomes scandalous. The media wants conflict, because they're very desperate to keep selling the American public on endless war. I would have kicked the press out and wanted the keep the transcripts too. Can you imagine how many months Rachel Maddow would spend picking apart every line of those transcripts?

So far the main guy who went to jail over Russiagate ended up being an agent of almost everyone except Russia(I am talking about Flynn). Both parties have a lot of questionable foreign ties, but Trump's don't seem significantly worse than anyone else's. The Israelis own him, the Saudis own him, Wall Street owns him(and they are truly international after all), and that really makes him just like the rest of the swamp at the end of the day.

What your disputing has nothing to do with the shady crap Trumps and his family have done with Putin and his cronies. Before he was elected he was def involved with mob money laundering through his golf courses. After he was elected doing secret shit in the oval office with Russian spies was treasonous. Nothing said will ever be know since Trump destroyed those transcripts. All the tax payers $$ used to enrich his family.. Using diplomats to make deals with other counties so he can make money from it. The list is long with his shady business deals that hurt our country. None of this was being cordial for the right reasons.


Active member
I never said Trump wasn't in bed with organized crime. Its not even unlikely that he is involved with Russian gangsters to some degree. I have yet to see any proof of Trump meeting with Russian spies though. That really seems to be an imaginary claim. He met with Putin and kicked out the reporters and wanted the transcripts deleted, but I really can't blame either of them for wanting that with the New Red Scare in full swing. Trump is such a shady monster, but we're never going to beat him using false claims. I could give you a list of ten reasons Trump should already be in prison and none of them have anything to do with Putin.


Active member
just chill out please. why you assuming bad motives?

This shit was handed over to the FBI the day before Impeachment. Did the FBI not have a duty to turn it over?

No, I won't chill out. Dozens of people here have spent 4 years smearing the President and his voters. Now we find out the administration that framed the incoming president, was also selling access to the VP. Today we find out China was paying for access also. China is our greatest adversary. Any other time in history Biden would be standing in front of a firing squad.

These clowns assume the worst possible motives to anyone even close to the right, on a daily basis. Those who voted for Biden made a mistake, anyone who did vote for Biden should be demanding he shutter his campaign. That's their only possible path to redemption. Otherwise they condone, and even embrace the corruption.

To top it all off, we got the so called journalists at the NYT, calling for censorship, not of themselves of course.

Twitter, and Facebook are actively interfering in our election, censoring damaging material against Biden. Claiming they don't distribute hacked information. Do they hold the same standards for the Trump campaign? Fuck no.

Hell Trump’s press secretary had her Twitter locked for exposing Biden. Fuck this bullshit.


Well-known member

hey trump 2020