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Joe Biden Thread


Well-known member
My whole family and almost everyone I know is slowly realizing each and everyday that I was basically 100% correct, but they aren't admitting it yet. Everyone seems completely broken, lost, and depressed. I hate to see the people I love like this, but they did it to themselves.

Your loved ones are probably depressed and lost because they care about you, and have realized that you are 100% too far gone.


Well hempy....it would be a bad idea to disregard the opinion of people who may have historically cared for you. Sometimes it is hard to see your own faults, tough sell on my part, but if someone has been close to you and feels the need to tell you that you might be on the wrong track, its a good idea to listen or at least take it in to consideration.

White Beard

Active member
Is that what CNN told you. Their are emails , many emails. Not to mention videos, of drug use and sex.

You guys really know how to pick em.

Your such a complete clown its amazing you can make it through the day without tripping over those giant shoes. Honk your horn now. Better get back in the tiny car with your clown buddies.

NO, Einstein, I clicked on THE POSTED LINK, I read the FOX NEWS ‘ARTICLE’ at the other end of the link - and I SUMMARIZED IT. Accurately.

Go read it yourself.

What, you figure that anyone who can read ONLY reads (watches?) CNN? No wonder you’re so suspicious of all us readin’ folks and our fancy knowing shit.... You’re like Failure, the Tragic Insult Dog - you are SO full of yourself...and yet, so empty. Buzz off.


ICMag Donor
Senator Cruz calls out Big Tech for blocking story on Biden corruption: 'This is unpr

Senator Cruz calls out Big Tech for blocking story on Biden corruption: 'This is unpr

Senator Cruz calls out Big Tech for blocking story on Biden corruption: 'This is unprecedented'


Active member
The New York Post story sounds like the latest version of a football that Lucy will hold for the Republican base/Charlie Brown.

The reason it’s not so widely reported is that it’s unverified and originates from Rudy and Steve Bannon.

Not everyone wants to look stupid when the latest b.s. story falls apart.


ICMag Donor
Dang you mean mr mustard, while I already had a little munchies,,,NOW I have to go and made an egg salad sandwich


mean mr.mustard

I Pass Satellites
I made due with a PB&J and a cold glass of milk.

Now I'm debating on how fat I want to get as I eyeball a jar of cookie butter.

I have bacon but I need to figure out how to fit chocolate in the mix somehow.

Maybe another bowl will inspire...
You leftists are following a political ideology so authoritarian that its attacking 50yr old children's cartoons... If that doesn't reek of authoritarianism to you then nothing will... If these monsters find offence in a innocent 50yr old cartoon imagine how many other things they are going to find that offend them.. Remember this when your voting for the left


Active member
NO, Einstein, I clicked on THE POSTED LINK, I read the FOX NEWS ‘ARTICLE’ at the other end of the link - and I SUMMARIZED IT. Accurately.

Go read it yourself.

What, you figure that anyone who can read ONLY reads (watches?) CNN? No wonder you’re so suspicious of all us readin’ folks and our fancy knowing shit.... You’re like Failure, the Tragic Insult Dog - you are SO full of yourself...and yet, so empty. Buzz off.

If you read the article. You would know that The Burisma executive, Thanked Hunter for arranging the meeting, and how much he enjoyed the meeting.

You read the fox piece? It was published in the New York Post.

Accurately? That's a fucking joke. Like you Accurately claimed Trump was a Russian asset? Whoops nope that was Hilary and your Boy Obama.

Like always you are incapable of getting even one single fact correct

Biden's campaign won't even deny it. Fortunately, these are the minor stuff, their is more to come. Your boy Biden is the most corrupt Presidential candidate in the history of this country. Atleast Obama had the sense to become president before he became the most corrupt actual president in the history of this nation.

Failure, do you mean the folks who screamed Russian collusion for 4 years?

Since we now know it was Russian propaganda, disseminated by Hilary and her DNC hacks.

Better polish those giant shoes clown boy.
The more time that passes the more honest Donald Trump is proving to be and less honest the democrats are proving to be...In the end the political left is overflowing with lies and corruption that by comparison Trump appears to be an angel... How can any of you kids support this crap