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Joe Biden Thread


Active member
Here's the big fact no one is getting. The hard drive was turned over to the FBI the day before Pelosi filed impeachment.

As I always say.

"Whatever the democrats accuse you of, is exactly what they are guilty of"

Fucking corrupticrats.

The Obama/ Biden administration is the most corrupt administration in the history of this country.

This is picking up alot of traction...it being reported on local news in michigan...

White Beard

Active member
Anything illegal?
Any indictments?
I expect the republicans have a few dirty tricks up their sleeve for the last minute.
They always do.

“Dirty tricks”, hell.... It’s not even a gotcha - you’ll love this: the “article” alleges that the emails allege that Burisma *wanted* Hunter to lobby HIS DAD *for* them...I dunno what “meds” is using, but it AIN’T medicine....

If it weren’t for rage and incoherence, these simpletons wouldn’t be able to stand at all...but by all means, let’s see what else the Edgeless Knives have on tap!


Active member
This is picking up alot of traction...it being reported on local news in michigan...

It's huge. The FBI sat by and watched Pelosi and Dems impeach Trump for something Biden actually did (bribery) , knowing it was 100% corrupt. I would venture to guess Pelosi knew about the hard drive and thought they could remove Trump before it got out.

Not that I think anyone will be held accountable, dual track justice system and all.

Crazy enough it was even covered on LA local news. Not for long mind you.

Twitter and Facebook have been censoring it all day.

Kayleigh Macenany had he twitted suspended for tweeting about it.

Can you say in kind contribution?

If Trump gets re-elected, say goodbye to 230 protections.


Disabled Farmer
ICMag Donor
But none got indicted. Whats Barr waiting for?. Maybe a real crime lol.. Trump says he cant say if Barr will stay on if he is re elected :D


Active member
“Dirty tricks”, hell.... It’s not even a gotcha - you’ll love this: the “article” alleges that the emails allege that Burisma *wanted* Hunter to lobby HIS DAD *for* them...I dunno what “meds” is using, but it AIN’T medicine....

If it weren’t for rage and incoherence, these simpletons wouldn’t be able to stand at all...but by all means, let’s see what else the Edgeless Knives have on tap!

Is that what CNN told you. Their are emails , many emails. Not to mention videos, of drug use and sex.

You guys really know how to pick em.

Your such a complete clown its amazing you can make it through the day without tripping over those giant shoes. Honk your horn now. Better get back in the tiny car with your clown buddies.


Active member
Anything illegal?
Any indictments?
I expect the republicans have a few dirty tricks up their sleeve for the last minute.
They always do.

Welly welly ...no indictments or accusations of criminality at this point...
Depending on saturation could be very troublesome
For Biden...
if pushed...possible corruption....in 2020 nothing would shock me
There are some very determined entities on both sides in this election
If Biden is indicted and wins the election the only remedy would be impeachment ..but this only applies to a sitting president...
The monkey wrench would be if Trump challenges
The election results... leaving results in limbo
And Biden open to charges
If Trump wins.....only an act of god will save Biden

Needless to say ..A viddy of hunter smoking crack whilst recieving A head job wont be a very savory campaign ad for sleepy joe....nomesayin?;)


Active member
“Dirty tricks”, hell.... It’s not even a gotcha - you’ll love this: the “article” alleges that the emails allege that Burisma *wanted* Hunter to lobby HIS DAD *for* them...I dunno what “meds” is using, but it AIN’T medicine....

If it weren’t for rage and incoherence, these simpletons wouldn’t be able to stand at all...but by all means, let’s see what else the Edgeless Knives have on tap!

Keep a cork in your colostomy bag ol timer....
Remember theres a full confession of extortion
On viddy from your candidate that would wrap that whole package up....lets see how this plays out
But ears are being perked up :tiphat:


oh wow, jeez, looky here....
another drop of emails days before the election, hmmmm.
and videos to boot, wowzers!

and the source, oh my god!
it’s ghouliani and bannon, hahahahaa!!!

yeah, their russian homies have nothing to do with this unverified bullshit!

you troglodytes are just lapping up that borscht, huh?



Active member
All tapes hard drives and videos have been turned over to the FBI for authentication....copies of same have all been retained for posterity of coarse....


i can see why you might not want folks to respond...

you nailed it aoh, they want to just freely pass on russian disinformation to us red blooded americans....
with no consequences!

their latest horseshit conspiracy is sourced from this decrepit ghoul

:bigeye:... sleep tight!


Well-known member
you nailed it aoh, they want to just freely pass on russian disinformation to us red blooded americans....
with no consequences!

their latest horseshit conspiracy is sourced from this decrepit ghoul

[URL=https://www.icmag.com/ic/picture.php?albumid=23362&pictureid=2083880&thumb=1]View Image[/url]

:bigeye:... sleep tight!

bullshit must be confronted lest it find fertile soil and grow. it's a lot like letting kudzu start growing in your garden, or english ivy get started around the foundation of your house. you're gonna regret it...


are we talking about today's newyork post?


this is why they don't go after corruption, bribery and lobbying, they all bloody well do it, just a matter of scale and those politicians not doing it are just holding out for the right opportunity.

of course they also don't go after him for war crimes, as they are all bought and paid for by the bomb makers too and are always PRO using more weapons, where, is not important.

so yeah that leaves racism i guess.

do you even care what Trump is doing to the Iranian nation? or the Syrian people? they are being mass starved and mass impoverished, mass frozen in winter due to the US stealing the oil, boiling in summer, stopped from paying for things due to fear of US sanctions, Trumps sanctions. the harshest sanctions regime ever put in place against a whole nation not at war with you.

in the middle of a pandemic Trump is making it impossible for Syrian doctors to get spare parts to fix old hospital equipment, medicine can't be bought because every bank is shitting bricks at touching any transaction with Syria or Iran. this is a huge crime against humanity. its ruining those two nations and its collectively punishing their respective populations, again its a fucking internationally recognized crime against humanity. Biden will continue it all you mark my words. probably he will even escalate against Syria.


Active member
The fact is under the trump admin US has supplied more humanitarian aid to the Syrian people than any other nation
The only blockades have been from the russians
And the Iranians...we dont steal oil...US is the largest producers of oil on the planet...these regimes have proven not to use their assets to assist their own peoples plight instead use it for
Weaponizing their military and terrorism around the mideast and beyond

The United States Announces Additional Humanitarian Assistance for the Syrian People - United States Department of State

IRAN’S SANCTIONS RELIEF SCAM - United States Department of State
Top talking points for Biden Campaign,

1. Trump Bad
2. Biden not that bad
3. only took small bribes, everyone does it
4. Look at me, I have a woman running mate who pretends to be black.


The fact is under the trump admin US has supplied more humanitarian aid to the Syrian people than any other nation
The only blockades have been from the russians
And the Iranians...we dont steal oil...US is the largest producers of oil on the planet...these regimes have proven not to use their assets to assist their own peoples plight instead use it for
Weaponizing their military and terrorism around the mideast and beyond

The United States Announces Additional Humanitarian Assistance for the Syrian People - United States Department of State

IRAN’S SANCTIONS RELIEF SCAM - United States Department of State

they count aid to the Kurds and to the head choppers as aid to the Syrian people. the majority of Syrians live under the Syrian government, they are the ones under sanctions.

as for the oil, Trump himself admitted we are keeping the oil, when he pulled back from the Turkish border he clearly said but we are keeping the oil. for years now those oil well have been pumping oil which the US has been securing the export of and who knows what happens with the money, but its not paid to the Syrian government, so its theft plain and simple. they are still the UN recognized sovereign government of Syria and the US is still an illegal occupier of Syrian land and oil wells.

so don't be fooled by Christian extremist, right wing warmonger pompeo talk of generosity to the Syrian people, all you have to do is listen to what the doctors, nurses on the ground are telling us. the US occupation and sanctions is one of 2 problems stopping Syria from getting back to a normal existence.

if you destroy billions of dollars of import and export profits of a nation and then send in bread and water for a million or 2, are you generous? are you helping? would you call that aid?

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