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Joe Biden Thread


Active member
that's all well and good, but i'm waiting for substantial evidence of the conspiracy theory q anon style "deep state"

Oh the Q people are nuts. They're MAYBE a step above the flat Earth people, but then again it seems quite plausible that they may be one in the same. I can't remember a single Q prediction that actually worked out as claimed.

That said, we have Epstein being murdered in his cell; we have a long history of evidence of people like him being used to control people in power. J. Edgar Hoover had a rivalry going with the mob to see who could hold more dirt over the other. Operation Underworld brought all of them together in a substantial way. I would contend that not only is it likely that organized crime is a major part of government these days, but that there's also a long chain of evidence regarding that as well. Isn't it strange how the Jewish and Irish mafias both just sort of evaporated for the most part after WW2? Isn't it strange that gangsters were directly involved in the McCarthy hearings?

The problem is though that we have a mountain of jumbled bits of evidence that our government is basically feral, and yet the resources needed to truly investigate most of it would strain even a large law enforcement agency. Its still pretty hard not to have serious misgivings about the state of our union(which was never very healthy to begin with). I may not be able to name every conspiracy out there, but I think it would be naive to assume they don't exist. The craziest thing about the "deep state" narrative in my opinion is that it represents an over-simplified and unified oligarchy that just isn't real. The rich aren't all in one unified club, but they do share many common interests and goals with each other. Basically they fight among each other for who gets to push the rest of us around. Call it what you will, but its definitely a broken system.


Active member
I think folks like you that label someone a psychopath for doing her job should look in the mirror. I also think Americans who hold cops, prosecutors, judges, etc, in contempt for enforcing laws created by our politicians, are misplacing their judgment. We should always hold the law makers more accountable than the enforcers. The laws can and should be changed. If they won’t do their jobs, we the people should fire them and change the laws to reduce the people’s unfavorable interactions with law enforcement. The man won’t be prosecuting peeps in Oregon for a lot of drug offenses. Power to the people!
I hear There’s a whole lotta psychopath CEO’s in charge of our corporations. Ain’t capitalism and democracy great?

They should ALL be held accountable.
(Cop or district attorney or legislator) ur a scumbag in my book and I wouldn’t go out of my way to save any of em from the hangman’s noose
If ur job is to perpetrate violence on peaceful people then you should get a new job


Hello all,

The tears are exquisite,
more please.....buahahahahahahaha





Well-known member
I hope he pardons Edward Snowden (And any other whistleblower currently caged or in exile from prosecution)
(Snowden was the hero who made public the mass surveillance programs the nsa/cia were Illegally perpetrating on the American people)

anyone that did not assume Big Brother has been watching since at least the late 1950s is a moron. they just got better at it with better technology. own a cell phone? they know where you are in real time. Patriot Act just gave them more political cover for their bullshit. Snowden is the ultimate Captain Obvious... :biglaugh:


ICMag Donor
I'd like to see the charade continue right to the end when security escorts him out.

Maybe they could throw his stuff out in the front lawn of the White House too.


Well-known member
I'd like to see the charade continue right to the end when security escorts him out.

Maybe they could throw his stuff out in the front lawn of the White House too.

i want to see him wrapped in saran wrap to a 2 wheel furniture dolly & rolled out the door like the character in "silence of the lambs" with a spit-mask over his face to keep him from biting anyone, lol... could we film Melania setting his clothes/hair styling material on fire in the front lawn? :whee:


ICMag Donor
i want to see him wrapped in saran wrap to a 2 wheel furniture dolly & rolled out the door like the character in "silence of the lambs" with a spit-mask over his face to keep him from biting anyone, lol... could we film Melania setting his clothes/hair styling material on fire in the front lawn? :whee:

The narcissist sociopath will never believe that he is a looser and will continue to troll Biden through the term.

Even if he's trolling from the can.


Well-known member
The narcissist sociopath will never believe that he is a looser and will continue to troll Biden through the term.

Even if he's trolling from the can.
maybe he'll be in the same cell with his lawyer, and Rudy can give him spelling lessons...:biglaugh:


ICMag Donor
maybe he'll be in the same cell with his lawyer, and Rudy can give him spelling lessons...:biglaugh:

The wackos listening to their imaginary 'Q' will continue to support him.


Deutsche Bank already took a black eye and bloody nose for him.
They have called in Putin's $420 and Orange Moron can't cover it.
DB is like sharks in the water now smelling blood. Pay Back Time.

When they leave him with nothing then there's no denying his looserness.
He'll definitely get some lessons.

St. Phatty

Active member
I'd like to see the charade continue right to the end when security escorts him out.

Maybe they could throw his stuff out in the front lawn of the White House too.

Trump was observed liberating historic objects and decorations from other embassies to take back to the White House.

God knows what him Melania Barron etc. are packing in their suitcases.


Well-known member
Trump was observed liberating historic objects and decorations from other embassies to take back to the White House.

God knows what him Melania Barron etc. are packing in their suitcases.

some of what he "liberated" for "his" White House were copies, and he aint got shit worth stealing, lol. i guess if you don't know the difference, counterfeit is as good as the real thing.:D


ICMag Donor
Trump was observed liberating historic objects and decorations from other embassies to take back to the White House.

God knows what him Melania Barron etc. are packing in their suitcases.

Probably anything that looks gold plated. He goes for anything with the cheesey, gawdy, tacky look.

Maybe he will take his own portrait too.


ICMag Donor
Donald Trump 25 44.64%
Joe Biden 24 42.86%

This was the results of Boogie's Poll for Pres.

It was close, a microcosm of society (I think). However, it was reversed, Biden won (74,446,452 votes,.50.5% of the total). Tallies are still being counted, pivotal states are readying for a recount.

Time to move forward and help in your communities- COVID mask advocacy/distancing/crowds, and jobs advocacy(needing more remote jobs posted), food deficit advocacy, helping those in need of food. Winter is going to be difficult.

And back to CANNABIS advocacy.


Well-known member
Donald Trump 25 44.64%
Joe Biden 24 42.86%

This was the results of Boogie's Poll for Pres.

It was close, a microcosm of society (I think). However, it was reversed, Biden won (74,446,452 votes,.50.5% of the total). Tallies are still being counted, pivotal states are readying for a recount.

Time to move forward and help in your communities- COVID mask advocacy/distancing/crowds, and jobs advocacy(needing more remote jobs posted), food deficit advocacy, helping those in need of food. Winter is going to be difficult.

And back to CANNABIS advocacy.

I'm pretty sure federal judges and Supreme court justices will shoot down any unconstitutional mandates Biden tries to force on us.