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Joe Biden Thread


Well-known member
Something to think about, but the biggest identifiable divide I see is education.
Uneducated people have less of a place and less of a future.
They are failing and can no longer pay the rent.
Trump sells them snake oil without any intention of delivering.

I'm making more money now than I ever have in my life.


Something to think about, but the biggest identifiable divide I see is education.
Uneducated people have less of a place and less of a future.
They are failing and can no longer pay the rent.
Trump sells them snake oil without any intention of delivering.

I fully agree, but there's various cultural factors in play that are going to reinforce people either staying put or leaving. I see it as roughly equivalent to when people speak of ghetto mentality. Your family and immediate community convey certain values, you either accept or reject that. Those values aren't always positive or geared towards the success of the individual.


lol, if he (trumpanzee) were elected in 2008....
america would of never recovered from the great recession.

he’s destined for the record books,
but for all the wrong reasons.

historians will write his presidency off as a divisive anomaly



ICMag Donor
I fully agree, but there's various cultural factors in play that are going to reinforce people either staying put or leaving. I see it as roughly equivalent to when people speak of ghetto mentality. Your family and immediate community convey certain values, you either accept or reject that. Those values aren't always positive or geared towards the success of the individual.

Yes that's true. I have a buddy who's a Captain at United and makes over $300k. He's a devout trumper. At some point all people should be able to look back at trump and objectively weigh out how much was truth, how much was lie and how much was fantasy. Even if they are on the other side, I think they will want to live in the real world with more solid values and less hypocrisy. Maybe that's an idealistic notion? I don't see prosperity getting any better for the middle class without some major changes. Trump promised but had no chance of delivering.


Active member
Door knocks at Republican headquarters.

“ Knock knock”

“. Who’s there?”

“ It’s me Donald.”

“Donald who? “

“Donald Trump. “

“Donald Trump who? “


Active member
I know for a fact Trump helped me financially with his policies.

Nope. You just have more experience then you did before. You’ll make good money under Biden. Don’t underestimate yourself. Trump had half the country convinced he was the reason. He wasn’t.


Well-known member
Nope. You just have more experience then you did before. You’ll make good money under Biden. Don’t underestimate yourself. Trump had half the country convinced he was the reason. He wasn’t.

I have more experience because work picked up, back in 2016 I was lucky to get 20 hours a week, now in a pandemic I'm working over 40 hours and putting extra money in my 401k. I do believe lowering taxes and regulations helped the economy. I don't think Joe can change current policy without the Senate.
Matt Drudge and Ann Coulter- whatever you think of them- are conservatives with actual ideologies. Terrible ideologies IMO, but ideologies all the same. As such they've been off the Trump cult of personality train for years.

Drudge has this promoted on his website today. It's from Donalds own book "Art of the Deal:"

Damning. Devastating. And downright hilarious.

We were promised a wall and economic nationalism. We got companies unloading offshore for tax breaks with no penalty, less deportations than Obama, a 3% tax cut for those making over 250k a year and an open book for whatever the International Jewish Community wanted (Golan Heights, increased aid to Israel, war-mongering in Syria, etc).

Thank god this crook no longer holds the pressure relief valve that white boomer conservatives have clung to. Now we can get on to the business of open anti-white racism and head towards accelerationism.

..A good thing. It will be very difficult for the boomercons to sit on the fence/deny racial reality going forward.

When society is implicitly antiwhite, boomercons can pretend not to notice and babble about equality and tax cuts. Alas, it will be explicit going forward.

Hempy McNoodle

Well-known member
I recommend x22report.com's political and geopolitical news updates and also salty cracker on youtube or odysee, for anyone who feels like they are 'in the dark' right now about the election and "The Plan."


Active member
I didn’t work in 2016. I made enough during Obama’s run to retire early. It’s all relevant. The only thing that slowed me down was the bank failures, due to lack of regulation. Regulations protect the working man.


Well-known member
..... Now we can get on to the business of open anti-white racism and head towards accelerationism.

..A good thing. It will be very difficult for the boomercons to sit on the fence/deny racial reality going forward.

When society is implicitly antiwhite, boomercons can pretend not to notice and babble about equality and tax cuts. Alas, it will be explicit going forward.

hmmm, now what about THAT, will Ivanka get sucker-punched when she moves back to NYC???:smoky:


Active member
Trump still owns the GOP, what career politicians think has no impact on Republican/Trump voters. It's why he defeated them all in 2016 in the first place.

You still don't understand Trump voters, trust me any gop member who comes out against Trump will be shown the door in future elections. Trump's policies will never go away from here on out.

Trump will be dead before 2024. He's a used piece of Kleenex to the GOP at this point.
hmmm, now what about THAT, will Ivanka get sucker-punched when she moves back to NYC???:smoky:

No she hates being white and considers herself "spiritually and religiously Jewish." She's "one of the good whites."

Jared Kushner's parents refused to meet his brother Josh's wife Karlie Kloss for six years because she wasn't Jewish and they thought she was beneath them - as Trump's son-in-law labeled the lingerie model a 'shiksa'


Ivanka learned quickly.


...Ward wrote that Josh's brother Jared, whose wife Ivanka Trump converted to Judaism, called Kloss a "shiksa"


Active member
I'm making more money now than I ever have in my life.

I've always made "more money now than I ever have in my life" every year for the past 30 years (with the likely exception of this year due to covid work reductions). It's a natural progression for people who work hard, it's not a mechanism of who's in office. In my working life I've seen multiple presidents on both sides of the aisle; they took very little part in terms of how much money I made.


Well-known member
From a observer's point of view,

Is a dead heat still possible in the election.

And Could this in theory still play out ?


Sitting here far across the Great Water I have some sort of advantage over you American political commentators. I think it's advantageous to NOT know what your words mean. Words like 'neolib', for example.
Looks to me you Guys have educated yourselves in this subject for so long that you're in danger of disappearing up your own political bottoms.
I 've been trying for months to figure out whether Cannavore is left or right ... and I just cannot see which thru the smoke screen of political jargon.
No wonder you got Trump!

This has nothing to do with the Liberal or left agenda. In fact it still better describes the right and the left side of the old republican party.

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