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Joe Biden Thread


Well-known member
Haaahaaahahaaaahaaahaaaaaa! Do you have any idea how many donnie nonutz supporters LIVE in Cali? HaahaaahahhhaAA! Probably more than live in your entire state! Haaaahaaahaaaahhaaaaaa. Don't be frightened little one.

LOL, you try too hard.


Well-known member
ICMag Donor
For everyone waiting for donnie to run again in 2024, don't hold your breath. You all will find another person to push the fascist agenda, but he will not have the cult of personality that mr nonutz has. And the rats have already started abandoning the ship. The GOP won't be taken over again. Not by him anyway.


Fancy Janitor
ICMag Donor
Honestly I think the damage is done or whatever. Republicans lost the burbs but solidified their spot in rural America. I dont think they can go back at this juncture, much like the split in the dems between the centrists and the far left, they have their factions. A pretty decent percentage of the Republicans are kind of off the reservation in Q land, I just dont see how a moderate faction of the party could reconcile with that or where the party is currently.

does that make them the "deliverance" party? squeal like a trump!:D


Well-known member
Honestly I think the damage is done or whatever. Republicans lost the burbs but solidified their spot in rural America. I dont think they can go back at this juncture, much like the split in the dems between the centrists and the far left, they have their factions. A pretty decent percentage of the Republicans are kind of off the reservation in Q land, I just dont see how a moderate faction of the party could reconcile with that or where the party is currently.

You have a better idea than most here, it's obvious most Democrats don't get it.


Well-known member
How does he keep the missus? Does she know?

And yes, I assume this is all speculation ;)

Bloody hell though... I mean if he´s managed to live that sort of lavish lifestyle without any dosh that DOES indeed mean he´s a genius!!!:whee: who´d have thought?!?!?!

Seriously, I wish I could live a life of luxury with the little cash I have at my disposal :dancer::D

it's simple. get other folks to pay your way, invest in your business ventures, then declare bankruptcy. it's not genius, it's criminal. he only spends HIS money on HIM.:D


Well-known member
i wonder if it will become a wise move to have a temporary license plate, if you are from California.

Or just rent.

Driving around the red states with a California license plate ?

Kind of like Car Vandalism Roulette at this point.

How many California cars will have "Trump 2020" and "MAGA" scratched into their paint by distraught Trump-humpers ?

they already get pulled over when out of state more than anyone else because LEO is hoping to find weed & confiscate their car/money. only reason i can think of to fly, then rent a car.:shucks:


Well-known member
ohh, thanks luv.

Yeah I´ve noticed that a lot of presidential candidates use have used this slogan over the years.
What has always puzzles me though is:

At which point did America become sh*tty and when exactly was it totally great?

it has been shitty for some folks since its founding, and it has NEVER been "totally great"... we used to be in the lead however; but several countries have pulled ahead of us in many standards of living.


Well-known member
For everyone waiting for Donnie and his fuck trophies to go to jail, don't hold your breath!
donnie will resign towards the end of December, and newly minted president pence will give him the get out of jail free card. Nixon was pardoned for all crimes committed while in office. donnie will be given a full pardon for any and all crimes committed before and through his presidency. Guaranteed.

Penis can only pardon Chump for federal crimes. state courts are going to tear him a shiny new asshole...you gotta remember, Chump has to admit defeat & resign before Penis can help him. not too likely for a cretin with an ego like his...


ICMag Donor
LOL No, Trump still owns the Republican party and his voters won't let that change.

Trump increased the national debt $7 TRILLION. And we were not at war.

Two ex wives, a slew of catch and kill hookers with stories, pussy grabbing, kids in cages, a long list of sexual assault allegations.

Standing in front of a church waving a bible and getting rebuked by the clergy was shameful.

Hero to a bunch of nazis and hated by our friends in Europe.

Sorry buddy, this is not heartland conservative values.

The guy was a poser who failed at everything he did and now he's toast


Well-known member
sucks for you to be true, are you in denial?

If that question is addressed to me, I haven't denied anything. If it is true it would suck for the perpetrators, but not for me. As I said above I will wait to see how the claims play out.

From what this thread has taught me, my next president is either a rapist or a pedophile. That is what sucks.


Trump increased the national debt $7 TRILLION. And we were not at war.

Two ex wives, a slew of catch and kill hookers with stories, pussy grabbing, kids in cages, a long list of sexual assault allegations.

Standing in front of a church waving a bible and getting rebuked by the clergy was shameful.

Hero to a bunch of nazis and hated by our friends in Europe.

Sorry buddy, this is not heartland conservative values.

The guy was a poser who failed at everything he did and now he's toast
... preach!

his idiot trumptards are a cancerous disease to america...

bitchass traitors!


Active member
ohh, thanks luv.

Yeah I´ve noticed that a lot of presidential candidates use have used this slogan over the years.
What has always puzzles me though is:

At which point did America become sh*tty and when exactly was it totally great?

I think it is fair to say that America was great prior to 1492. Been downhill ever since.:skiiing:


Trump increased the national debt $7 TRILLION. And we were not at war.

Two ex wives, a slew of catch and kill hookers with stories, pussy grabbing, kids in cages, a long list of sexual assault allegations.

Standing in front of a church waving a bible and getting rebuked by the clergy was shameful.

Hero to a bunch of nazis and hated by our friends in Europe.

Sorry buddy, this is not heartland conservative values.

The guy was a poser who failed at everything he did and now he's toast

I think you are mistaken, trump very much embodies the conservatives of the heartland. There's a reason many people abandoned those places. Demographics shift, a number of people never felt terribly welcome in their home towns so split for the coasts or at least cities. Its a cultural divide that has formed.

Upside is its funny as hell how many cool folks you meet from whatever podunk area you are from once you move.


Well-known member
Trump increased the national debt $7 TRILLION. And we were not at war.

Two ex wives, a slew of catch and kill hookers with stories, pussy grabbing, kids in cages, a long list of sexual assault allegations.

Standing in front of a church waving a bible and getting rebuked by the clergy was shameful.

Hero to a bunch of nazis and hated by our friends in Europe.

Sorry buddy, this is not heartland conservative values.

The guy was a poser who failed at everything he did and now he's toast

You are boring me bro, got anything new?


ICMag Donor
I think you are mistaken, trump very much embodies the conservatives of the heartland. There's a reason many people abandoned those places. Demographics shift, a number of people never felt terribly welcome in their home towns so split for the coasts or at least cities. Its a cultural divide that has formed.

Upside is its funny as hell how many cool folks you meet from whatever podunk area you are from once you move.

Something to think about, but the biggest identifiable divide I see is education.
Uneducated people have less of a place and less of a future.
They are failing and can no longer pay the rent.
Trump sells them snake oil without any intention of delivering.

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