moose eater
By the way, Sunshineinabag, some of the 1st Nations folks up this way, in Alaska, traditionally believe the raven carried the seed that became the Earth. Ravens are protected birds, and live to be quite old. Very smart, too.
Some less-than-respectful jackass shot one in the head a while back with a blow dart in Alaska, and the bird was ultimately euthanized just the other day.
Sometimes our lack of cultural awareness, or awareness in general, is slow to show any real or obvious progress toward conscientious living. Many of us still believe we're God's stewards, failing to see where, if that's true, we've been derelict or incompetent in our duties, and continue on believing the world is our proverbial oyster, to do with as we see fit.
I didn't apologize for my ancestors' actions because I'm responsible for what they did. I apologized because I'm still here, and to the best of my knowledge, they never did apologize.
Tryin' to keep it clean, in a way.
Take care.
Some less-than-respectful jackass shot one in the head a while back with a blow dart in Alaska, and the bird was ultimately euthanized just the other day.
Sometimes our lack of cultural awareness, or awareness in general, is slow to show any real or obvious progress toward conscientious living. Many of us still believe we're God's stewards, failing to see where, if that's true, we've been derelict or incompetent in our duties, and continue on believing the world is our proverbial oyster, to do with as we see fit.
I didn't apologize for my ancestors' actions because I'm responsible for what they did. I apologized because I'm still here, and to the best of my knowledge, they never did apologize.
Tryin' to keep it clean, in a way.
Take care.