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jamaican "lambsbread"


Well-known member
That's a really interesting and special cross between two Landrace sativas, Mustafunk :good:Did you perform this cross intentionally (e.g. because of the red colors both parents would provide) ?

Kind regards


Brand new oldschool
That's a really interesting and special cross between two Landrace sativas, Mustafunk :good:Did you perform this cross intentionally (e.g. because of the red colors both parents would provide) ?

Oh absolutely! But I guess I still need to see how succesful I'll be with it. :biggrin:

I hope to have the chance to grow the progeny and explore them a bit soon. Cleaning from hermis and select for flavour and enjoyable high should be the next step if the F1 shows any potential. I still need to test the parent lines themselves properly!



Well-known member
Few Lamsbread branches that have been pollinated with a nice Vietnam Black male, I'm hoping for dark colors from both sides so I guess this will be the new upcoming Jamaican Black hybrid! ;)

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Sweet! I hope you have more luck with your seeds than I had with mine. They're all hermies. I thought I once did a test run with good results. This run it was 6/6 hermie.



Well-known member
Jamaican lambsbread....

Jamaican lambsbread....

Thank you Jahgreenlabel for your generosity. Here is the one I call "spear." She is a creeper and will lay you out if you smoke too much.


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Well-known member
Jamaican lambsbread....Spear

Jamaican lambsbread....Spear

For your viewing pleasure......


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Well-known member
Has anyone done any work with the Jamaican Lambsbread? Any seeds in pure or crossed to other sativas, please let me know?

I love the high. She is a creeper and will lay you out of you smoke too much.


Well-known member
Jamaican lambsbread....Spear

Jamaican lambsbread....Spear

For your viewing pleasure......


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Well-known member
Has anyone done any work with the Jamaican Lambsbread? Any seeds in pure or crossed to other sativas, please let me know? (...)

Wibes Huesos, a french colleague called FlyingLion made Ethiopian Highland x JLB few years ago... A true great Rasta meet, pretty well done bro Flyi', have to explore and IBL this stuff, wadada!
Here is few pictures by Numide thx bro ;)





Well-known member
Wow OvergrowDaWorld- amazing potential on those crosses;

Vibes Roms- the Ethiopian x JL looks righteous and full of vigor.

I hit the lotto with spear:biggrin:. I experimented and took three males (Jamaican Lambsbread, Thai, and Colombian Mangobiches) and made a few seeds with the following females:

Nevilles Haze (Spider)
Colombian Mangobiches
South Indian (beautiful~beautiful)
Jamaican lambsbread (spar)
Purple Thai

(Also, just a few Jamaican Lambsbread to Mextiza (Mexican Lambsbread), Ghana (Ghana Orange), and G13 (Jamaican 13).



Dr. Narrowleaf
I'm flowering a Lambsbread x Peruvian Highland. Some Ethiopian Highland in there too. I made a few seeds with a Mextiza hybrid daddy, it's a real fruit salad I know, but it's an experiment. :)


Well-known member
Here is the one I call "spear." She is a creeper and will lay you out if you smoke too much.

This is what I'm hoping for. ^^

I finally have a mother Lambsbread in the flowering cabinet! Here she is:



After bending over some branches, she is a 3 foot x 3 foot + wide monster I have been growing for more than 6 months. I only cut her back once, a few weeks ago. She is recovering from neglect, cold room, bad fertilizer, and vertical bulbs burning her midsection. I put her in the warm and bright flowering cabinet with over head bulbs, bent her over, boosted her fertilizer levels, and the patient is responding well by the looks of her at the moment.



Active member
Awesome job by everyone in here, hope to work with Jamaican genes in the future and knowing there are people out there working to keep the originals alive in some fashion is great to hear.
LOVE IT! Back in Philly we used to go to these deli shops run by WestIndie cats. One year I grew some of that ish back in college. The one called sesh or sess? idk but it looked just like what you are calling lambs bread. Tasted like lemon honey, There was a skunk plant which looked like a shaggier version of a kushy plant. I made no seeds and took no clones they were lost to history but that was the start for me I saved every MF seed that ever came my way after that summer. The sess was crazy made your tikle defense low gave the air a misty look to great stuff glad to hear folks are keeping those relics going!


New member
I have been trying to find some legit lambsbread seeds for a while. Does jahgreenlabel or thai bliss accept donations for seeds?


Well-known member
I have been trying to find some legit lambsbread seeds for a while. Does jahgreenlabel or thai bliss accept donations for seeds?

Hi Bboyego,

I don't believe buying and selling seeds is allowed on this site and is a dangerous practice with regards to your security. You may want to read the terms of this site, I believe designed to help keep a modicum of security. Most people don't even write publicly about it due to fear of getting banned. You get the use of private messaging after you have posted 50 times. Users can report private messages which can get you banned also. I don't intend to come across as harsh, I'm just letting you know so we can keep this site secure, and you can enjoy the experience here. We love ICMAG.

FYI: That Jamaican LB plant turned out to be male, and I'm running low on seeds. I'm getting a good collection of male cuttings. LOL. It's not a bad thing, but I have yet to sample this strain. I've planted 6 seeds:

1 Dud
1 Male Hermie (culled)
2 Solid Males (Solidly male after two grows)
2 Unknown

Both unknowns are two feet + tall and have started displaying alternate branching. One of the unknowns looked female a while back, but has reverted to the Unknown category. They will go into the flowering cabinet in the next couple of weeks. I may have to purchase some Double Jam on the Cannabiogen site just to make some seeds for the future.

B.T.W., Double Jam has been getting some very good reviews.

I'll post pictures if I find a female.



Well-known member
Hi ThaiBliss, if you have males I think you have all you need to make seeds 100% Jamaican Lambsbread. I don't remember if I told this to you or if was to another person in the forum with the same problem.

It would be much better with both sexes, but with only males you can recover the strain in regular version :D


I must say I only did it one time and it worked. I will try again when I find another male.

I wish you get some solid females to make seeds from your unsexed plants or your remaining seeds, so you can make more seeds as same as ever.

Anyway, don't throw the towel!

Good luck.