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It's the CLUBS not the GROWERS!!!

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weed fiend
However when people start talking about what laws are supposed to do / be and further comment on how others should run their business or interact with fellow cannabis users, the hairs on the back of my neck stand up.

Keep overgrowing the world.


May I add some context?

If you're in Cali, your dispensary law is non-profit. If you were used to getting $3200/lb from dispensaries, would $1600 raise your neck hairs? If and when you discovered the folks that cut your rate retained theirs, would you chalk it up to their right?

As far as others running their own business, do you think 4x is appropriate for the middle men that cut the wholesale rate 50%?

Some here are opining that the growers and consumers should get a better deal. That's the way I feel.

Or honestly, would you support adverse mechanisms to keep the retail price as high as possible for as long as possible?

If the dispensaries are really doing what the op says, they're affecting your business decisions, your wallet and your enterprise far more than e-comments.


I love my life
One I would not deal with vendors / partners / suppliers / workers that were not square and honest with me. I would not take a 50% cut with out good reason. While it is within the rights of d's / clubs / brokers to low ball it is within my rights not to deal with them. So hairs on the back of the neck up, no business done, and it is their right.

I don't believe anyone is able to sell at 6.4 and buy at 1.6 but if they are I'm sure that margin will be squeezed in no time by better product at more reasonable prices.

I agree with the thought that grower and customer should be getting a better deal and the best way to do that is cut out the middle man, grow your own, share with friends, keep an open mind, and never walk into a D.

I do not support ANY price controls or restrictions. Like I said in 1999 gas was $1.00 and I was paying $400 an oz. Today gas is $4.00 and I'm growing ;) Gas up 400% cannabis price down. The only mechanism I like for price is a FREE market. I did spend $400 an oz for several years before I started growing, now I spend my money on lights, nutes, equipment and the like. If cannabis was $40 an oz I'd buy my 4 a month and shut down my grows. I love what I do but nothing would make me happier than having better weed than mine on the shelfs and priced less than beer.

D's do act as the OP stated and they are just some of the many players effecting this market.

FWIIW outdoor growers crushing tons into the supply chain is a larger factor for gardening decisions than the D's or the vocal non-grower.


BiG H3rB Tr3E

"No problem can be solved from the same level of c
Fuck the clubs. Ship that bud to the Northeast. Regs, Mids, Dank, Seedy bud, quality is irrelevant. It all sells itself here.

Yeah and risk a laundry list of felonies to make an extra g or two.... Your better off to just grow more and keep it in CA


Active member
i guess you should move your operation to a place that is more profitable for you. How much per plant is really spent?
counting 0 for your time. is it more than 25 dollars per plant?

So i guess grow your own and dont really care what the price of weed is unless your trying to pay your bills with it.

If electricity cost too much for you then maybe you should rethink your profession. As you are wasting it if you are using more than 25.00 per plant.
same with Nutes... before there was a topic on how expensive it was with Nutes.. and then the Skill it took to mix those nutes just right.
and then the skill it takes to look at a plant to see if it needs more or less food. And then the super skill of when to chop.
Most likely determined by when the power bill is due.

Trip as soon as i saw your posts i had suspicions, and whatdaya know, your a closet CFL grower telling commercial growers what they should be paying per OZ.

its hillarious how many ignorant small timers are on here.

hey tripinsick if you had your own warehouse...would you run 1000 little CFL bulbs to save on electricity instead of use HPS? i bet you would still get super dankalicious nugs doing that! and dont use those overpriced nutes, just raid dumpsters for food scraps and compost!! totally cheap weed that will be free for everyone!
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Active member
There are a lot of hacks growing. People who don't know that CO2 when the lights are off, is pointless. People who hear that this clone is done in 55 days, so they just pull it down at 55 days, even if it isn't done. I have observed the overall quality in California drop in the past few years.
Consumers don't know or don't care. 'well its called bubble hash, its green as grass, but its bubble hash...'
I was in a dispensary, trying to make sense of their poorly labeled clones. And asked the person who supposedly knows the most, what the SS stood for in their SS OG Kush.
A vendor, selling to the dispensary said 'who cares, it doesn't really matter'
Philosophically, it does matter.
But in the real world, the business world.
It does not.

We need a sativa revolution.


"Be shapeless, formless, like water..."
Wow, what a shitstorm. Interesting that Thundurkel hasn't posted much, just stuck the stick in the proverbial hornets nest and ran, haha.

FWIW, Tripsick DOES grow, and grows pretty nice herb too. He is one of the few people who asked for advice on how to set up his grow, actually FOLLOWED said advice, and now harvests top notch. IIRC, when he asked my opinion on which equipment to buy, he ended up buying the top of the line stuff I recommended to him, i.e. Quantums, Vortex fans, etc. Definitely not a noob, or a CFL grower (maybe for veg), but not a commercial grower. I didn't realize you had to be commercial to contribute to the thread?

IMO, it's NOT easy to produce AAA quality herb, especially when growing larger scale. A quick look around the dispensaries confirms this, lots of premature, unflushed, crap herb out there I wouldn't give to my worst enemy as a "fuck you!", let alone SELL to someone as "medicine". Many do not have the skill set, the want, the space, and a lot of other qualities to make it as a grower, I've seen MANY try and fail in my 13+ years of experience as a grower. I do feel that my topshelf is certainly worth more than 10 bucks an hour! Hell, I don't go work as an electrician for less than 27 an hour, not including benefits. Both jobs require a high level of expertise, planning, actual labor, etc. :tiphat:

My cousin, for example, was of the mindset "It's a weed, I'm just gonna throw it in some dirt, water it, and grow some bud. Fuck all that dumb bullshit you do, ph'ing and nutrients and shit, my weed will be just as good!" When he showed up with buds no bigger than a thumb, with little to no trichs, he stopped talking shit. (He had decent clones and a 1000w HPS, just used shit soil and didn't fertilize.) Oh yeah, his little grow adventure lasted all of 5-6 months. Not everyone is capable of doing this, regardless of what some of you think, it is most DEFINITELY a skill, and an art! :artist:

I posted this in the CO growers thread, I think it's appropriate here as well:

BudGood said:
Being humble is a very great quality. One I find lacking severely in CO, especially in the growing community. A good man knows that he is still learning, everyday, and that there is something to learn from EVERYONE, from the most experienced, to the least. I could go on a bigtime rant on this, but I'll leave it at that...

Anywho, smoke a bowl, chill out, and relax. All the negativity does no good, only further divides us. We're supposed to be a bunch of chill potheads, remember? :wave:


Disabled Farmer
ICMag Donor
I can see that trip as 5 albums and 600 or so pics just cant see any of them??. Something is messed up with his settings.


Active member
The point, Yes4Prop215, is if people can grow top shelf for less, what makes you think top shelf will command such a high price if more people can grow with less risk?

Yes, not everyone can grow the best, but if the stuff wasn't illegal a lot more could afford to give it an attempt.

Being an electrician is much more dangerous than growing a legal plant, which would easily justify a 27/hr salary vs. a 10/hr one.


Senior Member
ICMag Donor
I'm leaving it up to you boys...

I'm leaving it up to you boys...

May I make a few comments? Well to bad..I’m gonna comment anyway. This thread has some great information in it, some intelligent posts. I have been “hands off” because you guys are still communicating. There are some comments I could have moderated here but I haven’t!
I’m not commercial, I’m not completely savy on the entire club/collective issue, but I am learning from this thread, a lot.. I'd hate to spoil the party and close the thread. I'm not only learning about what’s going on in Cali but how our members interact. Please try and keep it civil brothers, thanks.

lol so true this thread needs to be shot in the head and put out of it's misery.:beat-dead
MRK I think I've explained why I haven't done that above.
May I add some context?...
Some here are opining that the growers and consumers should get a better deal. That's the way I feel....
Disco your entire post was interesting, context is good. I believe most the growers and patients I know feel the same way you do, but I'm not sure where that leaves the middle man?
One I would not deal with vendors / partners / suppliers / workers that were not square and honest with me.... I love what I do but nothing would make me happier than having better weed than mine on the shelfs and priced less than beer...:joint:
Hydro..I agree, you gotta be able to TRUST who you are doing business with and honesty has to be part of that. The last part of your post I included just because I liked it and adding that kind of reality to the thread is good and fun.
...its hillarious how many ignorant small timers are on here.
Me inclided my friend and I'm not sure why it is you want to point that out?
..We need a sativa revolution.
A Sativa lover..I like you already!
Wow, what a shitstorm. ... I didn't realize you had to be commercial to contribute to the thread?...
IMO, it's NOT easy to produce AAA quality herb, especially when growing larger scale. A quick look around the dispensaries confirms this, lots of premature, unflushed, crap herb out there I wouldn't give to my worst enemy as a "fuck you!", let alone SELL to someone as "medicine". :tiphat: :wave:
BG.. I think the commercial growers should listen as I do and consider everyones opinion, some of them may be doing just that.
I'm also hearing your comments way too much when it comes to medicine. We are dealing with patients, seriously ill people, people that can be put in harms way and who can have their immune systems seriously compromised if allowed to aquire BAD WEED! We shouldn't be hearing about this at all..certainly not to he extent we are.
lol this still going on?
Yup Trip..thanks for contributing.
The point, Yes4Prop215, is if people can grow top shelf for less, what makes you think top shelf will command such a high price if more people can grow with less risk?
I have a friend, yep..one..he owns several collectives in our state. He gave me his take on the price issue before our last vote. When I asked if legalizing would affect the price of weed? He said "No..think of it like eggs Doobie, you and your wifey eat eggs, you have acres, you could have a chicknen farm right? But you don't know anything about it or it's just to much of a hassle for you to do it. When you can buy eggs for 3 bucks a pop... why go to the trouble of raising chickens and collecting eggs? If the price goes to 6 bucks a dozen you'll probably still buy the eggs..right?"
Well I keep thinking about what he said as I watch the changes here in our State...but I still grow my own weed and buy my eggs!
Smiles and cheers my comrads..keep it clean, don't flame your Brothers..DD
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Game Bred

I have a friend, yep..one..he owns several collectives in our state. He gave me his take on the price issue before our last vote. When I asked if legalizing would affect the price of weed? He said "No..think of it like eggs Doobie, you and your wifey eat eggs, you have acres, you could have a chicknen farm right? But you don't know anything about it or it's just to much of a hassle for you to do it. When you can buy eggs for 3 bucks a pop... why go to the trouble of raising chickens and collecting eggs? If the price goes to 6 bucks a dozen you'll probably still buy the eggs..right?"
Well I keep thinking about what he said as I watch the changes here in our State...but I still grow my own weed and buy my eggs!
Smiles and cheers my comrads..keep it clean, don't flame your Brothers..DD

the price will remain the same with "legalization"(no one has defined that one yet) except there will be more striation in quality vs. price.


Disabled Farmer
ICMag Donor
I told tripp that DD :) he told me it's not privet? I was never involved with this conversation. I just wanted to look at the pics.


Game Bred
so thats to say price will remain constant but quality will go up?

no what i was trying to say is there will be a wider range of prices based on quality.
lower than now prices for low quality
possibly even higher prices for the very best as the market becomes flooded with inferior product.


weed fiend
May I make a few comments? Well to bad..I’m gonna comment anyway. This thread has some great information in it, some intelligent posts. I have been “hands off” because you guys are still communicating. There are some comments I could have moderated here but I haven’t!
I’m not commercial, I’m not completely savy on the entire club/collective issue, but I am learning from this thread, a lot.. I'd hate to spoil the party and close the thread. I'm not only learning about what’s going on in Cali but how our members interact. Please try and keep it civil brothers, thanks.

MRK I think I've explained why I haven't done that above.

Disco your entire post was interesting, context is good. I believe most the growers and patients I know feel the same way you do, but I'm not sure where that leaves the middle man?

With a bit less.

(DD's friend) ... When you can buy eggs for 3 bucks a pop... why go to the trouble of raising chickens and collecting eggs? If the price goes to 6 bucks a dozen you'll probably still buy the eggs..right?"

It's logical to assume that cost increases contribute to price increases. Except in this case.
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