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It's the CLUBS not the GROWERS!!!

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Active member
All this talk of giving stuff away for free is wierd.

The truth is, a lot of people, who are even great gardeners, don't grow MJ because it is illegal.

There are sick people who, if MJ was more legal, could more easily ask a family relative, rather than a "caregiver" to provide the medicine for them.

Basically, a whole slew of individuals who could easily produce EXCELLENT MJ don't even try because of the legal issues behind it.

If MJ was legal, prices would plummet for the simple fact that MJ is EASY to grow. Good enough stuff would be abundant enough that it would be hard to convince someone to spend a lot of cash.

The reason it is so pricey is lots of stress and security concerns and legal issues come with the "hobby" now.


weed fiend
What about you? I did ask you "Do you get reimbursement for the flowers you grow? Is the reimbursement more or less than 4X the cost of growing it?"


You know, I really prefer not to stick my schnoz in your business details. If you were a middle man justifying 4x, I'd opine that's greed. As a grower and seller, you're the operation. You may be subject to criminal implications. Even if you're legal, it's your business to determine pricing. Sounds like you make your buyers happy too.

Not sure how far you've read back. I previously opined that growers should get a better wholesale price and consumers shouldn't have to pay 400% wholesale. Obviously there are different avenues to purchase. But some of these customers aren't exactly the type to bolt over to Rallo's hood to cop a sack.

Heath care costs are closing in on 1/5th GDP. That's almost 20% of our total annual worth. Retail outlets adding 40% percent markup typically earn 2 to 3% net profit. 400% could theoretically render 20 to 30%. For that kind of haul there should be a MD on-site that recommends a little more than, "Try the Tootie Fruity, it's wicked shit. Oh, you ain't got $60? Then here's something else for $50."

Zen Master

If MJ was legal, prices would plummet for the simple fact that MJ is EASY to grow. Good enough stuff would be abundant enough that it would be hard to convince someone to spend a lot of cash.

you even said you willingly pay $10 for a bottle of beer. Wanna guess how much that legal wheat/barley/whatever type of crop it is cost to grow?

if its so EASY to grow chronic put up or shut up. lets see some pix.


Plant Whisperer
You know, I really prefer not to stick my schnoz in your business details. If you were a middle man justifying 4x, I'd opine that's greed. As a grower and seller, you're the operation. You may be subject to criminal implications. Even if you're legal, it's your business to determine pricing. Sounds like you make your buyers happy too.

Not sure how far you've read back. I previously opined that growers should get a better wholesale price and consumers shouldn't have to pay 400% wholesale. Obviously there are different avenues to purchase. But some of these customers aren't exactly the type to bolt over to Rallo's hood to cop a sack.

Heath care costs are closing in on 1/5th GDP. That's almost 20% of our total annual worth. Retail outlets adding 40% percent markup typically earn 2 to 3% net profit. 400% could theoretically render 20 to 30%. For that kind of haul there should be a MD on-site that recommends a little more than, "Try the Tootie Fruity, it's wicked shit. Oh, you ain't got $60? Then here's something else for $50."

I agree with you. But thats my opinion :2cents:

The budtender is not who I'm talking about...

You can't fault them for it though... Its common sense to buy low and sell high :ying:

When growers sellout and dont give a shit about the others around them... It makes life hard...

I would guess thats why they give allotments for tobacco growers...

So a bunch of goofballs dont overgrow and drop the price...

Everybody still makes a living... :ying:


weed fiend
you even said you willingly pay $10 for a bottle of beer. Wanna guess how much that legal wheat/barley/whatever type of crop it is cost to grow?

if its so EASY to grow chronic put up or shut up. lets see some pix.

Don't take it personal. "Easy" is relative.


weed fiend
I agree with you. But thats my opinion :2cents:

The budtender is not who I'm talking about...

You can't fault them for it though... Its common sense to buy low and sell high :ying:

When growers sellout and dont give a shit about the others around them... It makes life hard...

I would guess thats why they give allotments for tobacco growers...

So a bunch of goofballs dont overgrow and drop the price...

Everybody still makes a living... :ying:

Well said. Even non-profits can't operate at a loss unless somebody's losing their own money. I'm actually glad that we have dispensaries in mmj states. But a particular state, set up as non-profit somehow translates to 400% markup. Reminds me of defense contractors.

rant off


Game Bred
All this talk of giving stuff away for free is wierd.

The truth is, a lot of people, who are even great gardeners, don't grow MJ because it is illegal.

There are sick people who, if MJ was more legal, could more easily ask a family relative, rather than a "caregiver" to provide the medicine for them.

Basically, a whole slew of individuals who could easily produce EXCELLENT MJ don't even try because of the legal issues behind it.

If MJ was legal, prices would plummet for the simple fact that MJ is EASY to grow. Good enough stuff would be abundant enough that it would be hard to convince someone to spend a lot of cash.

The reason it is so pricey is lots of stress and security concerns and legal issues come with the "hobby" now.

good enough?

lmao your gonna need to define "good enough"

"more legal"

there is only legal or illegal
no room for gray ;)


Game Bred
you even said you willingly pay $10 for a bottle of beer. Wanna guess how much that legal wheat/barley/whatever type of crop it is cost to grow?

if its so EASY to grow chronic put up or shut up. lets see some pix.
never gonna happen....
he aint never done big production.
he said so himself.

of course he didn't have to.
anyone who says medicine can be "good enough"
or is as easy to grow as tomatoes
or growers should only make $10.00 an hour obviously has never grown commercially..
or run their own business of any sort for that matter.
kinda like our president.
never run a lemonade stand but knows how it should be done ;)


I was handed a half pound of what was called shake that was obtained by a fellow patient for less than what a 600w ballast & bulb setup goes for on ebay.

When tested with a can of tane, it showed a 13% return by weight(not dessicated) with solid medicinal properties; I gave the smiling patient my result - he was stoked on his deal.

That did not involve a club, however craigslist has similar offerings advertised often - you just need to look in the proper crevices. Most folks want the pretty stuff more than the leftovers though.


Active member
If MJ was legal, prices would plummet for the simple fact that MJ is EASY to grow. Good enough stuff would be abundant enough that it would be hard to convince someone to spend a lot of cash.

The reason it is so pricey is lots of stress and security concerns and legal issues come with the "hobby" now.

all speculation....you assume everybody out there has all the free time, resources, etc to pump into a setup. most people would rather spend that 250 on weed than 250 on lights, then wait 3 months for weed. yes hobby growing will rise, and we will see lots of new growers, however the core population of smokers will not be growers....you really think a lawyer or bus drivers have time to set up a grow, no most people work all day, get home and want to relax.. you think homeowners want to gut a bedroom or closet and stuff with plants that can cause mold damage and shit? waste all that time and money and grow some larfy crap....

most people give a rats ass about growing...because its not as fun or easy as everyone thinks. i know so many kids who tried to grow a few plants on their windowsill or closet and gave up after a few runs because its more of a hassle than its worth. when you add up all the money you spend on clones, seeds, fans, nutes, soil, electricity, water, trimmers, dehueys, PH solution and god knows what else....its easier to just throw down a few jacksons and get a fat sack...the intial startup costs alone are enough to discourage many around my ways...even for a small closet you are looking at several hundred bucks and 3 months time and that alone scares off most amatuers..


Game Bred
all speculation....you assume everybody out there has all the free time, resources, etc to pump into a setup. most people would rather spend that 250 on weed than 250 on lights, then wait 3 months for weed. yes hobby growing will rise, and we will see lots of new growers, however the core population of smokers will not be growers....you really think a lawyer or bus drivers have all time to set up a grow? you think homeowners want to gut a bedroom or closet and stuff with plants that can cause mold damage and shit?

most people give a rats ass about growing...because its not as fun or easy as everyone thinks. i know so many kids who tried to grow a few plants on their windowsill or closet and gave up after a few runs because its more of a hassle than its worth. easier to just throw down a few jacksons and get a fat sack...

every stoner will just plant some bagseed in miracle grow soil,add water and turn out elbows of "good enough" medicine


I know this if your pockets are not lined with magic and good karma its impossible to grow marijuana. The amount of skill it takes to stick your finger into dirt and learn such a basic low end fucking skill such as growing is beyond most thats for sure. you know the kind that fail before they even try... or more like don't even try.

To much secret magic in the game thats for sure.

oh and breeding don't get me started.. its a super science that only a hand full of people can do and most again shouldn't even try such a hard task.

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Game Bred
if it was legal oz of Top shelf will be less than 50.00. still making more than double what it cost to produce
your joking right?
$25 per oz to produce?

ever hear of PG&E?


Active member
^^^correctamundo my friend

funding local little league teams, food for the homeless, toys for tots, sending care packages to military, coats for the cold, etc. etc.

you have to show that your a benefit to the community not a detriment to society

OMG what a hoot it would be to design the uniforms! My first flash was a big ol fan leaf on the back...then you'd have some parents who won't go along with their little boy wearing Satan's logo...

Sorry y'all j/k, couldn't help myself. (On a serious note, all the above from BHT are great ideas.)

rick shaw

I know this if your pockets are not lined with magic and good karma its impossible to grow marijuana. The amount of skill it takes to stick your finger into dirt and learn such a basic low end fucking skill such as growing is beyond most thats for sure. you know the kind that fail before they even try... or more like don't even try.

To much secret magic in the game thats for sure.

oh and breeding don't get me started.. its a super science that only a hand full of people can do and most again shouldn't even try such a hard task.

There you go
Or you can go with the judgment of luminaries such as $moonshine$,who knowingly states that there are only five competent growers in Colorado.


Game Bred
there are those who do
and those who know how it's done

moonshine does.

but i guess ill listen to the guy who has never done(TOL)but knows how it should be done..


If it was legal do you think you would be paid more?
not going to happen... same amount of skill required to bake a cake.
if you think it takes more than that well i guess you are below average intelligence and it probably is a struggle for you.



Game Bred
So since you use expensive nutes you want to pass that price on?

I say you need to adapt and stop wasting your money

hey those PG&E nutes are the ONLY way indoor in cali will work!!!
you either pay for 'em or steal 'em but one way or another you will use them if you grow indoor in cali!!!

fuckin priceless!!!


hey those PG&E nutes are the ONLY way indoor in cali will work!!!
you either pay for 'em or steal 'em but one way or another you will use them if you grow indoor in cali!!!

fuckin priceless!!!

i guess you should move your operation to a place that is more profitable for you. How much per plant is really spent?
counting 0 for your time. is it more than 25 dollars per plant?

So i guess grow your own and dont really care what the price of weed is unless your trying to pay your bills with it.

If electricity cost too much for you then maybe you should rethink your profession. As you are wasting it if you are using more than 25.00 per plant.
same with Nutes... before there was a topic on how expensive it was with Nutes.. and then the Skill it took to mix those nutes just right.
and then the skill it takes to look at a plant to see if it needs more or less food. And then the super skill of when to chop.
Most likely determined by when the power bill is due.
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