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It's the CLUBS not the GROWERS!!!

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Well-known member
ICMag Donor
It has a purpose as do all things on this planet.. if we are too ignorant to understand their purpose that is our shortfall.
Force?? What the hell are you talking about?? Totally don't know where thats coming from! lmao
That is why we are here.. to do a better job. :)


I love my life
I care what 215 is about even if you don't.. I know the benefits of the medicine and it should be affordable or free to all who need it. Not ruled by greedy individuals who only want to profit. I can't change the whole world.. only my world and it provides affordable or free medicine when people need it.

I understand there are benefits to an Ivy League education. Should it be FREE TO ALL who need it?

I've got a very long list of people who NEED this medicine, are you saying we can just PM you the names all those in need and you'll send out the compassionate FREE medicine as needed? That is really great and you'll be putting the greedy fucks out of business anytime now.

I don't know if you've check the mirror or said this out-loud lately, but you are a communist. I am very thankful that you stated that you can only change your world, that give me some slight hope that you will honor the human rights and liberties of your neighbor. Unfortunately for me, most with your political philosophy have no problem using guns to facilitate "FREE TI ALL WHO NEED IT." Strangely enough these moral saints rarely produce a fucking thing so they steal from many and proclaim their greatness while passing out crumbs from the heist.



I love my life
It has a purpose as do all things on this planet.. if we are too ignorant to understand their purpose that is our shortfall.
Force?? What the hell are you talking about?? Totally don't know what that's about! lmao
That is why we are here.. to do a better job. :)

What is your purpose? What is my purpose? Why are we here? What is the spider-mite's purpose? I am too ignorant to understand, or perhaps humans aren't capable of understanding the purpose of a world they did not create?

I understand that you believe that there is a purpose and I think you feel justified in enforcing purposes. Therefor I took your posts to mean that you would REQUIRE the purpose of 215 to be followed. I also understand you to be saying that the PURPOSE is not currently being followed.

I made a logical connection that you would use FORCE to ENFORCE the PURPOSE of 215. If you aren't talking about using force to REQUIRE compliance with your understanding of PURPOSE, then you aren't staying true to "THOSE WHO NEED." If you are willing to use force to redistribute production then you aren't staying true the freedom of man, and you should fear for the world you children will grow up in.



Well-known member
ICMag Donor
lmao.. a logical conclusion? I stated nothing about force or using thugs. Make it what you like. Love the name calling.. so adult. ;)


Game Bred
cannabis does have a purpose..
same purpose of every living thing in the universe.
the continuation of it's species.
nothing more nothing less.
cannabis has done so by being attractive and beneficial to us.


weed fiend
Originally Posted by DiscoBiscuit
I think it does mean non-profit. I borrow the op's reference.

If one's non-profit is charging 4x retail, they ain't non-profit. IMO, costs are penciled or books are duplicated. One book is public and the other is not unlike mob accounting, nobody sees em but the principals.

I think you referenced hard and that's relative. Besides, comparing a multi-billion dollar cig manufacturer with tobacco farmers (and ultimately mmj clerks) is a little tilted, don't ya think?

I think you need to learn more about NPO's


Sufficient Resources to Pay Leadership May Be Lacking

With lack of sufficient moneys, attracting and retaining paid management also can be problematic. Hard work with little career development opportunity encourages turnover of chief executives and staff. This can stall the organization's work. Expertise that is brought in to advise the management may be lost once that leadership leaves.

Top Earners in Nonprofit Health Care By Michael Randall

To most people, the terms “nonprofit” or “not-for-profit” imply a bare-bones operation. There are hundreds of them around here: a couple of paid staffers and a bunch of volunteers working out of a cheaply rented storefront on a shoestring budget, trying to feed the hungry, shelter the homeless or give inner-city kids an alternative to hanging out on the streets.

But not-for-profits also include organizations with multimillion-dollar budgets and executives who pull down six-figure salaries. This is especially true in the hospital and health-care fields.

Among the Record’s findings:

•The number of six-figure salaries in the local nonprofit sector has more than doubled in the past four years. A Record survey in 2003 found 91 local nonprofit staffers pulling down compensation of $100,000 or more. In 2007, the number of nonprofit workers in that income bracket grew to 206.

•Locally, 648 people earned anywhere from $50 a year as a vice president of a volunteer fire department to $655,260 paid to Donna McAleer as the CEO of the Goshen-based chain of Elant nursing homes in 2007, the most recent year for which full details were available.

•The top of the local list is dominated by hospital and health-care executives and physicians. Eight of the top 10, 18 of the top 20 and nearly three-quarters of the top 100 work in some capacity in health care.

•A recently completed Internal Revenue Service study of nonprofit hospitals found the average total compensation for top managers was $490,000. Based on that figure, three local hospital heads were above average in 2007.

Source: Times Herald-Record
IMO, comparing CEOs, executives, physicians and fireman to retail weed sales is a stretch. Any Gap manager could do the same thing w/o reinventing the wheel at 4x markup. And they probably wouldn't refer to themselves as part of the health care industry.

At least in the sense you chuckle at compassion and sling whatever the customer can afford. You're no more a health care worker than an orthopedic shoe salesman.

Hard work with little career development opportunity happens to more careers than flipping weed. And their 4x profit margin would also be ethically challenged. To most peeps, non-profit means non-profit. IOW, after salaries and costs are paid, there's nothing left. If there is excess in the fund, it's absorbed in the next accounting cycle. 4x is about 8 to 10 times the typical, retail margin. And 40 to 60% markup includes net profit. Wall Street references 20 and 30% returns as bubbles. Sooner than later they pop and a few players rake the cream with a snow shovel. Everybody else gets fleeced.

Although a retail store's typical initial markup on merchandise could be 40 percent or more, actual profitability takes into account all expenses, such as payroll, rent, utilities, insurance and advertising.
400% markup... No offense to your references but I think it's fluff, attempting to justify exorbitant pricing.


I love my life
lmao.. a logical conclusion? I stated nothing about force or using thugs. Make it what you like. Love the name calling.. so adult. ;)

Then HOW!!!!!!!! Sure you never said we'll just send in the thugs with guns, but you never told us how the fairness fairy was going to ENFORCE your PURPOSE. If not with guns then how?

If I am so far off base, please give the correct logical conclusion of your ENFORCEMENT proposal.



Green is Gold
Have you all noticed Thunderkel hasn't posted in here since about page 2 and he's the OP? What are you two-three guys even fighting about now? Certainly not about the original topic that's for sure!


Game Bred
Have you all noticed Thunderkel hasn't posted in here since about page 2 and he's the OP? What are you two-three guys even fighting about now? Certainly not about the original topic that's for sure!
now that you posted that makes four ;)


Plant Whisperer
Then I guess that would apply to yourself. We're clued there are greedsters in all walks. And 4x is pretty darn greedy.

Do you get reimbursement for the flowers you grow? Is the reimbursement more or less than 4X the cost of growing it :ying:

So... What do we do about it? Other than whine about it on the internet...

I have no complaints about the way the market is going :dance013: So Cal is flooded in shitty weed... Thats been great for me... People have been coming to me saying they dont care how much it is, they just want some really good weed... I have been very happy serving them, and they are happy I do what I do :jump:


I believe it is still BUYERS who set the price. No likey big club $$$, grow yer own! It works for me. Alternatively, lots of caregivers cut out the club middleman and take care of their own patients regularly.


Plant Whisperer
I believe it is still BUYERS who set the price. No likey big club $$$, grow yer own! It works for me. Alternatively, lots of caregivers cut out the club middleman and take care of their own patients regularly.

This is the best way for both :ying:


weed fiend
Do you get reimbursement for the flowers you grow? Is the reimbursement more or less than 4X the cost of growing it :ying:

Lol, I know dope slingers that don't 4x their markup.

So... What do we do about it? Other than whine about it on the internet...
Whine anywhere you like.

I have no complaints about the way the market is going :dance013: So Cal is flooded in shitty weed... Thats been great for me... People have been coming to me saying they dont care how much it is, they just want some really good weed... I have been very happy serving them, and they are happy I do what I do :jump:
Apparently you aren't a dispensary buying at $1600 and selling up to and beyond $6400.


I love my life
Apparently you aren't a dispensary buying at $1600 and selling up to and beyond $6400.

Nothing for nothing, but even these clowns aren't getting 4X total costs, their revenue may be 4x SOME inventory cost; however the 16 to 64 doesn't account for rent, labor, utilities, etc.

I don't run a D so I have no idea what actual numbers or cost are, I only point out that even in a super great buy 16 sell 64 they still have other exps.

On the subject of GREED, anyone else notice In-n-Out burgers cost 150% of McD's or BurgerKing? How do those greedy bastards justify their prices!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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