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It's the Climate, stupid


ICMag Donor
Denmark. 42 % of its electric power from wind. 100% by 2050.
Yup, been there. It's a beautiful thing.


Well-known member
pre-boiled lobsters floating around, ready to eat. sounds wonderful...just have to remember to take garlic butter with you on the boat. :D


Well-known member
This is what our current `summer´ is like, especially these past few days:
(honestly , I´ve no idea where all this sunshine and heatwave is but it ain´t where my building is located! ) :( :(
All we´ve had is rains, storms, and loud growling and lightening these past few days. It looks and feels a bit like this:


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Well-known member
but the headline reads that the trees will be cut down in order to build windmills instead, right? This means that the trees will be gone for good. It also does not say which type of trees will be removed either.
There must be land without trees someplace else...
Besides, all plants have environmental benefits, as far as I know. :)

Wind power is a good thing where there is constant wind.

To pretend that there are only advantages would be naïve. It is important to distinguish between the good projects and the investment traps, where only the coffers are emptied but the wind yield is too low to deliver the promised amount of electricity.

In addition, the toxic gases in the turbines (Sulfur hexafluoride) must be replaced with less harmful ones, and the recycling of the wind blades must also be clarified.

Hopefully, we will be able to minimise bird strikes in the future through technical means, colouring the blades, etc.

The new solar cells should be much cheaper because they no longer need silver. There are enough unused roofs.
In coastal regions, wave power plants that provide uninterrupted electricity are possible.
We can also increase the efficiency of our appliances; saving electricity is the best way to reduce demand.

In the meantime, we will still need the old power generation for a while; anything else would be naïve to believe. Or destroys the regional economy, as is currently happening in Germany.


See the world through a puff of smoke
Solar panels caught fire





Looking for little pieces after the fire.
Happend this year in June alone of this month when the sun was bright and shiny.


Ship from Germany with 500 electric cars caught fire at sea.It was almost an environmental disaster.

Windmills & diesel fuel


The Logical Gardener
ICMag Donor
Engineering issue/problem;
Build homes from plastic (which work as batteries); with clear plastic, fluid filled on the outside to house microorganisms (which work to generate and store energy); with roofs made with solar panels and with small wind turbines along the peak and water turbines in the downspouts; coils of PEX pipe buried to a depth of constant ground temperature to enhance cooling and heating; worm digester toilets to dispense with sewage connection; grey water community pond stocked with edible fish aquaponically feeding produce greenhouse; Basements where feasible provide shelter from heat events.


The Logical Gardener
ICMag Donor
Engineering issue/problem;
Build homes from plastic (which work as batteries); with clear plastic, fluid filled on the outside to house microorganisms (which work to generate and store energy); with roofs made with solar panels and with small wind turbines along the peak and water turbines in the downspouts; coils of PEX pipe buried to a depth of constant ground temperature to enhance cooling and heating; worm digester toilets to dispense with sewage connection; grey water community pond stocked with edible fish aquaponically feeding produce greenhouse; Basements where feasible provide shelter from heat events.
It is all doable. As Mr Rogers said (sort of); if it's mentionable, it's manageable.


Blue Rhino

Well-known member
Denmark. 42 % of its electric power from wind. 100% by 2050.
Yup, been there. It's a beautiful thing.
View attachment 18869806
Canada: Generates 3% of the world's total annual power output and does it 82% emissions-free. It amazes/amuses me how people keep pointing to these "progressive" European countries as leaders in emissions-free power and yet not one them comes close to what Canada has been doing for a couple of decades at least.

Blue Rhino

Well-known member
Meanwhile, the UN and other "agencies" are out fear-mongering over AGW again. Funny thing is where I live summers tend to be oppressively hot and humid. Living without a/c is usually hell. Last summer was the absolute BEST summer I've experienced in these parts in decades. We had two whole days where the temps got above 80F and the hottest one was 84F. The rest of the summer was mid to upper 70s and almost perfect weather.
Even this summer we've had a few hot days but nothing like a typical summer here. Hell, the last three days of July we were breaking records for daytime low temps. By the end of July around here it's usually in the 90's with high humidity. The last day of the month this year hit 70F as a high. The two previous days before that the high was only 69F on both days.

Then I look at the actions of many of those pushing the fear-mongering. Al Gore makes a movie called 'An Inconvenient Truth" then runs out and buys and ocean-front mansion in California.
Obama kept yammering on about rising sea levels as well. He goes and buys a mansion on a pretty fucking flat island.
Same with all the celebrities in their fuel-guzzling limos and private jets. It's pretty obvious none of these people actually believe the bullshit they're spewing.
In Canada our PM keeps on dreaming up new ways to tax us for "carbon" and yet can't seem to go two weeks without hopping aboard his private airliner pretending that he's an important person.

I feel like I keep getting gaslighted by this shit. Never mind the fact it has a very Y2K feel about it.
Wildfires aren't generally the result of "AGW". They are the result of poor forestry practices over the last 40 years. Kind'a funny that 40 years ago enviro-twats convinced govts to slash forestry budgets and now enviro-twats are blaming AGW for wildfires. Just seems a little too convenient.

There's more but it's 4AM and I gotta hit the rack.

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